Saturday, August 29, 2009


I spent part of yesterday working on my presentation at BIFHSGO. It will be my last presentation as I find it simply takes too much time and energy to do them. I end up being sleepless towards the end of the time before I give it and that leaves me little energy for anything else. This one is on DNA Case Studies. I wrote it in early July so it has been complete for quite some time. I need to prepare my handout and send it in to be reproduced. It will likely be two pages back to back or 24 slides. I usually just include the slides that have general information on them.

We canned pickled beets yesterday and froze two large bags of tomatoes. We will likely do another couple of bags of tomatoes to use this winter. Our garden is slowly gearing down and the weather has turned definitely fall like. We had a bicycle ride yesterday as well - 12.3 km. I am now about halfway between Calgary and Edmonton on my virtual trip across Canada (I started in Victoria a year ago July just past). I was ill for a while last year so did not accomplish a great deal. I hope to reach Edmonton by mid-September. I have no idea how long it will take me to cross Canada - possibly 5 or 6 years!

I had one response to my request for Hartland information but the reply had Hartland ancestors in the late 1800s and early 1900s so does not link readily to my Hartlands in the mid 1700s! I am more or less ready to go back to the FHL to look at the film once again. This time I will film 1612 to 1700 or thereabouts looking for Harland, Wilkinson and Gray. The Gray family is found in many of the parishes in this area. The knack is sorting them out I guess - there is a large Gray family at Great Driffield.

Today I meant to work on the Hinxman will as I want to send off a draft to the individual that I am working with on this family line. I sent another 5 years of Cherry Burton to the Gray researcher. I do not see that we have common ancestry but one never knows what might surface as you work together. However, the day has passed me by and I haven't accomplished anything on the Hinxman will.

However, we went to Christ Church Cathedral today for the 10:30 a.m. service. I really have been wanting to go back as I used to go to Church every Sunday. Perhaps we will get there more often now. Then a bicycle ride 12.6 km and the day soon passed.

Tomorrow I will get back to genealogy!

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