Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Worked on the laneway edges

I usually clear away the weeds in the bricks that line the laneway a few times in the summer but that didn't happen quite so regularly this year. I did get started yesterday and will work away at it over the next few days. One of these days I will likely get the laneway repaved as it is looking somewhat older; like me I suppose! Still have to decide what to do about the siding which Edward painted. I was still working then and it just sort of suddenly happened that the siding became a dark brown. However the paint needs to be either redone or the original colour restored. That is somewhat up in the air so to speak!

A little work yesterday on my Ancestry Project. I have two atDNA tests for myself about ten years apart. The matches are pretty much the same with tiny differences where they are no longer testing as many points in some areas probably. They are tiny changes of no consequence. But I wanted to look at the individuals that have been matched up with us and put them into my colour coded index that I established a long time ago for the larger matches where a shared ancestor is known and stated. There are several hundred of them in the 5th to 8th cousin matches. I completed that and everyone of them was given a colour code and now the project will be to look at the different matches within these family lines and see if I can learn anything new. Because I have my excel chart of the  1031 matches up to 4th cousin, I can easily use that to look at my siblings matches to these groups of people. I actually have 580 matches within my kit up to the 4th cousin matches and all these other matches are from the accounts of my siblings where one of them is the "largest" match to the individual and I may or may not match but it is less than or 20 cM (other sibling matches include 169 for the 1st sibling, 109 for the second sibling and 173 for the third sibling). The other siblings also match in the same way as I do these "other" matches. It is slanted of course in my direction because I am the first person in the chart and in a number of cases the other siblings are the larger match but since I match more than 20 cM then it is recorded first in my list. Knowing the bias I am cautious how I use the results of course. It is more likely that this is more evenly distributed than it looks but knowing the bias means I use it with that bias in my mind. 

 Today I want to continue with the Siderfin Project and get that charting going as it will take me likely a month or so to create the companion book. I need to work on the Newsletters for Kipp and Pincombe as well. I have a couple other side projects that I can always turn to if I feel that my other projects need a break. It does look like rain so I may not be able to do a length of the laneway but time will tell. 

October will be the month to actually clear away debris in the gardens and will do that just a couple of hours per day in preparation for winter. Although I had thought we would move in the spring I do not think it will happen before a year from now. We are not quite ready to leave and will take this extra time to continue the downsizing which must occur before we do move. We can not take all of this with us even yet. I can scarcely believe how much has come out of this house. I know when I worked the last four years after Edward retired that he accumulated a lot of items that he always wanted and didn't have time to buy when he was working. He enjoyed them all and that is what is important I think. Someone else is enjoying many of them now as most of them went to Salvation Army with my neighbours picking up items that I put out as well. Even the shed in a box has now gone that housed so much stuff initially. The shed that Edward and our daughters built is no longer stuffed to the gunwales but easily holds the two kayaks and a lot of other stuff that we may not take with us. The gardening implements we may just leave in the shed although will ask whomever buys it whether or not they want to have them. As we could just dispose of them. 

Israel has rescued another hostage from Gaza. Wonderful news yesterday. Still over a hundred people missing from that barbaric raid into Israel by Hamas 7th October last in captivity. Not likely seeing the light of day very often as the Israelis would see them and take them home. How cruel Hamas; how satanic to have killed so many Israeli children, women and men and put so many Palestinian children in harm's way by their bloody barbaric attack on Israel. All the deaths in Gaza are the fault of Hamas and their adherents; those people who celebrated the attack on Israel last 7th October share equal blame for encouraging Hamas. 

Russia continues their illegal attacks on Ukraine trying to gobble up land in their greedy way. We need an end to war; to greed; to hunger because of greed; to sickness because of greed. Life can only flourish where there is peace; respect for all peoples. 

Breakfast completed and on to my research for a bit, then Latin, working outside and exercise.

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