Sunday, April 22, 2012

Crosby Eden - Eskdale Ward Protestation Returns (Cumberland, England)

A few years ago I photographed and transcribed all the Protestation Returns for Eskdale Ward in Cumberland and these records were taken in 1641-42. The history behind these particular statistics follows (

The Protestation Returns relate to the years 1641/42, around the start of the Civil War. The Protestation was an Oath of loyalty to the King, and was originally drawn up and taken by the members of the House of Commons on May 3rd 1641. The following day the Protestant Peers in the House of Lords also swore it.
On July 30th the House of Commons passed a resolution that all who refused the Protestation were unfit to hold office in Church or Commonwealth. The scope was widened so that it should be sworn by all adults over the age of 18.  In practice this meant all men; women were not usually asked to sign.

A letter was sent by the Speaker of the House of Commons to the sheriffs instructing them to take the protestation with the justices of the peace in their county, and then the incumbent of each parish was to read the protestation to his parishioners and they were all to sign. This took place in February and March 1641/2. The Protestation Returns were then sent back to Parliament.

The Oath:
I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do, in the presence of Almighty God, promise, vow, and protest to maintain, and defend as farr as lawfully I maye, with my Life, Power and Estate, the true Reformed Protestant religion, expressed in the Doctrine of the Church of England, against all Popery and Popish Innovations, within this Realme, contrary to the same Doctrine, and according to the duty of my Allegiance, His Majesties Royal Person, Honour and Estate, as alsoe the Power and Privileges of Parliament, the lawful Rights and Liberties of the Subjects, and any person that maketh this Protestation, in whatsoever he shall do in the lawful Pursuance of the same: and to my power, and as farr as lawfully I may, I will appose and by all good Ways and Means endeavour to bring to condign Punishment all such as shall, either by Force, Practice, Councels, Plots, Conspiracies, or otherwise, doe any thing to the contrary of any thing in this present Protestation contained: and further, that I shall, in all just and honourable ways, endeavour to preserve the Union and Peace betwixt the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland: and neither for Hope, Feare, nor other Respect, shell relinquish this Promise, Vow and Protestation.

In total I transcribed eighteen parishes in Eskdale Ward which included: Arthuret, Bewcastle, Brampton, Castle Carrock, Crosby Eden, Cumrew, Cumwhitton, Denton, Farlam, Hayton, Irthington, Kirk Andrews, Kirk Linton, Lanercost, Scaleby, Stanwix, Stapleton, and Walton. I have proofread only Lanercost and it was published in 2010 in The Cumbria Journal. I will post a blog every day for the next eighteen days with the names of the individuals who signed the Protestation Returns in each of the eighteen parishes (there will occasionally be a suffix or an occupation and sometimes there will be the name of a particular property within the parish. If this is helpful to anyone that is great. If you have a query then please leave a comment and I will try to answer. I am only researching the Routledge, Tweddle, Robson  and Bushby families (and primarily Routledge because most of my Routledges married other Routledges. Remember I have only proofread Lanercost and I have adhered to the spelling as shown on the original document. If you think that I have a letter wrong in a name feel free to query it and I will answer as soon as possible.

