Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A good working day.

 I shall move some of the earth from the main garden into the side garden and perhaps plant some new bulbs. I will have to see where I can find some. Edward would of course have known that but I shall try to figure it out without having to go to far away. Possibly I could order some online. He used to do that. I think the actual fence goes in on Friday so will soon be here or it might be Saturday or Monday, not sure. 

I worked on the Companion Book and changed the page length from letter to legal and it is working better for me. Some of these charts are very large. I still have to decide how to break down some of the charts. The Siderfin family grows very fast in the 1800s and is a sizeable family now in the British Isles and around the world. 

All this typing is good for my finger actually. I can type now without noticing it particularly although it does get tired. But not broken which is good; I did debate going to the doctor but it just didn't look like an emergency. I was careful with it though; lots of ice and no strain on it and lots of finger movement so that it didn't freeze up on me. That reminds me I did not yet hear about my bone density test. I must call as he mentioned probably a call around the end of August from them. I think I can manage to go to the Hub for my test. Wow 79 years old amazing really. I am about to go and do my thirty minute run when they are finished working on the yard. I follow that up with a fifteen minute walk. I like to do 45 minutes exercise periods at a time. My heart beat is on average between 140 bpm and 146 bpm which is not too bad as one subtracts 79 from 220 to give an approximate good heart beat for my age at full exercise which would be 141 bpm. I have an excellent recovery rate around 20 seconds back to normal bpm. Having done my DNA with 23 and Me I know that I have inherited a rapid recovery from exercise gene. But I have run for most of my life so not surprising. I also managed to do my weight lifting this morning which now includes rowing on the new rowing machine. It is just a basic machine - no bells and whistles. I have worked up to 150 rows in five minutes and want to get that up to 210 rows in 7 minutes. I could perhaps go beyond that we will see when I get up to 210. I shall start increasing in increments of 15 next week. Jump to 180 and rest there for a bit (perhaps a month) and then move on to 210. The object isn't to build up a lot of muscle but more to keep the muscles that I have strong. 

They are all finished and do a really neat clean up. Very efficient. That was too bad that I didn't keep looking out the window as I would have questioned the black rods much earlier although they were pretty fast doing that so I might have missed it anyway with two of them working away and there were only three rods needed. 

Time for my run. I do love to run and these hot days one does really appreciate the air conditioning as running outside is probably problematic at my age.

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