Saturday, February 19, 2011

Robert Blake family at Knights Enham near Andover, Hampshire, England - credit to Charlou Doan

All of the generational information below is from Charlou Dolan who is researching the Blake family and has been doing so for over thirty years. A lot of her information is also on line at World Connect. Although we do not agree on the parentage of Richard Blake, lynnen draper, who left his will in 1622 at Andover the difference is indeed quite small.

I have not yet researched the Robert Blake line at Knights Enham, Andover other than the occasional foray into the lines but I have this strong thought that Charles Blake of Abbotts Ann and Robert Blake married to Elizabeth Russell of Andover (and other places) are descendant of this family. Now that I have separated Robert's line out from Nicholas' line in Charlou's information, I will go in and add any details from the Parish Registers that I have transcribed and the land records that I found at Salt Lake City on our last visit.

First Generation

1.  Mr. Blake died before 28 Mar 1527.  (date of widow's will) Mr. Blake and Joan were married.  Joan signed a will on 23 Mar 1527 in Enham, Hampshire, England.  She died after 23 Mar 1527.  (date of will)
    +2    i.    Robert Blake, married Agnes; died about 1542.
    +3    ii.    Nicholas Blake, married Margaret; died in 1547.
    +4    iii.    Elizabeth Blake, married Mr. Mylne, before Mar 1527.

Second Generation

2.  Robert Blake (-1) died about 1542.  He was named in the 1527 will of his mother, Joan Blake. (1542 will of Robert Blake) Robert Blake and Agnes were married.  Agnes died after 1542.  Robert Blake and Agnes had the following children:

    5    i.    Robert Blake was born probably in Hampshire,  England.  He was named in the 1542 will of his father Robert Blake, and in 1572 will of brother John Blake the elder.  He was possibly the Robert Blake, yeoman, of Andover, named overseer in the 1586 will of John Blake the Younger.
    +6    ii.    John Blake the Elder, married Alice; died before 8 Apr 1572, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    +7    iii.    John Blake the Younger [of Knights Enham], married his wife; died before 18 Apr 1587, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    8    iv.    Thomas Blake died in 1597 in Hampshire, England.  He was born probably in Hampshire,  England.
    +9    v.    William Blake [yeoman, of Perwell, Andover], born probably, Hampshire,  England; married Agnes; died before 22 Sep 1607, Perwell, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    10    vi.    Richard Blake died after 28 Mar 1572.  He was born probably in Hampshire,  England.  He was named in the 1572 will of brother John Blake the Elder.

Third Generation

6.  John Blake the Elder (Robert-2, -1) died before 8 Apr 1572 in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England. 

A-294  Film 186,872  will #62
John Blake, Knights Enham, Andover; will dated 28 Mar 1572; inventory 8 Apr 1572; will proved 16 Apr 1572
wife Alice Blake, executor
eldest son Robert Blake, senior, minor
son Robert Blake the younger, minor
son John Blake, minor
son Chrystopher Blake, under 16
dau. Jone Blake, single
dau. Dorythie, under 20
dau. Jone the younger, single
dau. Margaret, minor
brother Willm. Black
brother Richard Blake
Mother Farnell
          brother Robert Blake
          William Blake the elder
          Edward Thirman, senior
          Edward Abbet, woolen draper
          Edward Richardes
          Thomas Haywood
          Willm. Martin
          Thomas Golding
          William Golding
          John Blake, parson

John Blake the Elder and Alice were married.  Alice died after 28 Mar 1572.  (date of husband's will)  She was born probably in Hampshire,  England.  John Blake the Elder and Alice had the following children:

    +14    i.    Robert Blake the Elder [of Andover], born after 1551, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Margery  [widow Stronge], on 19 Jul 1588, Andover, Hampshire, England; died before 8 Apr 1605, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    15    ii.    Robert Blake the Younger [of Enham] was born between 1551 and 1572 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1572 will of his father John Blake and in the 1604 will of his brother Robert Blake of Andover.
    +16    iii.    John Blake [of Upton], born between 1551 and 1572, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married his wife; died before 25 Feb 1605, Upton, Hurstborne Tarrant, Hampshire, England.
    17    iv.    Christopher Blake was born between 1556 and 1572.  He died before 16 Aug 1614.  He was buried on 16 Aug 1614 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1572 will of his father John Blake, and in the 1601 will of his [cousin] Robert Blake, and in the 1604 will of his brother Robert Blake.
    18    v.    Joan Blake the Elder was born between 1551 and 1572.  She was named in the 1572 will of her father John Blake.
    19    vi.    Dorothy Blake was born between 1551 and 1572 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1572 will of her father John Blake.
    20    vii.    Joan Blake the Younger was born between 1551 and 1572 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1572 will of her father John Blake.
    21    viii.    Margaret Blake was born between 1551 and 1572 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1572 will of her father John Blake.

