Monday, February 11, 2013

Will of Sir Richard Buller, Knight, of Shillingham - The National Archives PROB/11/199/591, probated 1 Mar 1647

Sir Richard Buller the testator was MP and Sheriff of Cornwall in 1637. He married Alice the daughter of Sir Rowland Hayward of London. The will does make it sound as if they had a very happy marriage with seven sons and six daughters

1. Francis Buller married Thomasin daughter of Sir Thomas Honywood
2. George Buller
3. Richard Buller
4. John Buller was a colonel in the army and named by his nephew Francis Buller in his will 1681
5. Anthony Buller
6. William Buller
7. Samuel Buller died young

1. Catheryne Buller married to James Parker
2. Julian Buller married to Bernard Tanner
3. Alice Buller married to George Kekewich
4. Mary Buller died young
5. Maria Buller
6. Thomasin Buller married to Josias Calmady

There is a short Wikipedia article on Sir Francis Buller:
Sir Richard Buller (1578–1642) was an English politician who sat in the House of Commons variously between 1621 and 1642. He was a Parliamentarian officer during the English Civil War.

Buller was born at Shillingham Cornwall, the son of Francis Buller and his wife Thomasina Williams. He was knighted in 1608.

Buller was elected Member of Parliament for St Germans in 1621. He was subsequently MP for Saltash from 1625 to 1629 when King Charles I decided to rule without parliament. He was High Sheriff of Cornwall in 1637. In April 1640, Buller was elected MP for Cornwall in the Short Parliament. In November 1640, he was elected MP for Fowey in the Long Parliament.[1]

Buller was involved in military operations in Cornwall in 1642, and was forced to retreat from Launceston.[2] He died in November that year at the age of 64.

[1] Willis, Browne (1750). Notitia Parliamentaria, Part II: A Series or Lists of the Representatives in the several Parliaments held from the Reformation 1541, to the Restoration 1660 .... London. pp. 229–239.
[2] Historic Cornwall:

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Feb 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/199/591
Testator: Sir Richard Buller
Place: Shillingham, Cornwall, England
Date of document:  30 Mar 1640, probated 1 Mar 1647
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[estament]
[Margin]: Richardi Buller
[Margin]: Militia 373

