Friday, February 25, 2011

Proofreading Upper Clatford Parish Registers continues

I have now completed Parish Register 2 and I am  now working on Parish Register 4 (marriages and banns) from 1754 to 1812. I should complete them in the next couple of hours and then I will do Parish Register 3 which begins with a copying of Parish Register 2 and then completes the Baptisms and Burials from 1777 to 1812. I hope to complete this task today and I will send it off to the OPC Hampshire webpages for inclusion there. I know that Linda and Tony have mentioned they are busy but hopefully Penton Mewsey will soon be up (available on my webpages:     along with the Parish Registers of Knights Enham).

One of my other Blake researchers with whom I correspond asked for my Andover Parish Register so I decided to send it off to her (it is from the beginning of the register late 1580s to 1757). It is a very large file and I have discussed with Linda and Tony Knight the idea of putting it up although not yet proofread. They are keen to do so and I will send it off to them as well on the weekend.

Then I can begin the Abbotts Ann Parish Registers. I am most interested in this parish. John Blake lived there at least from the mid 1750s to 1796 when he is buried there. Will I be able to discover anything about the Blake family in the early registers? I am hoping I might get a few ideas but will have to wait and see on that.

With two King sisters (Mary married John Blake and Joanna married Joseph Blake) marrying Blake men I must admit to wondering if the two Blake men were related other than their children being first cousins to each other. John Blake's only child Mary died in childbirth about a year after her marriage in 1780. Joseph's children are mentioned in the will of John Blake with Ann receiving special interest in that she was living in Abbotts Ann possibly taking care of her uncle. Impossible to tell from the will although one could suspect that. Thomas, her brother and my 3x great grandfather) is living at Upper Clatford (and he is married to Sarah Coleman) and he has three children although the will was dated 1792 and Thomas only just married that year. Interestingly Sarah Coleman is descended from the Coleman family who were Inn keepers at Goodworth Clatford and the Pearce family who were Inn keepers at Abbotts Ann. Considering John Blake was a malster this certainly leads to interesting thinking. Hence my strong desire to transcribe the parish registers of Abbotts Ann next. William the only other child of the Joseph Blake/Joanna King marriage lives at Andover.

Then there is the Carter family where Mary Carter married Thomas King (parents of Mary and Joanna (married to John Blake and Joseph Blake respectively)) and Ann Carter married Thomas Blake. I do not know if they were sisters. There are two sisters Mary and Ann in the family of Richard Carter and Elizabeth Musprett at Andover. One wonders if this has been the reason that Joseph Blake ends up in Upper Clatford since he lived at Andover. If Thomas and Mary King were his aunt and uncle one can see that that might happen. How does John Blake fit in? Why does he go to Upper Clatford for his wife (Mary King)? It is an intriguing query and I am not sure that the Manor Books will necessarily help me with this one except that Thomas King was a farmer at Upper Clatford.

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