7.  John Blake the Younger [of Knights Enham] (Robert-2, -1) died before 18 Apr 1587 in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  (date of his inventory) 

H-892  Film 186,879 will #6
John Blake, yeoman, Knights Enham, will dated 14 Apr 1586; inventory 18 Apr 1587; will proved 21 Apr 1587
son Robert Blake
son Willaim Blake
Phillip Tabate
Johne Richardes
son Thomas Blake
son Nicholas Blake
godson Johne Blake, son of Nicholas Blake
dau. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Blake
Thomas Canon, son of Thomas Canon
dau. Elline, wife of Robert Canon
executor:  son Edward Blake
          Nycholas Venables
          Robert Blake, yeoman, of Andover
          Thomas Tolldinge
          Mighell Bolld
          Willia. Golldinge
          Mr. Cooke

[Charlou Dolan:  There may have been another son, John Blake, named brother in the wills of Robert and William, but possibly he was a brother of Robert Blake, husband of Elizabeth Blake, and thus a brother-in-law of Robert and William.]

The Ancestry of Eva Belle Kempton, 1878-1908 (Dean Crawford Smith, C.C.: 1996, Boston, New England Historic Genealogical Society)
vol. 1, pages 151-2:
Archdeaconry Court of Winchester, original will:
Ine the name of god amen the xiiijth day of Aprill in the xxvjth yeare of the Raigne of our most Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth, by the grace of god queen of England France & Ireland Defender of the Faith &c I John Blake of Knights Enham in the Countie of South' yeoman beinge sick in body, And of good & p'fect memory doe ordaine And make this my last will And testament in mane'r And forme followeinge
     first I bequeath my soule into the hands of allmightie god my maker And redeemer And my body to be buried in the Church yard of Knights Enham
     It'm I give And bequeath unto Robert blake my sonn fourtie sheepe And two Kine
     It'm I give And bequeath to william blake my sonn two littell ten'ts [= tenements] belonginge to my Capitoll messuage which was late in occupacone of Phillip tabate and lately in the tenure of Johne Richards the land that Will'm my sonn doth occupie And In his occupacon all the yeares And terme which I have And houlde from M'r Cooke and that my sonn William shall pay iiijd by the yeare And all duties as hath bine hertofore usually paid And allso one Cowe one bullocke x sheepe x lambes And one bed w'th the furniture to the same bed belonginge And allso x q'r of wheate & x q'r of barlye
     It'm I give And bequeath to thomas blake my sonn fourtie Sheepe ij Kine ii horses one white & thother a broun baye
     It'm I give And bequeath to Robert blake my sonn x q'r of wheate x q'r of barly,
     It'm I tive to thomas blake my sonn x q'r of wheate x q'r of barly
     It'm I give And bequeath to nicholas blak my sonn x Sheepe
     It'm I give to John blake the Sonn of nicholas blak my godsonn v q'r of wheate v q'r of barlye
     It'm I give to Elizabth my daughter the wif of Robert blake one Cowe one bullock & vj Sheepe
     It'm I give to Thomas Canon the wonne of thomas Canon one Sheepe
     It'm I give to Elline my daughter the wif of Rob't Canon one bullock one pear of canvas Sheets
     It'm I give to my p'ish Church of Enham xijd
     It'm I give to the trinitee Church of Winchester vjd
     It'm I apoint that my executor shall paye Robert blake my sonn the one half of his legacy w'th in one whole yeare Imediatly after my decease And thother half w'th in one whole year next after & Imediatly Followeinge And my executo'r shall find him suffitient meate And drinke and apparell untill such time he hath made him full payment
     It'm I give to the poor xxs, to be given my my exec'r and overseeres at their Discretion the Rest of my goods not given neyther bequeathed my Detts & legacies p'formd & paid I give And bequeath to Edward blake my sonn whom I ordaine And make my whole exec' of this my last will & testament Overseers of this my last will & testament I appoint nychelas venables nichelas blake my sonn And Robert blake they to have for their paines eyther of them Some vs.
Witnesses to these p'ntes Thomas Golding Willm Golding Robert Blake & Thomas Fraunces
                         [signed] john blake [and seal]
[proved 21 April 1587]

