Thursday, September 19, 2024

Interesting how this fence is getting built

The fence posts are in and my yard is the only one showing the effects with both of the flower beds beside the fence mostly stripped of vegetation. The two neighbours are mostly unaffected. But then my yard is easily accessible and my garage empty basically making it pretty easy to use that as the exit for the old fence and the entry for anything that needed to come in. I have been contemplating how to redo those two strips of garden possibly with spring bulbs when the fences are in and then some new plants in the spring.  I have to say though this company is very efficient; I like that (I do not think any of the mixup was their fault just a lack of communication mostly because I wasn't reading anything particularly especially not fine print!). My flower beds will just have to survive and a few new plants in the spring. Since I wasn't involved in the planning I have no idea what this fence will look like to be honest. It all looks very tidy except for the forest of flowers on either side basically untouched in the two neighbours yard. I actually like expanses of grass so works for me and the narrow flower beds should come back in the spring with what is hopefully still buried in the ground (the spring flowers) but I will also add more. Obviously the workers are going to gravitate to my side because it is flat with just the narrow flower beds. 

Worked on the Charting Book yesterday and still sorting out how to illustrate the people in the 1800s. These families are very large descending from Augustine Siderfin and Mary (Davies) Siderfin. The other lines basically dwindle out but having Augustine as a witness in one of the other line's wills (that line basically terminates with the testator) is perhaps the most interesting detail in that will. He had to travel from where he taught school in order to be a witness to the will. Does it imply anything? In those days most things that people did had a reason; the people they selected to do things had a reason. At least that is my thought from the work that I had done thus far. 

Another warm day about 28 degrees celsius apparently. I have opened up the windows upstairs to let the cooler air in but will soon close the blinds and curtains once again and let the air conditioning do its task. Actually the air conditioning has not come on but rather just the dehumidifying.  The house has stayed at 23 degrees celsius throughout this heat spell mostly just one day it went up to 24 so I switched back from heating (set at 19 degrees celsius to come on) to cooling. It has to reach 25 degrees celsius for the air conditioning to kick in. Once this warm spell is finished I will go back to setting it at 20 to come on which is generally at 19.5. But that will not likely be until on into October that I set it at 20 until then it will be at 19. I do not mind wearing heavy clothes in the house in the winter and I do do my exercise in the house so do not like it to be too warm. 

Another working day and changing the book to legal sized paper was a good step forward. I had thought to just do a section with legal sized but having the entire book as legal is not a problem. Digital is the greatest thing actually. When I first got into computers in 1965 I was enthralled with them and studied Fortran on the side and then eventually COBOL before I stayed home with our first child. I got back into computers working as a proofreader initially for NRC journals and then private printers before returning to work outside of the home in 1994. Computers are great for sure. They have changed our lives in such a good way but must be used carefully with all the proper protocols for printing and creating as were in place with the printed copy. 

Breakfast completed, solitaire games next and then Latin and back to work.

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