Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Church Service in Cornwall, England once again

 The Sunday Service was lovely and the hymns were of the Sea so quite beautiful. The English are a sea-faring people from time immemorial having navigated the globe and sailed all the oceans in the early days. I do not come from sea-faring families but rather farmers for the most part from five different areas of England. The Church of England is ancient to that land stretching back far into the past and my grandfather/father used to say that the English were descended from one of the lost tribes of Israel. That always fascinated me as a child. When I discovered that the yDNA that my brothers carried tells of an ancient line it became so much more meaningful all of those stories of my youth.

The working room for Edward's material is nearly complete. I just need to move in my fiche reader and small desk it sits on and one bookcase. Then I think I will make a list of work to do and then adhere to it rigorously so that I do accomplish all that I intend to do. I do have a list but it includes everything but I want it to be specific to Edward's material that we still have to work through and publish on the website. 

The garden is growing luxuriously; more rain yesterday; a good heavy rain actually. Lawn needs cutting once again and I will do that until the lilies die down. The trip to the cottage was a trip through green fields and pastures. With all this rain green is the colour of the world around me instead of the harsh brown of dried up grass. It is pleasant; thank you God for all that you do for us. 

The birds are in the feeder and high up above the trees I can see the Hawks watching patiently for a mouse or even a baby rabbit to appear and down they will swoop although with so much tree cover I do not see the as low as they used to be; hard for them with their wide wing span. 

Cleaning day two and I will begin with the top floor of this little house. Starting to look at ads for houses as we will move one of these days. We have lived in this house for more than 46 years now. Hard to believe although it does seem like a very very long time. The longest I ever lived anywhere was the house that I lived in before we were married and I lived there for almost eighteen years. 

Breakfast and then Latin and then cleaning.

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