John Blake the Younger [of Knights Enham] and his wife were married.  His wife died before 14 Apr 1586 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  (date of her husband's will)  John Blake the Younger [of Knights Enham] and his wife had the following children:

    +22    i.    Edward Blake, born estimated 1542, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Ann; died after 1598, probably, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    23    ii.    Robert Blake [husbandman, of Knights Enham] was born estimated 1544 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died before 28 Apr 1601 in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1586 will of his father, John Blake.

            F-46  Film 186,731 will #77
            Robert Blake, husbandman, Knights Enham; will dated 25 Feb 1601; will proved 28 Apr 1601
            Nicholas Blake, s/o Robert Blake
                     Dorothie Blake his sister
            Alice Blake
            Christian Blake
            An Blake
            Christopher Blake
            William Blake, son of my brother John
            brother Edward
            Willm. Heath, s/o Robert Heath
            Robert Canon & his sons
            young Willm. Golding
            Elizabeth Golding
            William Golding
            Catherine Dench
            John Mundie of Hatherden
            overseer: Willm. Mundie, of Woodhouse (has children)
            witness: John Blake, clerk [= cleric]

            The Ancestry of Eva Belle Kempton, 1878-1908 (Dean Crawford Smith, C.C.: 1996, Boston, New England Historic Genealogical Society)
            vol. 1, pages 154-5:
            Consistory Court of Winchester, original will:
            In the name of God Amen.  The xxvth daie of Februarye in the yeare of o'r Lord God 1601.  I Robert Blake of the p'ishe of kinghts Enham w'th in the Countie of South't, husbandmand being sick in bodie but thancks be given to almightie God in good & p'fect remembrance doe make & ordeine this my last will & Testament in manner & forme following.
                 Imprimis I Commit my soule into the handes of almightie God throughe Jesus Christ my saviour & Redemer And my bodie to be buryed in the Church yarde of Knights Enham in hope of resurrection to eternall life according to godds holie worde.
                 It' I give to the trynitie Church of Winton iis
                 It' I give to Enham Chuirch vs
                 It' I give to the poore people of Enham vs And to the poore of Andover vs
                 It' I give & bequeath to Nicholas blake the sonn of Robert blake twentie shillings
                 It' to Dorothie Blake his sister xxs
                 It' I give to Alice blake xxs
                 It' I give to Christian & An blake each of them xxs
                 It' I give to Christofer blake xxs
                 It' I give & bequeath to each of Will'm mundies children of Woodhouse xxs A peece.
                 It' I give to Willm heath the sonn of Robert heath xxs
                 It' my brother Willm owes me ten pound of lawfull Englishe money & my will is that he shall have & use the same during his natural life And after his decease my will is that six poundes of the saide xs shalbe paide to three of Robert Canons Sonnes of long p'ishe if thei be then living
                 It' I give the other foure pounde to Willm Blake the sonn of my brother John If the said Willm be then living.
    +24    iii.    William Blake [yeoman, of Perwell, Andover], born estimated 1546, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Agnes; died about 1607.
    25    iv.    Thomas Blake was born estimated 1548 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1586 will of his father, John Blake.
    +26    v.    Nicholas Blake [husbandman, of Charlton, Andover], born estimated 1550, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Dorothy; died before 1 Mar 1586/87, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    +27    vi.    Elizabeth Blake, born estimated 1552, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Robert Blake; died before 8 Aug 1608, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    +28    vii.    Elenor or Hellyn or Elline Blake, born estimated 1554, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Robert Canon, before 1584.

9.  William Blake [yeoman, of Perwell, Andover] (Robert-2, -1) died before 22 Sep 1607 in Perwell, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was born probably in Hampshire,  England.  He was named in the 1542 will of his father and in the 1572 will of brother John Blake the Elder.

