Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Coleman Research Day and Abbots Ann Parish Registers

My last Coleman research day was 5 Apr 2011 and the research plan developed to move forward was to transcribe the Goodworth Clatford parish registers but only if Abbots Ann was complete. My Coleman family lived at Abbots Ann and before that Upper Clatford and prior to that at Goodworth Clatford.

Last blog on Coleman family:

Just to remind myself of my Coleman family, Sarah Coleman married Thomas Blake  10 Jun 1792 at Upper Clatford. Sarah was baptized 15 June 1773 at Abbots Ann the daughter of John Coleman and Elizabeth Pearce who were themselves married 7 Oct 1771 at Abbots Ann. Sarah and Thomas had ten children of whom the last two died (Henry and Joanna) and the fourth (Joanna) died as infants and the seventh child Sarah died at the age of three. All the rest survived to adulthood but two died rather young the sixth child George (35 years of age) and the eighth child Charlotte (31 years of age). The longest living child was Mary who lived to be 87 years of age and then John (my ancestor) who was 74 years of age when he died. Thomas the fifth child may have also been into his 70s but I haven't found his death registration yet. The remaining child, William, the eldest, was 70 years of age when he died.

Sarah died 3 Jul 1816 (her last child had been born 31 May 1816 dying 3 Jun 1816). Sarah's father John Coleman was baptized 13 Feb 1736 at Upper Clatford and he was buried 2 Jul 1780 at Upper Clatford (44 years of age). There were just the two children for John Coleman and Elizabeth Pearce - Sarah and her brother William who was baptized 12 Mar 1775 at Upper Clatford. William married Mary Wright (marriage not yet found) and they had at least one son William. 

Moving further back John was the eldest son of Clement Coleman and Dinah Bever. Clement and Dinah had eight children of whom four died of measles as recorded in the Parish Registers of Upper Clatford. I have not yet traced down the remaining children other than John although I do have the Parish Registers of Upper Clatford transcribed up to 1812. A quick check of the excel file for Upper Clatford shows that the eight children were baptized at Upper Clatford but none after that time up to 1812. Burials at Upper Clatford show widow Coleman buried 20 Aug 1642, Clement Coleman buried 8 Feb 1753 and then the four children Clement buried 9 Mar 1756, Mary Elizabeth buried 13 Mar 1756, Henry buried 13 May 1763 and James the fourth child who died young is not listed and Dinah herself buried 7 May 1783. There are only two Coleman marriages at Upper Clatford - Sarah married to Thomas Blake and her mother Elizabeth Coleman (widow) married John Head 10 Oct 1781.

I can move back one more generation from Clement Coleman and he was baptized 25 Oct 1704 at Goodworth Clatford the son of Clement Coleman and Katherine Holeridge who were themselves married 6 Oct 1695 at Goodworth Clatford. They had four daughters and the one son. Their eldest daughter Katherine Coleman (baptized 3 Aug 1696 at Goodworth Clatford) married Charles Dear 10 May 1723 at Goodworth Clatford. Katherine ran an Inn at Upper Clatford and this was possibly a joint effort with Clement but the licenses for this only go back to the time after Clement died (likely before 1721). Their other daughters were Elizabeth baptized 27 Apr 1698 at Goodworth Clatford, Mary (baptism not yet located) and Ann baptized 28 Apr 1710 at Goodworth Clatford. Prior to this time I have no ideas on where the Coleman or the Holeridge family were located.

The Hampshire Record Office online catalogue has 50 wills for members of the Coleman family between  1515 and 1785 but none of them appear to be for any of the members of the Coleman family thus far known to me. Searching on Clement Coleman does not give my any records that are relevant. Any Google searches bring up my webpages for the most part.

I think perhaps my time might be best spent on the Abbots Ann Parish Registers at this stage so I will proceed using up my one hour on the Coleman family for this pursuit. When I last transcribed Abbots Ann I was at 1612 for baptisms,  1598 for marriages and 1597 for burials. The Subsidy 1571-1598 at Abbots Ann does not list any Coleman family members.

I shall keep my blog open in case I come across any interesting entries and will publish the blog after I have put in my one hour on the parish registers of Abbots Ann.

There is one missing entry in Family Search for Thomas Whicher son of Thomas Whicher baptized 2 May 1613. Occasionally there are misses in the Parish Register Transcriptions for Family Search. Although the spelling looks like Whicher I note that Whityere is a commoner name in the parish register.

Future Coleman days will be devoted to the Abbots Ann Parish Registers which is also good for my Blake one name study.

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