Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday the 20th of July

Wow, the second last weekend in July. This summer has marched along quickly. Yesterday I cut all the lawns once again. Lilies everywhere and it is just easier for my daughter to not be exposed to them so much. Mostly she can avoid them but when they are in the neighbours' yards on both sides that is hard to avoid. Also weeded along with pulling out the plants that are coming through the fence. Not being a gardener type person; it is not really an enjoyed time except the exercise is good. One benefit anyway. 

Went through my Inbox quite quickly actually and that is all stowed away until it fills up again and that is usually Income Tax time so a few months away. Today I will work on my memory box and I bought two plastic bins for that so that I could make it a neater task. I have all the cards I ever received (except if I lost them) in scrap books to be something to do if I am ever bed ridden for a short period. I can just sit there and enjoy my cards. Hard to imagine myself doing that but it seemed like a good plan when it crossed my mind a dozen years or more ago. I had injured my knee and had to go carefully and it came to mind that I could do something with the stacks and stacks of cards that I had collected up through the years. Amazingly I did collect something as I am not prone to retain items very much. 

Less than two weeks now until I go to the Optometrist and looking forward to that as these lenses of my Distance glasses are just a little too strong. I only use them for short periods of time. Blood test results arrived in my account and only one slightly over. Not sure when the Lipid Profile was added as I asked when I arrived to do blood work if I had to have fasted to do the blood test (I had forgotten to take my glasses and the print was small!) and the person taking in my blood order said no but they were busy perhaps. Anyway my cholesterol was  up 0.12 over the reference so very very close to normal. Other than that completely normal which is nice. I have been lucky in my old age to not have any particular problems with those types of tests. As it turned out I had eaten breakfast at 5:00 a.m. and the blood test was done around 1:30 p.m. so 8.5 hours since food and the rule of thumb is 9 to 12 hours as I recall. But I neither drink alcohol or smoke the two problem items for older people I suspect. I get lots of exercise and actually eat just as the food guide says not having a sweet tooth at all. Interesting as that was pretty much like my grandparents and my parents. Time will tell of course but life is such that one never knows when the time will come as my father used to say. His favourite expression was "There I go but for the grace of God." I always remember my last day with my father as we had gone to London on my whim after my mother said he had had a bout of pneumonia. I just felt I should go as he was over 94 then so off we went in a wicked snowstorm and when we arrived after that dreadful drive in London I went over to the Nursing Home the next morning and I could see that he was not strong. The only strong part was his eyes as he recognized me and I could see again the glint in his eyes that was always there. Life was still there but the glow was dimming. I spent about eight hours with him that day; he slept during part of it and when it was time to head home (the snow had abated somewhat but the drive back was also something else) my husband and daughters came in to say goodbye to Grandpa and I had told them they would not likely see him again alive. But they were older 16 and 24 and knew he was no longer the strong Grandpa they had known as young children. 

Time for breakfast and then Latin. Perhaps I will actually bring out the power washer and clean up the steps, patio and porch today. 

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