Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Blake Newsletter - 2 - 1 - 2013

Blake Newsletter - 2 - 1 - 2013 
Blake Newsletter

Looking back, 2012 has been a busy year for the Blake One Name Study. I have corresponded with more than 50 descendants of various Blake families. Many of the conversations have not carried on as completely as I would have liked due to my time constraints. I shall endeavour to do a better job this year of keeping up. 

Blake Wills
One of my major projects during 2012 was the transcription of the more than 100 Blake wills that my husband and I photographed at Kew in 2010. A project that I meant to complete much sooner ended up taking more than two years as I am still not quite finished although close with less than ten wills to transcribe for Blake family members. 

There were surprises in those wills letting me link together several generations on occasion. I did not spend a lot of time with the linking because I want to have the parish register entries to go with that data. However, in my own line at Upper Clatford/Andover I found mention of my families as far away as Berkshire (which isn't that far in miles but quite unexpected). No statement as to kinship just the mention of the family at Knights Enham (near Andover). 

The Blake lines were a variable lot from large wealthy landowners to gentleman farmers to husbandmen tilling their own soil to artisans and tradesmen and all those Blake men in service principally as seamen/naval personnel. Quite a few Blake women left wills and especially those who were spinsters revealed interesting details of their Blake family relations.
All of the wills that have been transcribed have been added to my blog:

and I have attempted on occasion to weave them into the family lines where they belong when such information as was readily available. In order to keep up the pace of one per day in the spring and fall when I was transcribing I avoided going too far afield in trying to place the individuals into family lines. 

Blake yDNA study
Our numbers have increased in the Blake yDNA study much to the delight of Bill Bleak and myself who are the administrator/co-administrator of this study. More Blake yDNA is always welcomed in order to better understand the origins and descent of Blake through the centuries.

A guest blog at Ancestry has not yet appeared but is forthcoming. Getting the word out that there is a Blake one name study is helpful to learning more about each of the individual lines in our study. Is there a common ancestor to Blake? A mystery really as the potential is there way back in the distant past for sister's sons to change their surname to their mother's brother's/father's surname of Blake. The Blake family was very mobile as seen in the Blake Pedigree Chart held at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office. On that chart is mentioned the gift of land in Essex during the reign of Edward I/II and this family was already living in Wiltshire at the time. The chart mentions the Blake family in Somerset, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Surrey and London and that is looking at the Blake family prior to 1690. 

Future Issues: I plan to continue publishing this short newsletter quarterly mentioning what I am doing with the one name study but welcome contributions from Blake descendants. These can be short articles pointing to a larger article perhaps or queries. I think having a half page devoted to queries would help all of us looking into the past.

Email: kippeeb@rogers.com

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