Friday, January 8, 2010

Jacques Watier family

I made an interesting discovery as I worked my way back through the Lanoie family. They are located at Sturgeon Falls on the census. I had been looking for the marriage of the parents of Dora Lanoie and did know from her marriage to Telesphore Lauzon that their names were Félix Lanoie and Céline Rhéaume. I found their marriage 24 Jul 1878 at Cyrville and discovered that Félix Lanoie's parents were: Jacques Lanoie and Émélie Boileau. I then searched online and discovered that Jacques name was listed as Jacques Watier dit Lanoie but I could not find the marriage of Jacques and Émélie. By luck I did find the burial for Émélie Boileau and discovered that she was listed as the widow of Jacques Lanoie tying the names together. The date in a personal family tree that I found listed the marriage as 9 Feb 1832. I searched on Watier and Boileau and found the marriage of Hyacinthe Boileau and Sophie Watier (same parents!). I moved back in the register to check out 9 Feb 1832 and discovered that the marriage of Jacques and Émélie was actually 9 Jan 1832 and the name of the groom was Jacques Watier son of Antoine Watier (deceased) and his wife Marie Josephte Dubois. One of the webpages (personal family) that I looked at gave the possible reason for the name Lanoie as:

There's a site on the city of Laon in French.

Scroll down to the photo of the train & medieval church. It says, "Laon is a French commune situated in the dept. of Aisne, region of Picardy. Its name is pronounced "lan". Its inhabitants are called Laonnais, pronounced "lanoi." Perhaps that is the reason for this "dit" name: Thomas Watier dit Laonnois.

This Thomas was a royal notary in Montréal and he married Marie Josephte Lalonde. What I now need to prove with records is that the Antoine Watier married to Marie Josephte Dubois is their son. The personal trees I found online do make this connection but I would like some paperwork if I can find it.

I continue working on this tree as I promised to give a copy to my son-in-law's paternal grandmother and I wanted to add a few generations to it before doing so.

I have a couple of other projects that I will start to concentrate on as well now that those long cold winter days are here once again. Our temperature has been somewhat moderated by the Atlantic current this last week but the deep freeze will eventually reach us I suspect :)

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