Monday, August 1, 2011

Will of John Pincombe, South Molton, 20 Nov 1593 - PROB 11/105 - Image reference 131/622

I have two wills for John Pincombe, Merchant, South Molton dated 1605 (i.e. they were both probated in 1605 under PROB 11/105). I will transcribe both of them but the one in this blog belongs to the son of John Pincombe, Merchant, South Molton according to the Visitation of Devon 1620, this line descends from the same line as Thomas Pincombe discussed yesterday in my blog. One of the two Johns mentioned as brothers of Thomas in the Visitation is the grandfather of the testator in the will below. The testator John Pincombe is married to Amye Dodderidge 17 Nov 1578 at South Molton according to the earlier study chart and Barnstaple according to the IGI and Amye was the daughter of Richard Dodderidge (a Merchant at South Molton) and sister to Sir John Dodderidge. Sir John Doddridge (Doderidge or Dodderidge) (1555 – 1628) was a lawyer, judge and Member of Parliament, known also as an antiquarian and writer. From a habit of shutting his eyes while listening intently to a case, he acquired the nickname of 'the sleeping judge.'  Wikipedia has more information on Sir John

The marriage date of 1578 gives somewhat of a timeline for this Pincombe line. A date of birth for John Pincombe married to Amye Dodderidge would be the 1540s to 1550s. His father John's wife is unknown thus far but I may have some information after I transcribe his will. According to the chart prepared by the earlier researchers John had a sister Helen who did not marry. That would give us a likely marriage in the 1540s to 1550s and a date of birth for the father John in  the 1510s to 1520s. I did not approximate a date for Thomas Pincombe yesterday but did come up with the 1500s to 1510s for Johanne Pencombe his possible wife who left her will in 1563. That would mean that their father (unknown) Pincombe would have been born possibly in the 1470s to 1480s. The Pincombe who accompanied Lord Zouch to North Molton was already an adult in 1485. It is this dateline that has given me the thought that there is a generation missing in the Visitation and in the resultant charts by the earlier researchers. Possibly the unknown Pincombe brought children with him and determining that will be difficult I suspect.

The will of John Pincombe (married to Amye Dodderidge)

Recorded: 1 August 2011
Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/105 - Image reference 131/622
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 20 Nov 1593 and 22 Apr 1597

Condition: photocopy, bold, old English writing

[In margin] T[estator] Johannis Pincombe

    Laus Deo 1593
1    In the name of God, Amen.  In the twentithe of November in the yeare of
2    our Lord god one thousand five hundreth nynetie three  I John Pincombe of South Molton in
3    countie of Devon Merchante beinge whole of Bodye and in perfect remembrance thancks be to all
4    mightie god make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge Firste I bequeath
5    my soule unto almightie god and my Bodie to the earthe where it shall please the almightie god
6    Nextlie I give unto the poore people of Southmolton Tenn pounds to be distributed unto them
7    at my Buriall And alsoe I doe give unto the poore people of South Molton fiftie pounds to
8    bestowed in some grounde for the use and proffitte of sixteene of the poorest persons of Molton this
9    yeare the comoditie and proffitte that is of the fiftie pounds bestowed Alsoe I give unto the
10    poore people of Barnestable eleven pounds And I give unto the poore of Chumley five pounds
11    and unto the poore of Nortmolton five pounds And unto the poore of Tyverton Three pounds
12    and unto the poore of Georgenymett five pounds And unto the poore of Bysshopnymet Three
13    pounds And unto the poore people of Chittinton Three pounds All w[hi]ch gyfts to be distributed to the poorest
14    people of everye parrishe by my Inlaws by there order for the distribution hereof Nextly my will
15    is that my father shal[l ]be payde of the debts that I owe him and all other debts that I doe owe firste
16    of all and Tenn pounds more unto Pentecoste Dodridge And tenn pounds more unto Joane and
17    Dorothie dodridge And unto Lewys Challecom and his sister fiftene pounds And unto Gaminge
18    twente pounds And unto Anthony Hyde Thritie three pounds sixe shillings and eighte pence
19    unto Mathewe Hunte Eighte pounds tenn shillings unto Peter Jesse Twelve pounds Alsoe by
21    this my will I doe forgive John Moille of Byshopnymet and Richard Harris of Exeter the debte
22    that they doe owe me The rest of my goodes not given nor bequeathed I doe give unto my wiefe
23    my sonne John Pincombe equallie to be divided betwixte them bothe Alsoe I doe give my sonne
24    my Lande that lieth in Georgenymett when that he shall come unto the age of one and twentie
25    yeares And all the rest of my Landes and Leasses I doe give unto my wief duringe her lief and
26    afterwards
        [page 2]
27    afterwards to my sonne and to his heyres soe that he doe not alienate noe sell awaye none of my Inhe
28    ritance But yf that he doe alienate any of my landes lefte him that then his interest shall cease and
29    the inheritance shal[l ]be in my next bloudde when that he dothe alienate any of the said Landes soe that
30    he shall not have by this my will noe power to sell awaye none of my Lands left him I doe ordaine
31    my father and John Dodridge my Inlaws to see this my will performed And for their paynes
32    they shall have five pounds In wittnes of this to be of a trewthe I have wrytten this w[i]th my owne
33    hande and putte thereunto my sealle the daie and yeare above written one thousand fyve hundred
34    nyntie three provided notw[i]thstandinge that my sonne shall have power by this my will soe to
35    alienate any of my Landes soe that he doe procure and purchase soe much valewe in Lande againe
36    and lease soe muche valewe of Landes and tenem[en]ts unto his next blood and claims that are neerest
37    unto him soe that my last will is that he shall have power soe to sell uppon condition that he doe
38    procure to lease soe muche Landes and tenem[en]ts unto his next Blood and Claims that are in
39    blood neerest unto him And this I have wreten w[i]th my owne hand the twoe and twentithe of Aprill
40    and yeare of oure Lord god one thousand five hundred nyntie seaven p[er]me John Pincombe [signed]

 The earlier study shows only one child born to John and Amye Pincombe and only one child is mentioned in the will; John Pincombe son of the couple and he was not yet 21 in 1593 or 1597. The chart from the earlier study shows his birth as 1586 at South Molton. The parish records for South Molton commence in 1601 so are not helpful in this case. However the parish records for Barnstaple do go back to 1538 and at some point I must collect the Pincombe family members in these records.

Probate of the will for John Pincombe was sworn to by Amye Pincombe as his widow in 1605.

I find his gifts to the poor people of the various villages  including North Molton, South Molton, Barnestable (Barnstaple), Chumley (perhaps Chulmleigh), Georgenymet (George Nympton), Bysshopnymet (Bishops Nympton), Chittinton (perhaps Chittlehampton)  and Tiverton to be rather interesting. The family lore for the South Molton Pincombe family is that the Pincombe family at Barnstaple is descended from their line. The chart from the earlier researchers does have a son Richard (brother to John (father of the John who wrote the will in 1593)) about whom nothing is known although there is a Richard Pincombe at Barnstaple on the chart from the earlier researchers in this time period (linking them would certainly prove the family lore).

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