Thursday, July 11, 2024

What is protest

 Protest should be in writing, signed with your signature and should not interfere with the regular business of people living their lives including work and recreation. Protest behind a scarf to protect your privacy should be illegal since you are invading everyone's else's privacy. Protest should not be during the hours that have been designated as "usual sleep time." No one should have to put up with the noise that exists in these groups during the night. That is my take on it. We took a stand on anti-semitism and crafted laws that would punish for such hate crimes; they have not been used against these protesters wearing scarves so that they can still go and work for people that they condemn so that is just wrong. A hate crime is a hate crime and should be punished; marching in favour of barbaric terrorists is a hate crime and should carry a punishment. Undermining the governmental basis of a government starts with such leniency - no protests that do not fit into the above criteria - no displacement of people's rights to work and recreation; no hiding behind a scarf or other item; no protesting in the night, no habitation at protests. That works for me and probably works for most Canadians who are tired of people thinking they can just demonstrate where and how they want. None of us wanted the children of Gaza to die, None. This set of protests prolonged the war in my humble opinion; there can never be support for terrorists - they chose that life. One is left with the impression that the news reels were more important to them (except for the ones showing the barbaric actions of their heroes against the Israeli people) then the safeguarding of nature's gifts - the children. Thank you University of Waterloo for suing the protesters - all the universities should do that for the damage, the vandalism and the need to employ a private security company to clear the campus. 

Great having new storm doors although they are pretty cheaply made considering the price tag (about half or a quarter of the weight of the doors they replaced!). You can see industry slowly eroding products; shrinking products to increase their profits which some try to hide so that they do not pay appropriate taxes. If we want to have a free world then we all need to contribute; hiding wealth in island nations thinking you can escape taxes and force people to work for less and less in a rapidly more expensive world will be your downfall. Support the country that made you what you are. We need more military equipment; 4% of GDP is really the more realistic number but we need to get to at least 2%. Donate a ship; an expensive piece of land equipment; an airplane. 

Soon time for my optometrist appointment for new glasses. I do need new glasses for sure and have for nearly two years but getting cataract surgery did prove to be a hurdle to that. I was not going to pay for a set of glasses that would need to be replaced after surgery but I never dreamed it would take 1.5 years to finally be at a point where I could get my new glasses. These plastic lenses have their advantages but really are only good for two years in my personal opinion (perhaps it is acid rain that deteriorates their quality no ideas on that). I look forward to new glasses so that I can get back to driving once again. Plus I do not like bugs in my eyes and do miss wearing my glasses and my normal glasses are too strong to use except for close work such as this blog!

On to the day, lots of exercise planned as I am getting back up to my normal level. The end of the eye drops is coming and I am down to only three per day starting tomorrow and then on Monday down to one per day and all gone by next Wednesday. The most eye drops when treating both eyes per day was 18 drops per day and it has declined from that down to six per day today. That is really the item that you need help with in those early days after surgery. I could actually see adequately right after surgery although somewhat blurry but I just had to be a little bit tired for my eyesight to be blurry anyway. But now I appear to have crisp sight actually and can recognize birds way out in the garden without my glasses. Somewhat amazing actually along with having real depth of vision and not just that implied by my brain. It is surprising the effect it has on people's faces as they are different actually. The detail is much more noticeable to me now.


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