Friday, July 12, 2024

Four weeks since the last cataract surgery

Today is the beginning of the weaning off period for the steroid drops and the anti-inflammatory drops. Today I am down to 3 drops - 2 at 6am and 1 at 6pm. That lasts until Sunday night and then Monday to Wednesday just 1 inflammatory drop for the three days and I am finished with drops. A whole new experience putting drops in my eyes. I never put anything in my eyes including makeup all of my life so it will be nice to be free of that although one can never know the future for sure. 

 Soon I will return to not having to deal with things. I would love to be able to just write an email; ask for a quote and get the job done and then pay for it. No discussion needed other than determining that what I think I need and what can be supplied are the same thing! As I continue to age I realize how much of a real loner I am. I always thought I was but politeness did on occasion drag me out of that wondrous state where I did not have to deal with people other than employers. And of course Edward did drag me out of that loner state but we did have so very much in common. 

We have our new to us day bed partially set up now in the front bedroom and I will use that for sorting papers and things. It is nice to have a good length to work with and it was either a table which serves no other practical purpose or this day bed which my son in law and daughter offered to me as it makes up into a King sized bed for visitors if I ever have any which is dubious for the most part!

I do find the news somewhat fascinating today as my mind is now comparing the American system of government which is a republic to the Westminster System of government which we inherited from our British Colonial days. The American system has stood them well for over two centuries; they have had many admirable Presidents at the helm with my favourite being President Eisenhower whom I remember well from my childhood days. The hero of World War II absolutely with his cool careful approach to reducing Hitler's Fortress Europe so that the people of Europe could be free once again. There have been many presidents since but he does stand out as the perfect example of President in my mind. Here in Canada the Prime Minister shares the top position with the hereditary Head of State namely now King Charles III of the United Kingdom and those countries within the Commonwealth who still have the King as their Head of State. One elected and one by right of birth and for us it has been a good combination during my life. Interesting really. 

Today is a busy one with picking vegetables and fruit as we are to have sun/cloud but no rain. The rain has been great and the land is thoroughly soaked quite unusual to have so much rain in July but it will save all the plants perhaps to produce very well through now to the end of August or even into September. Our lettuce has been simply wonderful. 

I am slowly getting organized so that one more bookcase in the basement can be eliminated. Downsizing is proceeding apace and I am about where I thought I might be a year ago as I did not think I would accomplish very much last year other than publishing the revised Siderfin book and start to plan the next book. I actually have more written than I thought I would by now as I thought the cataract surgery would probably take up to six months before I was really functional again but in reality it is just under two months since the first surgery on the 27th of May. I still will not begin work on the books again until early September. But all of this lovely time (and once I have my new glasses) to organize Edward's material for publication on the website and give it to the Family History Library and the Guild of one name studies library for the use of the one-namers around the world. His work on the Kip/Kipp family of New York is phenomenal in my humble opinion and I will try to get that organized through August. But I also want to work on the studies that we did in our early marriage days on wild flowers of Ontario and get that published in his name. Also his thesis scanned and published. I had planned to do the scanning during my recovery period but would have found it difficult. With my new glasses I think I will find that easier. 

The day commences, exercise complete except for my yoga and jumping jacks for the morning before breakfast.

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