Thursday, August 29, 2024

Continued to think through moving in the spring

Although in many ways I would like to move in the spring into a smaller place looking around with the excellent help of a realtor when I queried a property he has shown me that I am not yet ready to do that. It isn't even replacing what I already have that is uppermost in my mind. It is that this summer we have managed to set this house up so that I can easily work on projects in different areas and everything I need to do that is at my fingertips in the right area. I can easily lose myself for weeks at a time now working on individual projects and that is what I need to do. Moving would disrupt what is now a perfect setup. There is some work being done on the house as well to repair a sloppy roofing job fifteen years ago where the roof tiles are still in good shape relatively speaking and I do not want to help fill the landfill areas with shingles that still have another ten years in them. I also have fencing being done for sure in the next couple of weeks. That will be very nice as the wooden fences are both rundown after 45 years. They have done well in actual fact. Perhaps the new neighbours on the one side will not like lilies and take them out so that would help my daughter to be able to be outside more when she is here. I think I am looking at moving in the future but not this spring. Once I have downsized all of this paper then moving becomes the next step.  I can see that now but there was just too much stuff still for me to really get my head around everything. Having six big items we did not use removed made a huge difference - treadmill, large overstuffed chair, fake wooden fireplace (large), queen sized bed, shed in a box and a large garden swing. We just didn't use any of them and I was cleaning them every week. What a difference it has made. I did acquire a day bed in case of company from my daughter but I can use it for sorting so is perfect. The queen bed was just too large to use as a sorting table. Plus it took up twice as much room. The basement takes me just two hours to clean now instead of five or six. We reorganized the house completely and compacted everything into sole use areas where that was applicable. I still do have a lot of dishes although I have also taken many of them to Salvation Army. I want to get down to a basic level of dishes because I never entertain except for my close family and I have more than sufficient dishes for that. I have a lot of gimmicky cooking devices that Edward loved to use for specific dishes and some of them are now gone and more of them will go. I just do not do that much meat cooking. I am not a foodie; I literally eat to live not live to eat!

That being said a lot of the work that needs to be done is Edward's material. We now have all of the tree material back on line on the website that had been on World Connect which was a relief. But I need to look at what I have done because I want it to be available so that anyone can utilize it and I may have used too restrictive a publication license. Need to check that. I still have about 25 boxes of his material to work on and over 50 binders of pictures to go through. That will be this fall and winter's work but I also want to continue writing my books. In between I need to do my favourite exercises to stay fit and healthy. So I do have my organizational skills which I must continue to hone to get the most results out of my work. 

Breakfast completed and this week I did not clean Monday and Tuesday so I am vacuuming today and washing the floors to clear away the dog's prints although they were actually really good and I was able to clean them up after every trip out to the yard. Latin next and then cleaning. 

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