Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Gray/Grey family research at Etton, Holme in the Wolds, Cherry Burton, East Yorkshire Riding

I blogged on my Gray family during the routine daily research day 10 May 2011 and I probably have thought very little about my Gray family in the past two years. My great grandmother was Grace Gray and she married William Robert Pincombe 23 May 1865 at St John the Divine Parish, Arva, Ontario. They buried their first child as an infant and my grandfather was either the next child born or followed another infant death. Still working on that piece of information. John Routledge Pincombe was born 10 Sep 1872 after they had been married for seven years. I know that Grace adored her three children and must have grieved for her second son who died at just six months of age probably from a viral epidemic. He looks quite healthy in his picture about the age of four months.

My blog suggested that I should work on available records for East Yorkshire. I would like to determine if the Robert Grey baptized 28 May 1686 at Kilnwick was the father of Robert Grey baptized 28 May 1708 at Cherry Burton who was my  5x great grandfather. Searched Ancestry and Find My Past but did not find any new information that would assist in my search.

My Grey/Gray family were principally farmers before 1830 and looking at the Poor Law Rates for Kilnwick in the mid 1700s there were no Gray/Grey families living at Kilnwick and paying poor law contributions.

12 May 1784
A Tax laid by the inhabitants of Lockington in the Parish of Kilnwick of the Rate of one Penny per pound Rents to be Collected as often as need Requireth

Philip Fisher
George Fox
Thomas Chapman Junior
Thomas Chapman Senior  (Land)
William Wilson (Land and Marsh)
Richard Wilson
Alexander Wederell (Road Lane close)
William Weldby
William Wederell
Widow Houldsworth (flats and house)
William Stephenson
Thomas Fenton
John Hodgson
 Henry Blakstone
William Pickering
Ralph Richardson (Land)
Thomas Watson
John Coaks
John Robinson (Stripe)
Hugh Chapman
Thomas Chapman (Tythe)

An interesting list of those who paid tax in 1784 at Lockington in the Parish of Kilnwick.

19 Jun 1760
A Tax Laid by ye Inhabitants of Lockington In the Parrish of Kilnwick for the Repairs of the Church at the Rate of 8 Pence a Pound for the year 1760 George Fox Churchwarden

Thomas Chapman
Thomas Chapman Senior
Philip Fisher
George Fox
Hudgh Chapman
Robart Coale (Land and Marsh)
Alexander Weatheril
William Weatheril
William Waldby
John Houldswarth
Richard Willson
Thomas Fenton
John Hodgson
Henry Blakstone
William Pickering
Ralph Richardson (Land)
John Robinson (Stripe)
Philip Fisher (Land)
Thomas Watson
John Coaks

Another interesting list of those who paid tax 24 years earlier at Lockington in the Parish of Kilnwick.

Lockington is actually 1.3 miles south of Kilnwick On the Wolds. So my data collected in 2008 at the Family History Library rather missed the mark! But perhaps someone searching these names will get a little boost for their research.

I have about 20 years worth of this data but I was new to imaging on microfilm in those days and a few of them are very poor quality images.

The amount of the tax is also included in the image but I did not list that here. The LDS does hold Parish Registers for Kilnwick and perhaps I will at some point order the microfilm in for Kilnwick to see if I can learn more about the Grey/Gray family there. I shall try to remember to do that for one of these research days. I shall use this particular time to work on the images I did bring back for the various parishes in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

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