Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tour of England, Scotland, and Wales April-May 2008

My husband and I have been putting together powerpoint presentations of our trips to Europe the last couple of years and our Atlantic Maritimes this past summer. Occasionally I am finding some really good genealogical information hidden in our slides that I had forgotten we had taken. At Durham there is a beautifully framed list of the Bishops, Priors and Deans at the Cathedral and I attach an image herewith. I wanted to try out adding images to my blog along with the transcriptions. The transcription of this particular image is already available on the web.I must improve my image taking to ensure that I have the entire frame of a picture in my lens! this is a beautiful display of the Bishops, Priors and Deans of Durham Cathedral.

The image came in quite readily and I will now add images on occasion to my blog. The image of particular churches that we visited are nice to display. I can also add the gravestones that we found in our touring.

As it turns out I do not yet have any ancestors in Durham but seeing the tomb of the Venerable Bede at Durham was a marvelous experience. This is an enormous Cathedral plus all the other buildings that make up this rather impressive view overlooking Durham itself. On our way back we discovered Drury Lane and took a picture of this rather narrow passage with a steep set of stairs down to the road below. There is so much to see in England even yet after our two trips there.

Our next trips though will be here in Canada and the United States as we continue to walk the paths of my husband's ancestors to discover where they have been and for long long and glean as much information as possible from the available records. Another trip to Salt Lake City is in the thought process as well. I have very nearly been through all 2500 images that I brought back the last time.

Now with the Blake one name study there is a lot of material that I want to look at in Salt Lake City and I am slowly building up that file.

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