Monday, October 31, 2011

Will of Abraham Pincombe of Stoke Damerel (dated 26 Apr 1830 (probated 5 Dec 1831)) - Source: Inland Revenue Wills p. 882

The will of Abraham Pincombe is the second last of my cache of Pincombe wills (other than those of my 2x great grandfather and great grandfather and the administration for my grandfather which I have not yet published). I need to verify the transcription of these three other wills and will in due course publish them as well but the wills I have thus far completed are all wills published in England.

Abraham Pincombe allows me to identify him fairly closely by the entries in his will. Looking at the chart prepared by the earlier Pincombe researchers he is Abraham Pincombe baptized 30 May 1764 at Stoke Damerel and a quick check of Find My Past locates the burial for Abraham Pincombe as 4 Dec 1831 at 66 years of age. The earlier chart lists the parents of this Abraham as Abraham Pincombe and Mary (no surname) who were married before the 12th April 1750. This Abraham was said to be the son of Silas Richard Pincombe and Hannah. An interesting website traces the Pincombe family at Northlew:

This website identifies the descendants of Abraham Pincombe bc 1727; buried 23 Jun 1799 at Northlew Devon and his wife Mary whom he married by 1749 and she was buried 10 Aug 1773 at Northlew. Their children weere: Abraham Pincombe baptized 12 Apr 1750 (buried 16 Oct 1753 in Northlew), Elizabeth Pincombe baptized 30 Sep 1752; buried 27 Dec 1753 in Northlew, Abraham Pincombe baptized 23 Sec 1754; buried 28 Feb 1762 at Northlew, Elizabeth Pincombe baptized 20 Feb 1759 at Northlew, Thomas Pincombe baptized 6 Apr 1761 at Northlew and died Sep quarter 1841 at Northlew, and  Abraham Pincombe baptized 30 May 1764 and buried 5 Dec 1831 at Plymouth.

The website identifies the sons of Thomas as Abraham, John, Thomas, William and Stephen. The progeny of William Pincombe is then followed in this chart.

The will mentions only Abraham, Thomas, William and Stephen as sons of Thomas, brother of Abraham (the testator). He also mentions Elizabeth the wife of John Dennis but a search of the IGI, Find my Past and other databases does not reveal if this is his sister Elizabeth or a niece Elizabeth. The same is true of Agnes married to Thomas Curtis. I do not know if there is any relationship between Agnes and Abraham Pincombe although they are named executors.

The will of Abraham Pincombe (probate to follow when I am satisfied with the transcription :) ):

Recorded: 31 Oct 2011
Source: Inland Revenue Wills - p 882
Place: Stoke Damerel, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 26 Apr 1830 (probated 5 Dec 1831)
Condition: photocopy, light, modern English writing
Type: four pages - Original will (2 pages) and Probate (3 pages)

1 This is the last Will and Testament of me Abraham Pincombe
2 of the parish of Stoke Damerel in the County of Devon Gentleman made
3 the twenty sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
4 hundred and thirty First I desire and my Will is that my body be decently interred
5 at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named I give unto my nephew Joseph
6 Pincombe the sum of Nineteen Guineas of lawful money current in Great
7 Britain to be paid to him within three months after my decease I give unto Elisabeth
8 Dennis the wife of John Dennis of Northlew in the said County the sum of ten
9 pounds of like lawful money to be paid to her within three months after my
10 decease I give unto Abraham Pincombe William Pincombe Thomas Pincombe
11 and Stephen Pincombe sons of my brother Thomas Pincombe of Northlew aforesaid
12 the sum of two pounds each of like lawful money to be paid as aforesaid  I give
u unto my said brother Thomas Pincombe an annuity or yearly sum of five
14 pounds to be paid to him in half yearly payments the first payment thereof
15 to be made within three months after my decease and the same to continue
16 to be paid him for and during the term of his natural life All the rest residue
17 and remainder of my goods and chattels money and securities for many household
18 and other estate and effects whatsoever which I may have or possess at the
19 time of my decease (subject nevertheless to the payment of my just debts
20 legacies funeral expences and all other incidental expenses for securing and
21 further execution of this my Will and also to the payment of the said
22 Annuity in manner aforesaid) I give and devise the same and every
23 part thereof unto Thomas Curtis of Devonport in the said County Shipwright
24 and Agnes his wife to and for their own use and benefit and to be disposed of as
25 he she or they shall jointly or severally in their lifetime consider most necessary
26 and needful so as the same be used for and towards the benefit support and
27 maintenance of themselves and each of their children as may for the time being
28 most need the same and shall dispose of the same or  whatsoever shall remain
29 though at the time of the death of the survivor of them the  said Thomas
30 Curtis and Agnes his wife by any instrument in writing under the hand
31 and seal of such survivor And I do hereby nominate constitute and
32 appoint the said Thomas Curtis and Agnes his wife joint Executor and Executrix
 hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made do confirm this to be my last Will and Testament
33 of this my last Will and Testament ^ to which I have set my hand and seal the
34 day and year first above written
35 Abraham Pincombe [signed] [sealed]

Abraham (the testator) is the youngest son in this family. When I look for descendants of his brother Thomas they are all agricultural labourers. One wonders why Abraham is listed as a gentleman (of course this is self-reporting). Did this family undergo a drop in status in this generation? Who is Richard Silas Pincombe the supposed father of Abraham Pincombe married to Mary and the father of the testator Abraham? As always each new will brings up a whole lot of new questions.

The remaining will in this set of wills from Inland Revenue is Elizabeth Pincombe and I will work on her will next.

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