F-299  Film 186,734 will #68
William Blake, yeoman, Perwell, Andover, will dated 8 Sep 1607; will proved 22 Sep 1607
wife Agnes Blake, executor
brother John Blake
godson Xopher [= Christopher] Blake
godson Willia. Figges
Joane Thurma.
Eedith Thurman
Robert, s/o Matthew Cannon
Richard Canno.
Edward Blake
Agnes Thurman
John, s/o Edward Hewett
John Tomes the younger
Willia. Byrde
          Thomas Noyes
          John Franncis

William Blake [yeoman, of Perwell, Andover] and Agnes were married.  Agnes died after 8 Sep 1607.  (date of husband's will)

Fourth Generation

14.  Robert Blake the Elder [of Andover] (John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born after 1551 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died sine prole before 8 Apr 1605 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1572 will of his father John Blake.

Andover Parish Register
1588.  Robert Blake to margeriye Stronge, widdow the 19 J[uly] [entries above & below this entry were in July]

I-1049  Film 186,894 will #5
Robert Blake, victualer, Andover; will dated 7 Mar 1604; will proved 8 Apr 1605
godson Edword Blacke, executor, of Charlton
brother Robart Blake of Enham
tenant Robart Deccox
cousin John Blacke of Charlton
Mr. Cooke of Caninges
Niclas Blacke of Enham
Thomas Noyase the younger
Richard Vinibell, gentleman
Richard Poope
goddaughter Dorritie Scvllard
brother Cristifar Blacke of Hamtvn
Robart Blake of Pantvn
daughter of John Cobes of Hatherden
wife Margrey, executor
          Thomas Noyese, yeoman, of Charlton
          Thomas Stanniford, clothier

Robert Blake the Elder [of Andover] and Margery  [widow Stronge] were married on 19 Jul 1588 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Margery  [widow Stronge] died before 8 Dec 1609 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was buried on 8 Dec 1609 in Andover, Hampshire, England.

16.  John Blake [of Upton] (John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born between 1551 and 1572 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died before 25 Feb 1605 in Upton, Hurstborne Tarrant, Hampshire, England. 

I-1049  Film 186,894 will #6
John Blake, yeoman, of Upton, Hurstborne Tarrant, Hants; will dated 11 Feb 1604; inventory 25 Feb 1605; will proved 8 Apr 1605
daughter Agnes
daughter Christian
daughter Elizabeth
executor: son John, single
          brother Robert Blake of Enham
          brother Robert Blake of Andover
          Thomas North
appraiser:  John Piper
          Willm. Richardson, vicar
          Robert Blake, senior
          Robert Blake, junior

John Blake [of Upton] and his wife were married.  His wife died before 11 Feb 1604 probably in Hampshire,  England.  (not named in husband's will)  She was born probably in Hampshire,  England.  John Blake [of Upton] and his wife had the following children:

    40    i.    Agnes Blake was born probably in Upton, Hurstborne Tarrant, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1605 will of her father John Blake.
    41    ii.    Christian Blake was born probably in Upton, Hurstborne Tarrant, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1605 will of her father John Blake.
    42    iii.    Elizabeth Blake was born probably in Upton, Hurstborne Tarrant, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1605 will of her father John Blake.
    43    iv.    John Blake was born probably in Upton, Hurstborne Tarrant, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1605 will of his father John Blake.

22.  Edward Blake (John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born estimated 1542 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died after 1598 probably in Andover, Hampshire, England.  (in the 1598 subsidy roll)  He was named in the 1586 will of his father, John Blake, in the 1587 will of his brother Nicholas Blake, and in the 1601 will of his brother Robert Blake.

Edward Blake and Ann were married.  Ann died before 3 Jul 1605 probably in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was buried on 3 Jul 1605 in Andover, Hampshire, England.

24.  William Blake [yeoman, of Perwell, Andover] (John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born estimated 1546 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died about 1607.  He was named in the 1586 will of his father, John Blake.

His will was dated 1607. 

William Blake [yeoman, of Perwell, Andover] and Agnes were married.  Agnes was born probably in Hampshire,  England.

26.  Nicholas Blake [husbandman, of Charlton, Andover] (John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born estimated 1550 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died before 1 Mar 1586/87 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was buried on 1 Mar 1586/87 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1586 will of his father, John Blake.

