Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Andover Parish Register 2 - 6

I continued with the Andover Parish Registers #2 once again today. I have just 9 pages left in this register and will try to mostly complete it tomorrow. There are now 2968 baptisms, 739 marriages and 2430 burials.

Henxman entries:

Henxman wife Henxman Thomas 1632 June 20
Henxman Richard son Henxman Mr. John 1635 December 9
Henxman Margreatt wife Henxman Mr. William 1637 December 27

The spelling for Hinxman in this register is definitely Henxman.

Batt Richard Henxman Thomsen 1637 October 16
Noyes Samuell Henxman Jane 1638 February 25 both otp
Henxman Thomas Horne Mary 1641 July 5

A couple of new Blake entries that I was looking for - children of Richard Blake (older brother to my William). His son is born after the Visitation of London and he died at the age of four. I just do not feel that this Richard is the Richard Blake in the Visitation.

The Register has its good pages and its really dreadful pages and the flat file shows that very well with its empty squares! However, I will know that entries are missing in that time period and if it affects my family lines that I can make an even greater effort to read the pages. I tend to look carefully though to see if it is an entry of any of my family names.

I spent time on Genealogy Wise once again. I think it is going to be an excellent site for picking up new ideas and information. In the course of a day of reading I can come across interesting bits of information that would probably be of value to others and just seeing names and events in posts can serve to bring the thought to the surface and I can then relay the information. We are just at the beginning though now. I need to spend a little time with Andrew Rowcliffe once again to re-remember my thoughts since the time that I spent on him predates this blog unfortunately!

I received an email about Siderfin and I need to think about the comments. Basically they are taking our mutual line back in a direction that I can not agree with since the wills clearly indicate that their ancestor was a brother to my ancestor and I know that my ancestor's father was Robert. However, they are into the Record Office so we will see what they can find there. I am very confident back to Augustine Siderfin now but would like to see his will. They will likely do that tomorrow. That could change ideas but we will see.

Tomorrow I will work on the Parish Registers for Andover - I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that I will complete the second Parish Register. The next register (3) is 3 fiche or 171 pages. I know that it has some difficult sections once again but I am working forward to the really good copy that Andover Parish has in later years. Some new names are appearing at Andover but still the older names are current there. Andover is growing slowly.

I was working on my Genuki pages. I am getting an error message and it is from my creating my *.html files from Excel. If I take out the text that is creating the problems then I lose some of the formatting and it is so easy to format with Excel. I shall have to work up a solution. One solution would be to put them on my own website but the idea was to have them up on Genuki's website for permanence.

Next set of registers to work on will be Timberscombe.

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