Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wow, the 17th of July already

 Last day for the last eye drop and it is completed. Eye drops have never been my favourite thing for sure but they have served their purpose and my eyes continue to surprise me by what they can see actually. Wearing glasses since I was one year of age it continues to be strange to wander about without glasses although I do need glasses; I can tell that but the ones that I have are too strong. It will be nice to have new ones. Looking forward to that in a couple of weeks. First off to the optometrist and I do find it strange that there isn't a followup by the ophthalmologist but also realize they are very very busy with so many seniors needing cataract surgery. Possibly I am falling through the cracks; no idea on that really. The whole episode was a sort of drama filled thing that finally resulted in my having cataract surgery with after support by my daughter since I actually did really need that support especially after the second eye was operated on. I could not have managed on my own until at least a week after but I had no idea how long I would need such close support. I hadn't done it before!

Cleaning day accomplished yesterday and the dust did bother my eyes somewhat but they are fine again today. Not sure of the solution other than having a pair of glasses that fit my eyes and that is forthcoming. I have tried a couple of different ways but nothing really works properly. Just carry on one might say and I did. Cleaning all done. 

Today I am organizing my two bookcases of books (small bookcases (three shelf)) since I vacuumed all of them and moved them to the scanning/research room. That gets me up from the computer on a regular basis to check details as I write. Good exercise. 

We found a couple of VHS tapes on one of the families that Edward researched (Rathbun) and I shall contact the cousin who has all the material I had found previously to see if he would like them. I can just mail them. Before it was boxes and then one box and now just two tapes but all in his hands. They are half first cousins sharing their maternal grandfather who married twice. 

On to the day, breakfast and then Latin.

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