Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Will of Richard Blake of Platyford, husbandman - SWRO P2/5 Reg/156A, probated 25 Oct 1572

Plaitford/Platyford is about six miles west of Romsey, Hampshire and 11 miles south east of Salisbury close to the New Forest. My premise is that the Blake family found south of Calne and working their ways towards Salisbury then down to the New Forest and across into Southampton were principally descendant of the Blake family found at Calne in the 1200s and later.

yDNA testing would help to prove that and I look forward to more and more people joining our Blake study:

Richard Blake married to Alice with children Thomas Blake and Aldyce Blake. He was a husbandman and has left the bulk of his goods to his wife. Perhaps his children are still younge. Sudden death was so common right up into the 1900s. Richard is remembering the church at Wellow, West Wellow which is just 1.1 miles east south east of Plaitford did not have a Church in 1868 from the gazetteer so more likely East Wellow which is 1.9 miles east north east of Plaitford and has a church dedicated to St Margaret.

There is another will that I have just transcribed for Thomas at Platyford and he is possibly the father of this Richard Blake. Perhaps it was sudden death as no family member is present for the making of this will.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 23 Oct 2012
Source:  Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office P2/5 Reg/156A
Name of testator: Richard Blake, husbandman
Place: Playtford, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 11 Sep 1572, 25 Oct 1572
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 16th century, middle English, quite legible
[Margin] Blake A

1    In the name of  god Amen the xi th Day of september in the yere of o[u]r Lorde god o[n]e
2    thowsande fyve hundred three score and twelve I Richarde Blake of Playtforde
3    in the co[u]ntye of Wilts husbandman beinge sicke in bodye (but god be praysed) of
4    good and parfett remembrance do make this my laste will and testamente in
5    maner and forme folowinge First I bequeathe my sowle to almightie god and my
6    bodye to be buryed in the churchyarde of Plaitforde aforsayd It[e]m I do gyve to Thomas
7    Blake my sonne twoo yonge steares of th[e ]age of twoo yeres It[e]m I gyve unto Aldyce
8    Blake my dawghtere twoo yonge bullocks of th[e ]age  aforsayd It[e]m I geve to the churche
9    of Wellow vij d The reste of all my godds and cattalls moveable and unmoveable
10    I geve and bequeathe unto Alice my wiffe whom I make myne executrix of this
11    my laste will and testamente Those beinge witnesses hereunto John Pynhorne
12    and Alice Goose wydowe

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