Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Will of Hester Blake, Spinster, Winchester - PROB 11/1081/358, probated 4 Sep 1781

Hester Blake has left an interesting will full of names of the people that she knew. Often the will of a spinster can be a goldmine of information. For anyone in this family line this will is certainly providing the necessary connection mother to child and grandchildren and linking families together by siblings. She mentions a brother but does not list any children for that brother so assume that this is the end of this particular line for Blake. Hester Blake was buried 21 Jul 1781 at St Lawrence Winchester (Find my Past - Hampshire Genealogical Society).

Hester has two sisters living at the time of the writing of her will including Mary Imber and Martha Soley who are both widowed at the time of writing.

Thomas Imber married Mary Blake (sister of the testator Hester Blake) 10 Jun 1725 at Micheldever, Hampshire (M13667-1 Family Search).

Mary Imber baptized 15 Feb 1727 at Saint Thomas Winchester (K13675-1 Family Search). Mary Imber (their daughter) married Thomas Baddely 7 May 1751 at Hinton Ampner, Hampshire (M13691-1 Family Search).

Children of Thomas Baddely and Mary Imber:

Thomas Imber Baddely 29 Jan 1752 at Saint Thomas, Winchester (J13675-1 Family Search)

Mary Baddely 4 Jul 1753 at Saint Thomas, Winchester (K13675-1 Family Search)

Joseph Soley married Martha Blake (sister of the testator Hester Blake) at Old Alresford 23 Jan 1727 (M13651-1 Family Search).

Rebecca Mary Soley was baptized 8 Sep 1728 at Old Alresford (C1365101 Family Search)

Joseph Soley their son was baptized 14 Nov 1729 at Old Alresford (M1365101 Family Search)

Mary Soley their daughter was baptized 25 Feb 1734 at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity Winchester (born 28 Jan 1734).

Catharine Soley their daughter was baptized 2 Feb 1738 at the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity Winchester (P01489-1). Catharine Soley married Captain Chaloner Ogle  from the baptism of their son Chaloner Blake Ogle May 1762 at Saint Lawrence, Winchester (J13673-1 Family Search) which the will also verifies.

Children of Catharine Soley and Chaloner Ogle:

Chaloner Blake Ogle May 1762 at Saint Lawrence, Winchester
Isabella Catherine Ogle 1770 (Census of 1841 living at Kensington Middlesex)
Joseph Blake Ogle 1771 (Census of 1841 living at St Thomas Winchester)
Charlotte Ann Ogle 27 Oct 1780 at Saint Lawrence, Winchester (K13673-1 Family Search)
Catherine Elizabeth Ogle10 Jan 1782 at Saint Lawrence, Winchester(I04100-2 Family Search)

I did not find a great deal of information on the Foyle family. George Foyle (b c 1732) was buried at Southampton All Saints 2 Jun 1802 (70 years of age) from the records of the Hampshire Genealogical Society found on Find My Past.

A verification of the spelling of Mr. Nicholas Baconnean, surgeon, mentioned in the will comes from British History online:

From 1764 the occupier was Nicholas Baconnean, a Winchester surgeon, who by 1767 had assigned his interest to William Hussey of Salisbury.


A Memorial on the Island of Jersey commemorates the Reverend Pain:  The Very Rev. Francis Payn, M.A., Dean of Jersey, b. 1699


Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 8 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1081/358
Name of testator: Hester Blake, Spinster
Place: Winchester, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 26 Apr 1768, Codicil 30 Oct 1778, probated 4 Sep 1781
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: modern English, late 18th century, smudged but fairly clear copy
[In margin] Hester
[In margin] Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Hester Blake of the City of Winchester Spinster do make and
3    declare this my last Will and Testament my Body I commit to
4    the Earth to be decently buried in Saint Lawrence Church as
5    near to my late dear Mother as can be and as to my Estates
6    and Effects I dispose of the same as follows first I Give devise
    [Page 2]
7    and Bequeath unto my sister Martha Soley widow all that my
8    Freehold Garden situate in Parchment Street in the said City
9    of Winchester and all that my share right Title and Interest
10    of in and to the two Freehold Messuages or Tenements with
11    the appurtenances situate in the same street subject to the
12    mortgage on the same To hold ..... unto my said
13    sister Martha Soley her heirs and assigns for ever to her
14    and their own use and benefit she paying my share of
15    the Money due on Mortgage thereon also I give and
16    Bequeath unto my sister Mary Imber widow the Glass Case
17    that stands in the Dressing Room where I now live and all
18    my China Ware and all my wearing apparel and half my
19    plate all the rest of my household Goods I Give and Bequeath
20    unto my said Sister Martha Soley also I Give and Bequeath
21    unto my niece Mary Baddely my dressing Boxes and
22    twenty Guineas for Mourning also I give and Bequeath
23    unto Gorges Foyle Esquire and my Niece Mary his wife
24    and to Captain Ogle and my Niece Catherine his wife
25    twenty Guineas each for mourning Also I Give and
26    Bequeath unto Mr Nicholas Baconnean Surgeon Ten
27    Guineas to buy him a Ring Also I Give to the Reverend
28    Mr. Pain Dean of Jersey and to Mr. James Bandinell
29    of Jersey and to Mrs Mary Philpot late of Gosport and
30    to Mrs Dorothy Bonham now or late of Warnford and to
31    Miss Mary Hayes and her Sister Mrs. Wooll five Guineas
32    a piece to buy each of them a Ring all which above
33    said Legacies I desire my Executrix to pay as soon as
35    she conveniently can Also I Give and Bequeath unto
36    James Spearman and Jane Spearman son and daughter of my Good friends
37    James Spearman of the City of Winchester Gentleman
38    ten Guineas to be equally divided between them and I
39    order the same to be paid to their Father or Mother or
40    Guardians for their benefit within three months after my
41    decease whose receipt shall be a sufficient discharge to
42    my Executrix for the same Also I Give to Ann Cobb my
43    servant ten pounds Also I Give unto John Speed Doctor of
44    Physic five Guines to buy him a Ring Also I Give to
45    Miss Letitia Imber ten pounds Also I Give and Bequeath
46    unto Francis son of Francis Swanton of the said City of
47    Winchester Esquire my amythyst Ring which was my Brother
48    Blakes Also I Give and Bequeath the sum of Ten
49    pounds and ten shillings to be divided amongst such poor
50    women as I shall mention in a paper for that purpose
51    and for want of such paper to such poor women as
52    my Executrix shall think fit also all the rest and residue
53    of my Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever I give
54    devise and Bequeath unto my said sister Mary Imber to
55    and for her own use and benefit and I do hereby make
56    and appoint my said Sister Mary Imber whole and sole
57    Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking
58    all former Wills by me made and I so declare this to be
59    my last will and Testament In Witness whereof I have
    [Page 3]
60    hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty sixth day of April in
61    the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty
62    eight Hester Blake [signed] [sealed] Signed sealed and delivered published and
63    declared by the said Hester Blake the Testatrix as and for her
64    her last Will and Testament in the presence of Charles Guest [signed]
65    Sarah Collis [signed] John Meare [signed]
66    October the 30th 1778
67    As I was seting alone I thought I would desire my
68    Executrix to dispose of these things as I desire the[y] may
69    be given to I desire Mrs. Swanton may have my best
70    work apron and a pair of my best work Ruffles I
71    desire Mrs. Phillpot may have my next best work apron
72    and Ruffles I desire Mrs Chilcott may have five or Six
73    yards of my best black laces and a Minuett Lace
74    handkerchief a Lace Cap and Ruffles and my Brown
75    Silk Gown and one of my best Cotton Gowns and any
76    more you like to give her as one day I told Mr.
77    Swanton I would give him as much as I did Mary
78    Dunn[ac]k I desire he will accept of one Guinea to play
79    at cards with and that he will not swear one oath
80    till he have lost it all as I would not offered Mary
81    Dunnack with any of my cloath I desire she may have
82    One Guinea to buy her a Gown or do what she please
83    with it I desire Mary Cobb may have one of my silk
84    Sagus and Coat one silk Gown and one of my best
85    Cotton Gowns 2 laced Caps and 2 ditto hankershifts 2
86    pair work ruffles 2 muslin aprons and all my common cloath to be
87    divided between her and my other servant if I have one
88    as shifts Gowns quilted pettycoats undercoats pockets stockings
89    stays and I also have promist my silver watch to Mary
90    Cobb which I desire she may have given her Witness