H-892  Film 186,879 will #7
Nycholas Blake, husbandman, of Charlton, Andover; will dated 1587(?); inventory 9 Mar 1586(?); will proved 21 Apr 1587
son John Blake, under 21
son Edward Blake, under 21
daughter Marye Blake, under 21
wife Dorytie, executor
          brother Edward Blake
          brother-in-law Rob'rd Blake, yeoman
          John Franses
          Edward Blake
          William Copper
          Robe't Blake of Kings Enham
          James Sanborn, vicar
          William Mandfilde

J-1129  Film 186,912 #41
Thomas Noyes the elder, yeoman, Charlton, Andover; will dated 15 May 1623; inventory 6 Jul 1627; will proved 10 Jul 1627
wife Dorothy
eldest son Peter Noyes
executor:  younger son Thomas Noyes
William, Lord Sandes
Sir Edward Barret, Knight
daughter Ann Francis
daughter Dorothy Waterman
son Edward Blake [= step-son]
daughter-in-law Marie Scullard [= step-daughter]
nephew John Frances
          brother Mr. Peter Noyes
          cousin Mr. William Noyes of Ramridge
          son-in-law John Blake [= step-son]
[o.b.] Georgius Powlett, merchant of Southampton
appraiser:  Mr. Ralph South
          Edward Thurman
          John James
          Edward Cobb of Hatherden
          John Munday of Hatherden
          Peter Noyes
          Peter Noyes the elder
witness:  John Mercer

"English Ancestry of Peter Noyes", NEHGR, July 1998.
Thomas was the youngest son of Peter Noyes, the lord of Ramridge manor in Weyhill, Hampshire.  Thomas was born about 1563 at Weyhill, and settled at Charlton, Andover Parish, Southampton, by 1594.  He married Dorothy, the widow of Nicholas Blake.  Thomas held the lease to two separate pieces of land in Charlton, which he left to his younger son Thomas in his will.  He left his land in Weyhill to his older son Peter.  His widow Dorothy survived him, and Thomas was instructed in the will to provide for her.

Nicholas Blake [husbandman, of Charlton, Andover] and Dorothy were married.  Dorothy was born estimated 1560 probably in Hampshire,  England.  She died before 27 Feb 1633 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was buried on 27 Feb 1633 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Nicholas Blake [husbandman, of Charlton, Andover] and Dorothy had the following children:

    +44    i.    Mary Blake, born estimated 1582, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Shadrack Scullard, in 1603, Andover, Hampshire, England; died in Apr 1634, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    +45    ii.    John Blake, born estimated 1584, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Joan Cooper, on 17 Jun 1611, Andover, Hampshire, England; died before 4 Mar 1625, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    +46    iii.    Edward Blake, born estimated 1586, probably, Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Margery, in 1627, Andover, Hampshire, England; died before 18 Mar 1653/54, Andover, Hampshire, England.

27.  Elizabeth Blake (John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born estimated 1552 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  She died before 8 Aug 1608 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was buried on 8 Aug 1608 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1586 will of her father, John Blake.

(1619 will of Robert Blake)

Elizabeth Blake and Robert Blake were married.  Robert Blake died before 15 Dec 1619 in Enham Regis, Andover, Hampshire, England.  (date of inventory)  He was named in the 1586 will of his father-in-law John Blake, in the 1587 will of his brother-in-law Nicholas Blake, and in the 1601 will of his brother-in-law Robert Blake.

J-667  Film 186,905 #121
Robte. Blake, Enham Regis, Andover, yeoman; will dated 6 Sep 1619; inventory 15 Dec 1619; will proved 8 May 1620
Willm. Daniel, son of Richard Daniell
daughter Anne Daniel
daughter Dorethie Thurman and her two daughters
Jone Daniel, daughter of daughter Anne Daniel
grandson John Scullard
son-in-law John Scullard
kinsman George Scullard
overseer:  John Blake, yeoman, of Charlton
[o.b.] Thomas Golding, yeoman
    Robert Blake
    Thomas Golding
    Nicholas Dockockes
    Mathias Wheatland 

Elizabeth Blake and Robert Blake had the following children:

