Sunday, September 19, 2010

Routledge and Moresby

A query on the Cumberland Rootsweb mailing list on Richard Routledge (bc 1792) Moresby Cumberland has been raised. Who was this Richard Routledge known to be born at Moresby Cumberland in 1793? Unfortunately I couldn't help as my Routledge family were always at Bewcastle back into at least the 1500s (from my "cousin" Thomas) and known to be there by me from at least the late 1600s to 1818.

Two of my 3x great grandparents were Routledge. Thomas Routledge (born at
Broderigg, baptized 25 Jul 1763 at Bewcastle) and Elizabeth Routledge (born at
Raw, baptized 27 Aug 1763 at Bewcastle) were married 23 Jun 1785 at Bewcastle.
They had ten children born at Parkhead and all baptized at Bewcastle (Margaret
1786, Henry 1787, Grace 1789, George 1792, William 1795, Thomas 1798, Allan
1804, Elizabeth Mary Ann (1804 - my ancestor), Joseph (1808) and John (1808) -
two sets of twins).

The parents of Thomas Routledge were Henry Routledge (born at Oakshaw, baptized
30 Jul 1720 at Bewcastle) and Margaret Tweddle (baptized 6 Mar 1728 Lanercost).
Henry's parents were William Routledge and Grissell Routledge (married 1704 at
Bewcastle, William's second marriage) and his siblings Mary 1709, Thomas (1712
married to Elizabeth Storey), Margrat 1714, Dorothy 1716 (died young), William
(1726, 1727 and both died young). William's first marriage with children Sybella
1692, Edward 1697, William 1702, Thomas 1703. Grissell's parents are unknown.

The parents of Elizabeth Routledge were George Routledge (born at Todhills,
baptized 17 Apr 1729 at Bewcastle) and Grace Routledge. George's father was also
George (b 1692 Stubb) and his siblings were Isobel 1715, Jane 1720 (died young),
George (1726 died young), Jane 1732. Grace's parents were Thomas Routledge of
Hill Bewcastle and Mary Routledge of Kirkbeckstown and siblings Adam, Henry,
John 1735 and Mary.

All of the children (with the exception of John who died as an infant) of Thomas and Elizabeth emigrated with them to Canada in 1818. Only one of their sons (George) married and had children so that all of the surname Routledge families descended from Thomas and Elizabeth also are descended from George their son. He had a large family (9 children) - Elizabeth bc 1822, Robert bc 1824, Thomas b 19 Apr 1826, Henry bc 1828, John b 15 Aug 1830, Allen b 30 Dec 1832, George bc 1838, William bc 1840, and Jane bc 1843.

Unfortunately, I was unable to assist the researcher on her Moresby family but did post the following information along with the above.

1641 Protestation Returns
Routledge Adam son of Rowland, wife Gracie of the Nook
Routledge Bartholomew
Routledge Christopher
Routledge Edward Nephew William of Todholes (mother is
Elizabeth-William's sister)
Routledge Edward Of Ash
Routledge Edward
Routledge Francis son of James and Elener of the Ash
Routledge George son of James and Elener of the Ash
Routledge George
Routledge Gilbert
Routledge James son of James, wife Janet of Baileyhead
Routledge Michael
Routledge Nicholas
Routledge Quinton
Routledge Richard son of James, wife Janet of Baileyhead
Routledge Rowland son of James, wife Janet of Baileyhead
Routledge Thomas son of James, wife Janet of Baileyhead
Routledge Thomas son of Rowland, wife Gracie of the Nook
Routledge Thomas son of John of Black dubs
Routledge Thomas
Routledge William
Routledge William
Routledge William