1    In the name of God Amen The thirtieth day of
2    March in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and Fortieth  I Richard
3    Buller of Shillingham in the County of Cornewall knight doe make this my last Will
4    and testament in Writeing as followeth Revoakeing hereby all former Wills whatsoever
5    Imprimis I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker only Redeemer
6    and Preserver and my body in Christian buriall Item I give to the poor of the parish of
7    St Stephens iuxta Ashe Five pounds and to the poore of the towne of Ashe Five
8    pounds And to the poore of the parish of Pelint Forty shillings and to the poore of the
9    parish of Lansallos twenty shillings all which to be paid within one yeare after my decease
10    Item whereas Francis Buller Esq[uier] my Father deceased did seale and deliver unto
11    George Buller my sonne a certaine lease or draught purporting a lease of certaine
12    lands called East Lison and West lison I doe hereby straightly require and charge my heir
13    and his posterity and they tender my blessing to suffer the said George his Executors and
14    assignes quietly to enioy the same And all that is contayned in the said lease or draught
15    according to my said Fathers intent and meaneing And whereas I have released the same by
16    one Thomas Pounde upon conditions expressed in the said lease for payment of certaine
17    moneys which not withstanding he hath failed payments oute at his day yet I doe require
18    and charge George Buller my sonne to suffer and permitt the same Thomas Ponde
19    his Executors and Assignes to enioy the same according to the lease And I further Will
20    and devise that my Executors within one yeare after my decease shall pay unto the said
21    George seaven hundred fower score and one pounds which is the considera[t]ion I lett
22    itt for unto the said Pounde. Alsoe I devise will give bequeath and grannte unto the
23    said George Buller all my messuages lands and tenements called or knowne by the
25    name of Ford sett lyeing and being within the parrish of Lanhidroke in the county of
26    Cornewall which were sometymes in the tenure or occupation of John Stowe Marchant
27    deceased and William Langdon both or one of them has or their assigne or assignes and
28    the Reversion and Reversions thereof and all my messuages lands and tenements with
29    the Appertenances called Cockerton lyeing in Torkrete in the parrish of St Cleere
30    and all those my messuages lands and tenements with the appurtenances called by the
31    name or names of Langton and Coker within the parrish of JacobStowe or lyeing in
32    Langdon or Coker and all my messuages lands and tenements with the App[ur]tenances
33    called Cannary within the parrish of Warpestowe and the reversion and reversions thereof
34    all which premisses are scituate lyeing and being within the County of Cornewall w[hi]ch
35    I purchased of William Bond Esq and Jane his wife, and William Wolcombe gent
36    and Mary his wife to have and to hold to the said George Buller his heires Executors
37    and Assignes for nynety and nyne yeares if the said George Buller his wife or
38    children (if he happen to have any) or either of them shall soe long happen to live yeilding
39    and paying therefore yearly and respectively for all the premises as they come in hand
40    dureing the said tearme the olde ancient and _____ally yearly rent due and usually
41    payable for the same Item I doe hereby will devise and grannte that Richard Buller
42    my sonne shall have the Barton Farme and demesne of Loosleigh in the parrish
43    of Tamerton Foly sett in the County of Devon and the Downe called Lookleigh downe
44    with his App[ur]tenances and all other things therewith to mee heretofore demised and
45    leased By Dorothye Wadham Hitchins Wadham William Wadham and Nicholas
46    Wadham some or any one of them for seven yeares yet unexpired to have and to hould
47    to him the said Richard his Executors and Assignes for and dureing any whole tearme
48    and estate therein yet to come to mee grannted by them or any of them if he the said
49    Richard or any wooman that he shall marry or any child of his body lawfull begotten
50    shall happen soe long to live Alsoe I devise unto the said Richard and give all the
51    said premises called Loosleigh and Loosleigh downe with the two Appurtenances for the
52    tearme
    [Page 2]
53    tearme of one hundred yeares in expiration of the said estate and tearme Formerly
54    granted and devised by this my will if the said Richard or any woman that he shall
55    marry or any child of his body or childrens children lawfully begotten shall happen soe
56    long to live, he and they paying the old and ancient part for the same which was
57    _____ to be paid before Christopher Brocker was deceased had and hold the same
58    (pideliket) Five markes yearly rent Item I doe hereby give will devise and bequeath to
59    John Buller my fowerth sonne Forty pounds yearly to be paid him yearely during
60    his life by quarterly payments and three hundred pounds in money to be paid him
61    within one yeare after my decease Item I doe hereby will devise give and bequeath to
62    Anthony Buller my fiveth sonne all the money which hee shall owe mee at the tyme
63    of my death either by specialty or otherwise And alsoe three hundred pounds more to bee
64    paid him within twelve moneths next after my decease  Alsoe my will is that if my heire
65    or any other from or under him or by his means shall after my decease evict or expulse
66    the said George Buller or the said Richard Buller his or their Executors or
67    Assignes of or from any part of the lands messuages tenements or premises before to
68    them or any of them respectively grannted devised willed appoynted or meant by reason
69    or colour of any pretence of tenure or otherwise then I doe hereby give will and devise
70    that the said George Buller and Richard Buller theire heires and Assignes
71    respectively shall have and hold all my said lands messuages tenements and hereditaments
72    to him and them respectively and theire heires and Assignes for ever as they are severally
73    grannted willed devised lymitted intended or meant by the true meaneing of this my last
74    Will Item my will is that my daughter Thomasine if shee marry her selfe in marriage