    47    i.    Nicholas Blake was born probably in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1601 will of his uncle Robert Blake.
    +48    ii.    Dorothy Blake, born before 31 May 1587, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Mr. Thurman.
    +49    iii.    Ann Blake, born probably, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Richard Daniel, in 1612, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    +50    iv.    Joan Blake, born probably, Andover, Hampshire, England; married John Gilbert; married Will Hayward, on 2 Feb 1606/7, Andover, Hampshire, England; married John Scullard; died before 18 Mar 1638/39, probably, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    51    v.    Alice Blake died "daughter to Robert Blake" before 12 Jun 1611 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was buried on 12 Jun 1611 in Andover, Hampshire, England.
    52    vi.    Robert Blake was born before 28 Jul 1593 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was christened on 28 Jul 1593 in Andover, Hampshire, England.

28.  Elenor or Hellyn or Elline Blake (John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born estimated 1554 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1586 will of her father, John Blake

J-11  Film 186,897 will #20
Robert Cannon, husbandman, Middleton, will dated 21 Sep 1609; inventory 20 Oct 1609; will proved 26 Feb 1609
son William Cannon
son John Cannon
son Robet[sic] Cannon
son Richard Cannon
son Mathew Cannon (has children)
wife Hellyn Cannon, executor
overseers:  Thomas Morrant, Thomas Penton, Willm. Farr
appraisers:  Robt. Penton, Robt. Hart
witnesses:  Richard Sharppe the younger, Robert Penton the younger.

Elenor or Hellyn or Elline Blake and Robert Canon were married before 1584.  Robert Canon died before 20 Oct 1609 in Middleton, Hampshire, England.  (date of inventory)  He was born probably in Hampshire,  England.  He was named in the 1586 will of his father-in-law John Blake, and in the 1601 will of his brother-in-law Robert Blake.  Elenor or Hellyn or Elline Blake and Robert Canon had the following children:

    53    i.    William Canon was born probably in Middleton, Hampshire, England.
    54    ii.    John Canon was born probably in Middleton, Hampshire, England.
    55    iii.    Robert Canon was born probably in Middleton, Hampshire, England.
    56    iv.    Richard Canon was born probably in Middleton, Hampshire, England.
    +57    v.    Mathew Canon, born probably, Middleton, Hampshire, England; married his wife, before 1609.

Fifth Generation

44.  Mary Blake (Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born estimated 1582 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  She died in Apr 1634 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1587 will of her father Nicholas Blake.

Mary Blake and Shadrack Scullard were married in 1603 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Shadrack Scullard (son of William Scullard and Joan Mynchen) was born estimated 1575 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died before 12 Feb 1644/45 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Mary Blake and Shadrack Scullard had the following children:

    +87    i.    Dorothy Scullard, born before 22 Nov 1604, Andover, Hampshire, England; married John Hellier or Hiller, about 1627; died in 1682, Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England.
    +88    ii.    Mary Scullard, born about 1608, Andover, Hampshire, England; married John Smith, on 21 May 1629, Andover, Hampshire, England.
    89    iii.    John Scullard died in 1610 in Andover, Hampshire, England.
    +90    iv.    Joane Scullard, born before 19 Jul 1612, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Thomas Hapgood, on 25 Oct 1641, Andover, Hampshire, England; died after 2 May 1650.
    91    v.    Jane Scullard was born about 1614 in Andover, Hampshire, England.
    +92    vi.    Margery Scullard, born before 13 Oct 1618, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Mr. Shepheard, before 1650.
    +93    vii.    Peter Scullard, born before 13 Oct 1621, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Elizabeth; died in 1650, Little Bedwin, Wiltshire, England.

45.  John Blake (Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born estimated 1584 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died before 4 Mar 1625 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was buried on 4 Mar 1625 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1586 will of his grandfather John Blake, and in the 1587 will of his father Nicholas Blake.

John Blake and Joan Cooper were married on 17 Jun 1611 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Joan Cooper was born estimated 1590 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  John Blake and Joan Cooper had the following children:

    94    i.    Dorothy Blake was born before 6 Aug 1615 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was christened on 6 Aug 1615 in Andover, Hampshire, England.
    95    ii.    Ann Blake was born about 1617.
    96    iii.    Rebecca Blake was born before 24 Feb 1622/23 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was christened on 24 Feb 1623/24 in Andover, Hampshire, England.