91    my hand Hester Blake [signed], October the 30th, 1778
92    Whereas I had some years ago promist Moly
93    Rowing which live with me when she had live with so
94    many years I would give her a Silk Gown which was
95    not her Fanct she did not I desire she may have two
96    Guineas towards buying her a new one And I allso Give
97    my Green and yellow stuff Bed with the Green lyninn
98    to make any poor woman or Children Gowns or Coats
99    as my sisters shall think wants them and any of my best
100    cloaths my sister or Niece will not weare I desire they
101    will give them to any of my friends I declare this
102    Codicil to my last will Witness my hand Hester Blake [signed]
103    October the 30 1778
104    I Desire the Ten Guineys I have given in
    [Page 4]
105    my will to five poor womans may be if they are living
106    at my deceass may be Mrs Crafton and Mary Mu[r]phy[?]
107    Molly Bowing which I have set down in the paper
108    whare I have given some of my Cloath and Betty Cobb
109    and Kitty Turesbury I desire they may have two Guineys
110    each of them Witness my hand Hester Blake [signed]
111    I hester Blake of the City of Winchester Spinster
112    do by this Codicil to my last Will and Testament and
113    which I order and direct shall be accepted and taken as and for
114    part of my said last Will and Testament Give to my
115    Servant Ann Cobb forty pounds over and above the sum
116    of ten pounds by me already given her in and by my
117    said last will and Testament Also I Give to my dear
118    friend Mrs. Mary Philpot Widow my little pair of
119    silver candlesticks which I desire her to accept of for
120    this long love and friendship that we have had together
121    and which yet subsist between us over and above the
122    sum of five Guineas already given her in and by my
123    said last Will and Testament Also I Give to my three
124    Nephews Chaloner Ogle Junior Joseph Ogle and George
125    Foyle Junior to each of them five Guineas to buy a Ring
126    or do what they please with it Also I Give to John
127    Meare of Winchester aforesaid and Olive his wife to each
128    of them one Guinea to buy a Ring or what they
129    please In Witness whereof I have to this my Codicil
130    set my hand and seal the twenty second day of
131    January one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Hester
132    Blake [signed] [sealed] Signed Sealed published and declared by the said
133    Hester blake as and for a Codicil to be annexed to and
134    taken for part of her said last Will and Testament in
135    the presence of us who have subscribed our names as
136    Witnesses in her presence and of each other Anthony
137    Mercer [signed] John Burcher [signed]
138    The twenty eight day of August in the
139    year of our Lord one thousand seven
140    hundred and eighty one
141    Which Day appeared personally Richard Kenfield
142    of the City of Winchester in the County of Southampton
143    Watchmaker and Francis Pike of the said City of Winchester
144    Breechesmaker and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists as
145    follows to wit that they were very well acquainted with
146    Hester Blake late of the City of Winchester aforesaid Spinster
147    deceased for several years next before and to the time of
148    her death during all which time they have frequently
149    seen her write and subscribe her name and thereby became
150    very well acquainted with her manner and character
151    of handwriting and having now seen and carefully perused
152    the paper writing hereunto annexed purporting to be the
153    three
    [Page 5]
154    three several Codicils of the said Hester Blake deceased written on
155    an half sheet and a slip of paper the one beginning thus
156    "October the 30th 1778 as I was seting alone I thought
157    I would desire my Executrics," and ending thus "I also
158    have promist my silver Watch to Mary Cobb which
159    I desire she may have given her witness my hand
160    Hester Blake [signed] October ye 30th 1778," and the other beginning
161    thus "Whereas I had some years ago promist Mary
162    Bowing" and ending thus " I declare this a codicil to
163    my last will Witness my hand Hester Blake October ye
164    30th 1778" and the other Codicil written on a slip of paper
165    beginning thus "I desire the ten Guineas I have given in my
166    will to five poor Womans" and ending thus "I desire
167    they may have two Guineys each of them Witness
168    my hand Hester Blake," they these deponents do say and expres
169    that they verily and in their consciences believe that
170    the said paper writings and the whole series thereof and
171    also the name Hester Blake set or put to the bottom of
172    the said paper writings were totally wrote and subscribed
173    by and with the proper hand of the said Hester Blake
174    deceased. Rich[ar]d Kenfield [signed] Francis Pike [signed] Sworn at the said
175    City of Winchester the twenty eighth day of August in
176    the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and
177    Eighty One Before me Thomas Brereton commissioner
178    This Will was proved at London with four codicils
179    the fourth day of September in the year of our Lord one
180    thousand seven hundred and Eighty One before the right
181    Worshipful Peter Calvert Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
182    Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
183    constituted by the Oath of Mary Imber Widow the sole
184    Executrix named in the said Will to whom administration
185    was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and
186    Credits of the deceased having been first sworn by Commission
187    duly to administer.

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