Friday, July 19, 2024

New Ideas

Yesterday great accomplishment with downsizing and clearing up the various drawers in my desk and night tables. All organized once again as they had become filled when we did some emptying of the three large storage bookcases moving them to their new location and reorganizing them. 

We also worked on a Memorial Item for Edward. Initially we set it up on his Google YouTube channel but we will instead move it to mine (although still as "Edward Kipp" as it is easier to obtain verification and permit clickable links. Yesterday we put up his talk on "Who were the Palatines" to the UEL Convention earlier which I filmed at a meeting of the Bay of Quinte genealogists way back in 2002! The actual slides are not that good in the filming on our large video camera at that time but the voice is good. It was nice to sit there and listen to Edward lecture once again. He had a very good speaking voice. Both my daughter and I enjoyed listening to his talk. I did actually film all of his talks and will put them up on a YouTube Channel over time in memory of him. I think all of these items take a lot of time to work through and make decisions on. 

My yearly visit with the doctor was yesterday and this time I had a student which is always quite interesting as they ask a lot of questions. I did share my success with cataract surgery and no more strabismus and now depth of vision is mine. Amazing really. Just waiting on my optometrist appointment as my current distance glasses are too strong (I am actually using them for close work for limited time periods as they are too strong). One of my last jobs working in the hospital I was the Administrative Assistant for the Hematopathology Residency Training Program and did find it quite interesting listening to the students as they learned their discipline and helped them when they asked. We had a lovely chat and finished off with a series of three blood pressure readings. Mine is generally higher in a doctor's office although a good normal value in actual fact as 120/80 is a good result but my usual is 100 to 110/60 to 70 having lower blood pressure like my father. Will I live to be  in my 95th year like he did; no ideas on that actually. I just live the days as they arrive and go to sleep each night thanking God for the goodness of life that He has provided. 

Just need to get the recyclables out to the street for weekly pickup and will do that now. 

Today I shall work on my Inbox from the last year organizing it into its various categories. Usually I sit with my daughter and do that so that she is aware of everything that has come in through the year. 

Other than that this is another beautiful day in God's world and we are blessed to have it.


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