Monday, July 2, 2012

Dascombe family

As On Line Parish Clerk for Bishops Nympton Devon I receive roughly two to three requests a week for information. One of my reasons for proofreading the 900 page Parish Register Transcriptions is to diminish the number of requests for the information contained in those 900 pages of word text or looking at the Excel document there are 7303 baptisms, 1285 marriages, 5794 burials, and 366 banns. First I need to finish proofreading and then I need to seek the permission of the parish priest at Bishops Nympton to publish the file on the Genuki Devon webpages. I  have 75 years of parish records proofread thus far. It is a slow process mostly because I am working on other projects and I can only keep up the proofreading for so long.

The Dascombe family were at Bishops Nympton from the late 1700s to the 1870s and the request for information let me pull out from the excel file (not yet proofread in this time period) the following:

Number Surname Forename Relationship Surname-Father Forename-Father Surname-Mother Forename-Mother Day Month Year Abode Parish Notes  

Dascombe Elizabeth daughter Dascombe Gregory  Mary 30 10 1792    
Dascombe Lewis son Dascombe Gregory  Mary 30 1 1795    
Dascombe John son Dascombe Gregory  Mary 11 10 1797    
Dascombe Lewis son Dascombe Gregory  Mary 2 12 1798    
Dascombe John son Dascombe Gregory  Mary 21 2 1802    
Dascombe Eleanor daughter Dascombe Gregory  Mary 30 1 1805    
Dascombe Sarah base daughter   Dascombe Elizabeth 18 4 1813    
Dascombe Elizabeth daughter Dascombe Lewis  Sarah 1 1 1827   Butcher 
Dascombe Maria daughter Dascombe John  Mary 4 11 1827   Maltster 
Dascombe Sophia daughter Dascombe Lewis  Sarah 24 2 1828   Innkeeper and butcher 
Dascombe Lewis son Dascombe John  Mary 9 1 1830   Maltster 
Dascombe Emily daughter Dascombe Lewis  Sarah 17 4 1830   Butcher 
Dascombe Walter son Dascombe John  Mary 27 7 1831   Maltster 
Dascombe Ellen daughter Dascombe Lewis  Sarah 12 2 1832   Butcher 
Dascombe Mary Ann daughter Dascombe John  Mary 5 11 1833   Maltster 
Dascombe Mary Ann daughter Dascombe Lewis  Sarah 1 11 1835   Butcher and Farmer 
Dascombe William son Dascombe John  Mary 25 5 1836   Maltster 
Dascombe Lewis son Dascombe John  Mary 13 5 1838   Maltster 
Dascombe Reuben son Dascombe Lewis  Sarah 12 8 1838 Hole & Park  Farmer 

Number Surname-Groom Forename-Groom Surname-Bride Forename-Bride Day Month Year Abode - Groom Groom's Father/mother Bride's Father Bride's Mother Abode - Bride Parish Notes B or L

Dascombe Lewis Mildon Margaret 3 4 1790 Twitching    Bishops Nympton  witnesses: John Mildon, John Rodd Banns
Dascombe Gregory Mildon Mary 18 10 1791 sojourner    Bishops Nympton  witnesses: John Mildon, John Rodd Banns
Dascombe Lewis Brinacomb Sally 22 2 1826     sojourner  witnesses: John Brinacomb, John Dascombe Licence
Dascombe John Warren Mary 18 4 1827       witnesses: Thomas Warren, James Warren Banns

Number Surname Forename Relationship Surname-Father Forename-Father Surname-Mother Forename-Mother Day Month Year Abode Parish Notes

Dascombe John son Dascombe Lewis  Margaret 28 8 1796   
Dascombe John son Dascombe Gregory  Mary 19 10 1797   
Dascombe Lewis son Dascombe Gregory  Mary 29 10 1797   
Dascombe Margaret      28 4 1807   
Dascombe Elizabeth      1 3 1820   27 years
Dascombe Gregory      8 1 1823   57 years
Dascombe Elizabeth      3 5 1827   5 months
Dascombe Lewis      28 4 1830   infant
Dascombe Henry     October 19 10 1841 Rose Ash  infant
Dascombe Ellen      3 6 1852 Bampton  20 years
Dascombe Mary      30 11 1856 Village  85 years
Dascombe Eliza      26 6 1857 Village  17 years
Dascombe Sally     May 7 5 1865 Village  67 years
Dascombe Lewis      25 11 1870 Village  72 years

Dascombe Lewis Mildon Margaret 14 3 1790 21 3 1790 28 3 1790 groom of Twiching

As one can see from the marriages Both of the grooms in the two Dascombe marriages one in 1790 and the other in 1791 were sojourners as was the son of John Dascombe (son of Gregory) when he married in 1826. The family may be of Twitching as the priest has listed the parish for Lewis Dascombe in 1790. The Mildon family has been at Bishops Nympton for considerably longer and does appear on the Protestation Returns of 1641.

I found the baptism of Reuben Dascombe in 1838 to be interesting as his father was farming at Park which was the location of my Robert Pincombe family (3x great grandfather) in the 1810s and 1820s.

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