75    in her mother's life tyme without her mother's good likeing or consent shall have only
76    the somme of one hundred pounds by this my last Will for her portion, and all other
77    Legacies and bequeaths in this my will touching her shalbe then voyde But if the said Thomasine
78    shall marry with her Mother's consent and good likeing (As I hope shee will) or shall not
79    happen to marry or be Affianced in Marriage in the life tyme of her said Mother
80    then I doe hereby give and bequeath unto the said Thomazine my daughter the sum[m]e
81    of one thousand pounds Lawfull English money to be paid unto her within one yeare
82    after she shall accomplish the Age of one and Twenty yeares or be married as aforesaid
83    Item I give unto all my sonne Bullers children which he shall have liveing at the
84    tyme of my death Fifty pounds to each of them to be paid when they shall come to theire
85    severall ages of Sixteene yeares if they be liveing Item I give unto Katherine Parker
86    Julian Tanner and Alice Keck which three of my daughters Tenn pounds apeece
87    to buy them each A jewell withall Item I give unto my loveing daughter in law Thomazine
88    Buller Twenty pounds to buy her A jewell withall Item I give and bequeath unto my
89    most deare and loveing wife dame Alice the use of all my manors with household stuffe
90    and goods within dores that I shall have at the tyme of my death in my howse att
91    Shillingham during her life And alsoe I give unto her all her goods which at any tyme
92    were hers or given her And alsoe I give her my Coach with fower of my best wath
93    horses and all my suit goods quicke (vid clicet) spoons oxen cowes and sheepe and all my
94    Corne that I shall have in and upon Shillingham at the tyme of my death Item I
95    doe give to Peter Peirce John Tingcombe Roger Hitchins Thomas Howes Jacobi Richard
96    Langston Mary Buller Elizabeth Willis and Jane Peirce Five pounds to each of
97    them Item I give to Toby Suelium Forty shillings and to every one of my covenant
98    servants A quarters Wages besides the wages shalbe due to them at the tyme of my death
99    And I will that my Executors shall pay all my debrts whatsoever which by Law costome
100    or equity is or maybe to be paid fully I doe appoynte and ordaine my most deare and loveing
101    wife Dame Alice and Francis Buller my eldest sonne Executors of this my last Will and
102    testament and I doe hereby give them all my goods chattles and cattle not before given
103    and bedqueathed after my debts and legacies paid and Funeralls discharged (where in I
    [Page 3]
104    desire noe greate cost) And if my said wife or sonne or either of them doe indeavor or goe
105    about to defeate or defraude any of my children of any legacie or thing to any of them by this my last
106    Will and Testament given willed or meant that then and imediatly upon such interverence or goeing
107    about soe to do her and his authority and right of Executorshipp shall cease and all Legacies
108    and things by this my last Will and Testament given or bequeathed to them or either of them that
109    soe doeth I will to be voyd and then I will that George Buller my sonne shall shalbe in her or his
110    place that soe doeth or gooeth about soe to doe Reycouter And shall have all such legacies as are
111    given or bequeathed to the said Dame Alice and Francis or any of them respectively
112    Provided alsoe that if my said Wife doe happen to Marry after my decease that then her
113    Executorshipp and all interests thereby had unto be had shalbe voyd to all intents confirmations
114    and purposes Alsoe I will and devise that my said deare Wife shall have all her demesne payde
115    of ioynture in possession as Free of all tythes whatsoever as I had and hold itt my selfe
116    att any tyme Provided alwayes and taken by this my Will and Testament refers full power
117    and authority to make any schedull or Codicill wherein I may better remember these or other my
118    Freinds and servants which att this tyme I have nott tyme to doe and that scedull or codicill
119    which I shall soe make shalbe at the same validity and Force as this my Will is or shalbe being
120    subscribed by mee or Written or testified in the presence of any credible Wittnesses written
121    with my owne hand the day and yeare First above written and sealed with my owne seale
122    Memorandum whereas I have omitted the perticular ixpressed disposeall of  my lease
123    and grannt which I have and hold of the Colledge of Windsor of the Rectory and p[ar]sonage
124    of St Stephens iuxta Ashe (otherwise then that my minde and Will is that my deare wife shall
125    have and hold her dimesne lands of Joynture Free from all manner of tythes dureing her
126    life) and whereas I make noe doubt question or scruple but that my personall estate is very
127    well able (thankes be to God) to Free and discharge all my debts and legacies with A good
128    overplus I doe by this my will therefore my debts and legacies being paid give grannte and
129    bequeath all my right title tearmes and interest which I have in and over the said lease and
130    grannte to Rectory and personage of St Stephens (except to my wife as aforesaid) unto
131    Franncis Buller my eldest sonne and his heires males forever provided that my heirs
132    doe suffer my deare wife quietly to enioy her Joynture dureing her life whereof I doubt nott
133    And this is alwayes and was still my will Full intent and meaneing Rich: Buller
134    Sealed and subscribed in the presence of us Tho: Dandy John Tingcombe Richard Langston
135    Whereas since the makeing of this my will I have given bond to pay George Buller my
136    sonne A certaine somme of money to be paid shortly after his marriage with Mistres Mary
137    onely daughter and child of Mr George Hanger now if itt shall happen the said Marriage
138    to take effect Then I doe will and declare by these that all Legacies and bequeaths to him
139    and his only ase given by this my Will to be voyd and if nowe effect to him to all confirmations
140    and purposes but as to the rest of this my Will I doe ratifie allowe and confirme itt to all intents
141    confirmations and purposes whatsoever

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