Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Will of Arthur Buller, Clerk, Milverton, Warwickshire - The National Archives PROB 11/2125/93, probated 30 Jan 1851

A wonderful will to have for the family of the Reverend Arthur Buller second son of Richard Buller and Felizarda Guerhelmina Burmester (maiden name unknown). Arthur was married to Grace Bell Ward. Richard's will was blogged:

as was the will of his mother Sarah Stert Buller:

Arthur had five siblings: Anna Guilhermina Buller married to Sir Peter Pole, Baronet; Felizarda Matilda Buller married to Charles Pole (brother of Sir Peter), Marianna married to Reverend Henry Isham, eldest brother Cornelius Buller married Mary Down and youngest brother Daniel.

In his will he mentions his nieces and nephews:

Arthur Isham
Cornelius Buller
Marianna Buller
Spencer Wellington Buller
Vivian Arthur Buller
Plumer Alexander Buller
Frederick Pole Buller
John Burmester
Susan Pullene
Mariana Barker
Harriet Burmester

and his great niece

Charlotte Emma Bulkeley

Although he hasn't remembered all of his nieces and nephews, this will  is still a great family linker.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 16 Mar 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2125/93
Testator: The Reverend Arthur Buller, Clerk
Place: Milverton, Warwickshire
Date of document 21 Aug 1850, probated 30 Jan 1851
Read: Electronic copy images
Document quality: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: The Rev[erend]
[Margin]: Arthur
[Margin]: Buller
[Margin]: 13   Clerk

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me the Reverend Arthur Buller of Bertie Terrace in the parish of Milverton
3    in the County of Warwick Clerk I desire to be buried in the Church yard of
4    Milverton aforesaid in an unostentatious and quiet manner I will and desire
5    that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences and the legacies due
6    on the several legacies hereinafter by me bequeathed be first fully paid and
7    satisfied out of my personal estates I give and devise all that my freehold
8    messuage or tenement with the premises and appurtenances thereto belong-
9    ing situate in and being number eight in Bertie Terrace aforesaid now in
10    my own occupation unto my dear wife and her assigns for and during the
11    term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease I give
12    and devise the same unto my nephew the Reverend Arthur Isham his
13    heirs and assigns for ever and my will and desire is that my said wife
14    do not let the said messuage or tenement unfurnished without the consent
15    of my said nephew Arthur Isham and that in case she do let the same
16    the sum of twenty pounds per annum part of the cost for which
17    the same is let be paid to my said nephew Arthur Isham and be ap-
18    propiated by him in and towards keeping the said messuage or ten-
19    ement and premises in good a tenantable state and condition and
20    give and bequeath unto my said nephew Arthur Isham ten shares
21    in the Guardian Life and Fire Insurance Company and two shares in
22    the Imperial Fire Insurance Company for the purpose of keeping
23    the same messuage or tenement and premises in repair I give and
24    devise all that my freehold messuage or tenement with the premises
25    and appurtenances thereto belonging situate in and being number
26    seventeen in Clarendon Square in the Parish of Leamington Priors
27    in the same county unto my nephew Cornelius Buller his heirs and
28    assigns for ever I give and bequeath unto my dear wife all the house-
30    hold goods and furniture wines spirits linen pictures ornaments (except
31    my five Saxon vases which I had from my father ) pianofortes and
32    other musical instruments and music books in and belonging to my
33    house in Bertie Terrace aforesaid at the time of my death and all the
34    plate plates goods and books which my said wife has at the time of our
35    marriage and thirty volumes of books to be selected by her and also the
36    following articles of silver plate belonging to me that is to say twelve
37    table spoons twelve desert spoons twelve tea spoons twelve table forks
38    twelve dessert forts two salt cellars with ladles one pair of candlesticks
39    (not the high candlesticks with branches that stand with cruets and
40    mustard spoon To hold to her my said wife to and for her own absolute
41    use and benefit I give and bequeath unto my said nephew Arthur
42    Isham fifty shares in the York Newcastle and Berwick Railway Also
43    my crole repeater watch and gears and the remainder of my books
44    after my wife has made her selection and after the decease of my said
45    wife I also give and bequeath unto my said newphew Arthur Isham two
46    thousand pounds in the three per cent asured annuities part of a
47    sum settled upon my said wife for her life I give and bequeath unto
48    my said nephew Cornelius Buller two shares in the Imperial Fire
49    Assurance Company and my five Saxon vases which I has from my
50    father and also after the decease of my said wife two thousand
51    pounds in the three per cent reduced annuities further part of the said
52    sum settled upon my said wife I give and bequeath unto my niece
53    Marianna Buller fifty shares in the London and South Western
54    Railway also after the decease of my said wife two thousand pounds
55    in the three per cent reduced annuities further part of the sum settled
56    upon my said wife I give and bequeath unto my nephew Spencer
57    Wellington Buller twenty five shares in the Imperial Life Assurance
58    Company and also after the decease of my said wife one thousand
    [Page 2]
59    pounds three percent reduced annuities further part of the said sum
60    so settled I give and bequeath unto my nephews Vivian Arthur Buller
61    twenty shares in the York and North Midland Railway Also after the decease
62    of my said wife one thousand pounds three per cent reduced annuities further
63    part of the sum settled as aforesaid I give and bequeath unto my nephew
64    Plumer Alexander Buller twenty shares in the York and North Midland
65    Railway Also after the decease of my said wife one thousand pounds three per
66    cent reduced annuities likewise further part of the sum settled upon her I
67    give and bequeath unto my grand niece Charlotte Emma Bulkeley two shares in the
68    Imperial Fire Insurance Company Also after the decease of mys aid wife
69    one thousand pounds three per cent reduced annuities further part of the
70    sum settled on my said wife I give and bequeath to each of my nephews
71    and nieces Frederick Pole Buller John Burmester Susan Pullene Marianna
72    Barker and Harriet Burmester a legacy of fifty pounds sterling I give and
73    bequeath the remainder of my plate equally between the said Cornelius
74    Buller Marianna Buller Spencer Wellington Buller Vivian Arthur Buller
75    and Plumer Alexander Buller All the Rest Residue and Remainder
76    of my money securities for money goods chattels effects and personal
77    estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever
78    I give and bequeath unto and equally between and amongst my said wife
79    and nephews Arthur Isham and Cornelius Buller and I direct that the
80    said several legacies and bequests shall be paid free of legacy duty and that
81    the provisions of this my will shall be carried out and fulfilled as far as
82    may be within three calendar months next after my decease and I con-
83    stitute and appoint my said nephews Arthur Isham and Cornelius Buller
84    joint Executors of this my will and hereby revoke all other wills by me
85    at any time heretofore made In witness whereof I the said Arthur
86    Buller the testator have hereunto set my hand this twenty first day of
87    August one thousand eight hundred and fifty Arthur Buller
88    Signed published and declared by the said Arthur Buller the testator
89    as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his
90    request in his presence and in the presence of each other have set our
91    names as witnesses Tho[ma]s Sam[ue]l Wright Sol[icito]r Leamington
92    George Pole his Clerk
93    Proved at London 30th Jan[uar]y 1851 before the worshipful James
94    Parker Deane Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths of The Rev[eren]d
95    Arthur Isham Clerk and Cornelius Buller Esquire the newphews the
96    Executors to whom adm[inistratio]n was granted having been first sworn
97    duly to administer

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