Township    Surname    Forename    Suffix    Standing
Walby        Jackson    Wm:       
Walby        Jackson    Robt:       
Walby        Jackson    Rich:       
Walby        Atkinson    John       
Walby        Urwin    John       
Walby        Blaylock    Jamy       
Walby        Blaylock    Rowl:       
Walby        Blaylock    Tho:       
Walby        Urwin    Robt:       
Walby        Dalton    John       
Walby        Olivant    George       
Walby        Hetherington    John       
Walby        Blaylock    Leon:       
Walby        Blaylock    John       
Walby        Dalton    Gerrard       
Walby        Dalton    John       
Walby        Dalton    Randal       
Walby        Blaylock    George       
Walby        Blaylock    Ed:       
Walby        Dalton    Georg       
Walby        Nicholson    John       
Walby        Black    Thomas R       
Brunstock    Urwin    Robt:       
Brunstock    Dalton    Tho:       
Brunstock    Pearson    Tho:       
Brunstock    Nicholson    Rich:       
Brunstock    Parker    Chr:       
Brunstock    Dalton    John       
Brunstock    Urwin    Rich:       
Brunstock    Allison    Tho:       
Brunstock    Wilson    Thom:       
Brunstock    Dalton    John    elder   
Brunstock    Dalton    Joh:    y   
Brunstock    Uddert    Rich:       
Brunstock    Dalton    John       
Brunstock    Dalton    Robt:       
Brunstock    Dalton    Rich:       
Brunstock    Atkinson    Rowl:       
Brunstock    Dalton    Math:       
Brunstock    Dalton    Jenkin       
Brunstock        ampson    John       
Brunstock    Sampson    Robt:       
Brunstock    Dalton    Ambr:       
Brunstock    Dalton    Joh:       
Brunstock    Pearson    Wm:       
Nethre Crosby    Lynton    Georg       
Nethre Crosby    Hope    Roger       
Nethre Crosby    Hope    David       
Nethre Crosby    Lynton    Wm:       
Nethre Crosby    Wilburne    Wm:       
Nethre Crosby    Hall    Joh:       
Nethre Crosby    Atkinson    Jam:       
Nethre Crosby    Alkinson    Rich:       
Nethre Crosby    Coyen    Edw:       
Nethre Crosby    Lynton    Tho:       
Nethre Crosby    Coyen    Tho:       
Nethre Crosby    Coyen    Joh:       
Nethre Crosby    Richardson    Rowl:       
Nethre Crosby    Lynton    Georg       
Nethre Crosby    Atkinson    Joh:       
Nethre Crosby    Atkinson    Joh:       
Nethre Crosby    Pearson    Joh:       
Nethre Crosby    Pearson    James       
Nethre Crosby    Henderson    Edw:       
Nethre Crosby    Henderson    Edw:       
Nethre Crosby    Lynton    Roger       
Nethre Crosby    Lynton    Joh:       
Nethre Crosby    Lynton    Roger       
Nethre Crosby    Atkinson    Tho:       
Nethre Crosby    Atkinson    Rowl:       
Nethre Crosby    Dalton    Tho:       
Over Crosby    Nicholson    Rowl:       
Over Crosby    Urwin    Tho:       
Over Crosby    Bullman    George       
Over Crosby    Atkinson    Christ:       
Over Crosby    Henderson    John       
Over Crosby    Henderson    John    son   
Over Crosby    Henderson    Tho:       
Over Crosby    Hetherington    John       
Over Crosby    Richardson    Joh:       
Over Crosby    Richardson    Chr:       
Over Crosby    Richardson    James       
Over Crosby    Richardson    Christ:       
Over Crosby    Pattyson    Rich:       
Over Crosby    Nicholson    Henry       
Over Crosby    Nicholson    Joh:       
Over Crosby    Dalton    Joh:       
Over Crosby    Munck    Tho:        of dale
Over Crosby    Hethreton    Mich:       
Over Crosby    Tate    Joh:       
Over Crosby    Coyen    Tho:       
Over Crosby    Atkinson    Tho:       
Over Crosby    Atkinson    Geo:       
Over Crosby    Atkinson    Rowl:       
Over Crosby    Nicholson    Wm:       
Over Crosby    Nicholson    John       
Over Crosby    Nicholson    Stephen       
Over Crosby    Nicholson    Hugh       
Over Crosby    Blaylock    Wm:       
Over Crosby    Nicholson    John       
Over Crosby    Bulman    Joh:       
        Hodgson    Wm:        Curate
        Henderson    John        Churchwarden
        Blaylock    George        Churchwarden
        Blaylock    Row:        Constable
        Henderson    John        Constable
        Blaylock    Rowl:        Constable
        Henderson    Edw:        Constable

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