46.  Edward Blake (Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born estimated 1586 probably in Knights Enham, Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died before 18 Mar 1653/54 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was buried on 18 Mar 1653/54 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was named in the 1587 will of his father Nicholas Blake.

Edward Blake and Margery were married in 1627 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Margery was born estimated 1606 probably in Hampshire,  England.  She died after 18 Mar 1654.  Edward Blake and Margery had the following children:

    97    i.    Child Blake was born about 1629.
    98    ii.    John Blake was born on 19 Sep 1630.
    99    iii.    Peter Blake was born on 25 Jun 1632.
    100    iv.    Mary Blake was born on 19 Apr 1632/33.
    101    v.    Margery Blake was born about 1636.
    102    vi.    Richard Blake was born in 1638.

48.  Dorothy Blake (Elizabeth Blake-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born before 31 May 1587 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was christened on 31 May 1587 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1601 will of her uncle Robert Blake and in the 1619 will of her father Robert Blake.

Dorothy Blake and Mr. Thurman were married.  Mr. Thurman was born probably in Hampshire,  England.  Dorothy Blake and Mr. Thurman had the following children:

    103    i.    Daughter Thurman was born before 1619 in England.  She was named in the 1619 will of her grandfather Robert Blake.
    104    ii.    Daughter Thurman was born before 1619 in England.  She was named in the 1619 will of her grandfather Robert Blake.

49.  Ann Blake (Elizabeth Blake-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born probably in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was named in the 1619 will of her father Robert Blake.

Andover Parish Register
1612.  Richard Daniell & Anne Blake, _______

Ann Blake and Richard Daniel were married in 1612 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Richard Daniel was born probably in Hampshire,  England.  He was named in the 1619 will of his father-in-law Robert Blake.  Ann Blake and Richard Daniel had the following children:

    105    i.    William Daniel was born before 1619 in England.  He was named in the 1619 will of his grandfather Robert Blake.
    106    ii.    Joan Daniel was born before 1619 in England.  She was named in the 1619 will of her grandfather Robert Blake.

50.  Joan Blake (Elizabeth Blake-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) died "of Inham" before 18 Mar 1638/39 probably in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was buried on 18 Mar 1638/39 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was born probably in Andover, Hampshire, England.

Joan Blake and John Gilbert were married.  John Gilbert died "the son-in-lawe of Robert Blake" before 2 Jun 1604 probably in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was buried on 2 Jun 1604 in Andover, Hampshire, England.

Joan Blake and Will Hayward were married on 2 Feb 1606/7 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Will Hayward died before 1 Mar 1606/7 probably in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was buried on 1 Mar 1606/7 in Andover, Hampshire, England.

Joan Blake and John Scullard were married.  John Scullard was born probably in Hampshire,  England.  He was named in the 1619 will of his father-in-law Robert Blake.  Joan Blake and John Scullard had the following children:

    107    i.    John Scullard was born before 1619.  He was named in the 1619 will of his grandfather Robert Blake.

57.  Mathew Canon (Elenor or Hellyn or Elline Blake-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born probably in Middleton, Hampshire, England.

Mathew Canon and his wife were married before 1609.  (he had minor children at the time his father wrote his will)  His wife was born probably in Hampshire,  England.

Sixth Generation

87.  Dorothy Scullard (Mary Blake-5, Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born before 22 Nov 1604 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was christened on 22 Nov 1604.  She died in 1682 in Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England.

Dorothy Scullard and John Hellier or Hiller were married about 1627.  John Hellier or Hiller died on 27 Dec 1682 in Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England.  Dorothy Scullard and John Hellier or Hiller had the following children:

    +157    i.    John Hellier or Hiller, born about 1628, Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England; married Mary Grace, on 1 Nov 1652, Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England; died on 20 Nov 1681, Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England.

88.  Mary Scullard (Mary Blake-5, Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born about 1608 in Andover, Hampshire, England.

Mary Scullard and John Smith were married on 21 May 1629 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  John Smith was born in England.

90.  Joane Scullard (Mary Blake-5, Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born before 19 Jul 1612 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was christened on 19 Jul 1612 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She died after 2 May 1650. 

