Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Will of Thomas Blake of Playtford, husbandman - SWRO P2/4 Reg/203A, probated 27 Jul 1565

There are only two wills for the Blake family at Plaitford the one I blogged for Richard Blake probated in 1572 earlier today

and this one for Thomas Blake also husbandman probated in 1565. Thomas mentions his children including Richard, Jone, John and Elizabeth. He also mentions his siblings Nycholas, Robert and Edith. Edith is married to (unknown) Thomas. He has a legacy for a Thomas Blake of Cow[e]sfi[e]ld which is about three miles away but does not mention relationship. There appear to be two brothers called Thomas Blake at Cowsfild as he mentions Thomas and his brother Thomas.

This will is full of interesting details of family items and an especially touching appeal to take care of one of his brothers (Robert) by the next generation. His wife has died before him and he gives some special items of his wifes to his daughter Elizabeth.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 23 Oct 2012
Source:  Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office P2/4Reg/203A
Name of testator: Thomas Blake, husbandman
Place: Playtford, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:  13 Jul 1565, 27 Jul 1565
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 16th century, middle English, legible
[top] Test[a]m[ent] Thome Blake de Playtford
[Margin] A

1    In the name of god amen the xiij th daye of Julye in the
2    yere of o[u]r lord god M CCCCC lxv I Thomas Blake of Playtford
3    in the countie of Wiltes[hire]s husbandman sycke in bodye but whole of
4    mynd and of good and p[er]fitt remembrance ordyne and make
5    my last will and testament in maner and forme Folowng
6    Fyrst and pryncypally I bequeath my sowle unto almightie
7    god my maker redeamer and sawyo[u]r And my bodye to be buryed
8    in christen buryall It[e]m I geve and bequeath to the Cathedrall
9    church of Sa[lisbur]y xii d It[e]m I geve and bequeath to the Repa
10    tions of the church of playtford iij s iiij d It[e]m I geve and bequeth
11    to John my sonne two oxon w[i]th a yoke and a cheyne ij kyne two
12    bullocks the one of ij yeres of aige and the other of one yere
13    of aige, my baye mare, two ewes, one sowe, one pott of bees,
14    my carte my greatest panne, my best brasse pott, two platters,
15    ij pottengers, one saucer my second selseller, a payre of
16    sheats a cov[er]lett a cobberd one folding bord, one forme, one
17    cheyre, and bedsteade, the one half of my haye and the one half
18    of my corne. It[e]m I geve and bequeath to Richard my sonne and
19    Jone my dowghter the other half of my haye and corne betwene
20    them equallye to be devyded It[e]m I geve and bequeath to my systers
21    Edith Thomas children one heyffer of ij yeres of aige It[e]m I
22    geve and bequeath to my brother Nycholas Blakes children one
23    heiffer of one yere of aige It[e]m I geve and bequeath to Thomas
24    Blake of Cowsfild one heyffer of iij yeres of aige and to
25    his brother Thomas one ewe. It[e]m I geve and bequeath to my
26    brother Robert one yonge cowe. And I will that the same
27    Robert my brother shall have suffycient, holsome, and co[n]venyent
28    foode, lodgnge, and app[ar]ell of in and upon my hold duryng
29    his naturall liffe, he the said Robert doynge sutche labor
30    and worke as ys reason and meete for hym to doo. It[e]m I geve and
31    bequeath to Elizabeth my dawghter tow kyne one heyffer of
32    one yere of aige, one ewe, one platter, one pottinger and saucer,
33    one peyre of sheats, and one medlye frocke that was her mothers,
34    to be delyv[er]ed to the same Elizabeth immediately after my
35    decease, and one gowne, a kertle, a smocke, a kerchiff two
    [Page 2]
36    busshells of wheate, ij busshels of mault, and one of my
37    lesser pannes to be delyv[er]ed to her att the daye of her
38    maryaige. Also I will that all the resydewe of my
39    coffers bedsteads, cowles, tubbes, and other my trene
40    vessells, to be equally devyded betwene my foure
41    children. The Resydewe of all my goods cattalls
42    detts movable and unmovable not geven nor bequeathed
43    (my detts and legacies paid) I geve and bequeath to Rychard
44    my sonne, and Jone my dawghter equally to be devyded
45    betwene them whom I ordeyne and make my executors
46    of this my last will and testament. Also I ordeyne and make
47    Nycholas Aldrydge of Wellowe, and my brother Nycholas Blake
48    sup[er]visors and oversears of this my last will and testament
49    to se the same p[er]formedd and fulfilled in ev[er]y poynt therof
50    accordinglye. And to employe and use the goods and cattalls
51    of the said Jone my dowghter to her most p[er]ffitt comoditie
52    and advantage, unto whom I geve and bequeath for thier
53    labor and paynes in that behalf iii s iiij d apiece Thes beyng
54    wytnesses: Nycholas Blake Nycholas Slacksteade
55    Richard Jackman and Nycholas Aldridge w[i]th others

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