Thursday, November 8, 2012

Will of Reynold Blake weaver London - National Archives PROB 11/23/102, probated 24 May 1529

When I was imaging wills at Kew I felt that I had to have this one. It was written in 1529 and the earliest Blake will in London. No idea at all on his origins although Reynold Blake mentions land in Twycknam and perhaps this is Twickenham, Middlesex. This particular parish is located 1 mile w of Richmond, 3 miles SW of Brentford and 9 miles SW of St Paul's Cathedral.

This is pre parish registers as they began in 1538 at the earliest although some priests did maintain parish registers earlier. The reference to St Magnus I think perhaps is the present day Church near London Bridge on Lower Thames Street and known as St Magnus the Martyr.

Reynold Blake mentions his first wife Elizabeth and his second wife Agnes. He mentions his son Richard. He mentions his brother William who is a tailor. He has a guardianship over Michael Parker which he asks his wife to take on after his death. This will is pre-dissolution of the abbeys and contains the more usual terminology of wills prior to that date.

No idea on his ancestry as there weren't any hints in British History online.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 Nov 2012
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/23/102
Name of testator: Reynold Blake, weaver
Place: London, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 2 May 1529, probated 24 May 1529
Read: Electronic file images

[Margin]: Testam[ent] Reynald
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the name of god amen The second day of May In the yere of our Lord god
2    a thousand fyve hundred twenty and nyne I Reynold Blake weaver and citizen of London knowing
3    well that by the course of humane nature I must nede change this transitory life I therfor pond[er]ing
4    not to dye intestate ordeyn constitute and make this my last wille after maner and forme folowing
5    First I Bequith my soole to almighty god my Redeemer and maker to his Blessed moder mary and to
6    all the saints Also I will my Body be buried in the cloyster of Saint Magnus right unto the place
7    where Elizabeth Blake late my wife lieth buried I also geve unto the high aweter of the said Church
8    iijs iiijd I will there be two trigintalls of masses be sunge for my soule and all christian bodies that is
9    to say oon of them the day of my buriall and another at my monethes mynde in the parishe church
10    of Saint Magnus Item I geve unto twenty maiden's mariages iijs iiijd a pece And I will that myne
11    owne s[er]vants have the first preferment I geve unto Johane Chestyn my s[er]vant xl s I geve unto John
12    heyth my s[er]vant xl s I will my wyfe shal[l ]have the keping of the same money unto such tyme my
13    said s[er]vants come to the age of xxj yeres I geve unto michael Parker tenn pounds st[erling] and an acre of
14    free holde lying in Twycknam during his life And if the said Michael should dep[ar]te before the yere's of
15    xxj ti (as god defende) then I will that Agnes my wife shall have the said tenne pounds and the acre
16    of Lande Also I geve to Agnes my wife Michael Parker the sonne of Henry Parker haberdassher late
17    Citezen of London while he lyved as freely as over his said fader gave him to me And I desire hir to
18    be good unto him for my sake And if my said may possible kepe the said Michael according to his faders
19    last wille and this my last will then I will the said Bequiths shall stande in effect or ells I wille
20    that my said wife shal[l ]have the said tenne pounds and the said acre of Lande I geve unto my brother
    [Page 2]
21    William Tailor my gowne furred w[i]t[h] blak couye I give unto John Gost of Twyckn[h]am my russet gowne furred
22    with blak bogye I geve to Roger Cork and his wife two blak gownes The residue of all my goodes Landes
23    and Catalls I geve unto Agnes my wyfe whom I make my sool executrix And I make John Jenkyns m[er]chant
24    Taillor and Sir John Andrewe Chamtrye priest in Powlys overseers of this my last wille And I geve
25    John Jenkyn and his wife either of them a blak gowne and to Sir John Andrewe another blak gowne
26    and x s in money to pray for my soule and all christien soules And I geve to Sir William Cowyn my goostly
27    father a blak gown allso I geve to John Jenkyns my bowe and my arrowes I geve to Richard Blake
28    my sonne my second standing cripp gilt over all I geve unto James Sir Andrewes s[er]vant a blak gowne
29    per me Reynold Blake per me Joamem Andreaw per me Will[ia]m Covyn

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