NEHGR 150:  "Dorothy ___, the Key in Our Search for Shadrack Hapgood" (Paul C. Reed and Dean Crawford Smith)
Archdeaconry of Winchester, registered wills, v. A6, 1674-1676, f. 161:
          In the name of God Amen, the Fourteenth day of January 1666.  I Thomas Hopgood of Kings Hatherden in the p'ish of Andover in the County of South'ton yeoman being... in perfect memory doe make ... my last will ... in manner & forme Following First I bequeath my soule to God my maker & to Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour & redeemer & my Body to the earth ... And as for my worldly goods ... Imprimis Is give unto my sonne John Hopgood all my Free Land ... imediately after my decease & ... if my sonne John Hopgood shall dye haveing noe Child ... [John's] wife ... shall have & enioye my Free Land during her life leaving the howse & premisses in good & Tennant like repaire & ... after the death of such wife ... my land shall remayne to my sonne Thomas Hapgood ...  Item I give unto my sonne John Hopgood one halfe of all my goods & Chattles now in my possession unbequeathed ... Item I give unto my sonne Thomas Hopgood tenn pounds to be paid unto him on or upon the eighth day of November next & Twenty pounds more the eighth day of November which shalbee in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hudred sixty &  nyne or within three moneths after my decease if please God I shall dye within Two yeares ... item I give unto my sonne Thomas Hoopgood my least Feather bedd one paire of Blanketts, one Lockram sheete one Canvas sheet one pillow & two Lockram pilloytyes ... six ewe sheepe two stocks of Bees the little brass pott & one Coffer.  Item I tive unto my sonne Shadrack Hopgood in New England One shilling ... All the rest of my goods & Chattles I give unto my loveing sonne John Hopgood abovesaid whome I doe make my full & whole Executor of this my last will & Testam't.  And I doe desire my sones to live in love & peace that the blessing of the God of peace may be with them.  And I doe desire my loveing Brother Edward Hopgood of Chute & my loveing Friend William Legate of Charleton to be my overseers of of [sic] this my last will & Testam't ... the Mark of the Testator Thomas Hopgood.  Signed sealed 7 published by the sayd Thomas Hopgood in the presence of us.  John: Grace.  Thomas Lewnden.
[will probed 2 Mar 1674/5]

Joane Scullard and Thomas Hapgood were married on 25 Oct 1641 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Thomas Hapgood (son of Richard Hapgood and Hellenor Earle) was born about 1598 in Chute, Wiltshire, England.  He died before 2 Mar 1673/74 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  Joane Scullard and Thomas Hapgood had the following children:

    +158    i.    Shadrack Hapgood, born about 1642, Andover, Hampshire, England; married Elizabeth Treadway, on 21 Oct 1664, Sudbury, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts.
    159    ii.    Luke Hapgood died in 1645 in Andover, Hampshire, England.

92.  Margery Scullard (Mary Blake-5, Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born before 13 Oct 1618 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  She was christened on 13 Oct 1618 in Andover, Hampshire, England.

Margery Scullard and Mr. Shepheard were married before 1650.  Mr. Shepheard was born in England.

93.  Peter Scullard (Mary Blake-5, Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born before 13 Oct 1621 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He was christened on 13 Oct 1621 in Andover, Hampshire, England.  He died in 1650 in Little Bedwin, Wiltshire, England.

Peter Scullard and Elizabeth were married.  Elizabeth was born in England.

Seventh Generation

157.  John Hellier or Hiller (Dorothy Scullard-6, Mary Blake-5, Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born about 1628 in Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England.  He died on 20 Nov 1681 in Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England.

John Hellier or Hiller and Mary Grace were married on 1 Nov 1652 in Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England.  Mary Grace was born about 1630.  She died on 25 Nov 1681 in Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England.

158.  Shadrack Hapgood (Joane Scullard-6, Mary Blake-5, Nicholas-4, John-3, Robert-2, -1) was born about 1642 in Andover, Hampshire, England. 

Shadrach came over from England in 1656 on the ship the Speedwell at the age of fourteen with his uncle Peter Noyes. (or Haynes) to Boston, Mass.  Soon after moved to Sudbury Mass. where he had a cousin Thomas Haynes.  Married Elizabeth Treadway.  Raised a family and died at Wikabaug Pond, Brookfield, Mass.  Was killed by the Indians during the King Phillips War.

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