1630 Indenture Bewcastle (from Bobbie Jo Hooser)
Robert Routledge, of Cum Crooke
Allan Routledge, of Cum Crooke
Thomas Routledge, of the Kilne
Allan Routledge for a Tenement, without a house at Saughs, rent 3s 4d, a day
mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
Thomas Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Kirkbeck, rent 10s, a day
mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Thomas Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Camellflat, rent 6s 8d, a day
mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
William Routledge for a Messuage and tenement at Nunsclough, rent 13d, a day
mowing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Alexander Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Nunsclough, rent 6d, a day
Christopher Routledge, in right of his wife Margaret, for a Messuage and
Tenement at Bellbank, rent 2s 4d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as
George Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Bellbank, rent 1s 8d, a day
mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
John Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Daplymoor, rent 12 d, a day
William Routledge and Elizabeth his sister, for a Messuage and Tenement at
Daplymoor, rent 12 d, a day shearing.
Robert Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Cumcrook, rent 2s 8d, a horse as
Robert Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Kinker-hill, rent 5s, a horse as
Thomas Routledge, son of George for a Messuage and Tenement at Kinkerhill, rent
20d, a day mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
Thomas Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Kinkerhill, rent 2s, a day
mowing, a day shearing, and for Carriages 2s.
Richard Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Oakshaw, rent 7d, a day mowing,
a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Rowland Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Oakshaw, rent 7d, a day mowing,
a day shearing, a horse as aforesaid.
Edward Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Oakshaw, rent 2s 1d, a day
mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Cuthbert Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Oakshaw, rent 2s 8d, a day
mowing, a day shearing, and a horse as aforesaid.
Thomas Routledge for a Messuage and Tenement at Durtup, rent 10d, the Charges of
half a horse as aforesaid.

1604 Land Survey of Bewcastle (from Bobbie Jo Hooser)
District Farm Tenant (S/F) Title (S/F) Relationship Title to Tenant
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Adam Routledge, Adam Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, John Routledge, Allen Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, John Routledge, Andrew Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Thomas Routledge, Andrew Father
Bayley Blackdubs Routledge, Archibald Routledge, Andrew Father
Bayley Sleetbeck Routledge, James Routledge, Andrew Father
Bayley Stone Knowe Routledge, Adam Routledge, Andrew Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, William Routledge, Archibald Father
Bayley Ashes Routledge, James Routledge, George Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Jerrat Routledge, George Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Quintain Routledge, George Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Adam Routledge, James Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, James Routledge, James Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Thomas Routledge, James Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, William Routledge, James Father
Bayley Crokeborne Routledge, Thomas Routledge, Jarret Father
Bayley Blackdubs Routledge, Thomas Routledge, Jeffery Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Richard Routledge, Jeffery Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Richard Routledge, Jeffery Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Cuthbert Routledge, John Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Jerrat Routledge, John Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Thomas Routledge, John Father
Bayley Blackdubs Routledge, Cuthbert Routledge, John Father
Bayley Blackdubs Routledge, Thomas Routledge, John Father
Bayley Sleetbeck Routledge, William Routledge, John Father
Bayley Trough Routledge, George Routledge, John Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Clement Routledge, John Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, George Routledge, John Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Quint Routledge, John Father
Bayley Todholes Routledge, James Routledge, Martin Father
Bayley Blackdubs Routledge, Edward Routledge, Nicholas Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Simon Routledge, Quintaine Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Andrew Routledge, Quintin Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Simon Routledge, Quintin Father
Bayley Bournfoot Routledge, Francis Routledge, Quintin Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Andrew Routledge, Quintin Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, John Routledge, Quintin Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Jenkin Routledge, Richard Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Gerege Routledge, Richard Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, John Routledge, Richard Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Jock Routledge, Robert Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Anthony Routledge, Rowland Father
Bayley Bournfoot Routledge, Edward Routledge, Rowland Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Cuthbert Routledge, Rowland Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Richard Routledge, Thomas Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, William Routledge, Thomas Father
Crewe Border Rig Routledge, William Routledge, Thomas Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, Richard Routledge, Thomas Father
The Quarter The Quarter Routledge, William Routledge, Thomas Father
Bayley Bayley Routledge, Edward Routledge, William Father
Bayley Trough Routledge, Alexander Routledge, William Father
Bayley Trough Routledge, John Routledge, William Father

I will continue adding references to my Blake paper today. I should be ready to send another draft to my co-authors later today. I would like to submit it by the end of the week. It turned out to be fairly easy to pull it together from our first author's website, then my notes and the work done by the two co-authors in setting up the Blake YDNA website at FT DNA. The question is whether to add other Blake yDNA information held by other companies and accessible. I did use the Sorenson data in my presentation so may look at that but I do not know as much about the data however.

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