Saturday, July 23, 2011

BIFHSGO Conference September 2011 and the Moggridge family of Somerset

I received a contact today from a descendant of the Moggridge family of Somerset. He has been researching his line and we will correspond. That is such good news. Sarah Moggridge married John Rew and their son John Rew married Elizabeth Siderfin; their daughter Elizabeth Rew married John Pincombe and they emigrated to Canada via the Port of New York with their five children (John, William Robert, Elizabeth, Richard and Louisa) in November 1850 arriving early January 1851. It will be interesting to discuss our mutual family with him.

The contact that I received has reinforced my thought that as well as having a table for the Guild of One Name Studies I will attend the BIFHSGO Conference this year. There are a number of speakers coming from England that I would particularly like to hear. Although I have acquired a good deal of information on my family lines there is probably a great deal more that I can learn. I am very aware of the many sources that exist particularly at Kew and the individual County Record Offices from my courses at the National Institute for Genealogical Studies (U of T) but it is now four years since I graduated and the access to records has augmented exponentially since that time.

Working with my Beard cousin in London has uncovered an entire family line totally unknown to me. I had searched and searched for the wife of Christopher (Christy) Buller to no avail until I received an email from my cousin with a note that the will of Henry Beard mentioned his daughter Mary Buller wife of Christy Buller a slop seller in Bermondsey. This worked for us and united our research ever since. The Beard line has been pushed back another generation or so and the Hemsley line (Henry Beard's first wife was Elizabeth Hemsley) to has been taken back and recently we discovered a Roland line into Hemsley. However, I am still sitting with my 3x great grandfather Christopher Buller about whom I now have a lot of information except for his parents. There are many possibilities but I think that reading the St Olave Bermondsey parish register will help to answer them. Thus far this register is not available on Ancestry although is at the London Metropolitan Archives. My cousin is primarily interested in Beard so I have not asked to have the Buller information pushed back. It was enough to learn so much about the Beard family!

The talks on London and environs will be most interesting for me and I believe that I will attend the Conference as well as have the Guild table. It will be a fair amount of running about but the results could prove to be quite interesting.

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