Thursday, May 23, 2013

Will of Jane Blake, widow of Padstow, Cornwall - The National Archives PROB 11/224/73, probated 5 Jul 1652

Jane Blake the testator is a widow of Padstow Cornwall. She mentions her sons Reynold Blake and William Blake. Her daughters names are not mentioned but her sons in law are Richard Smith (has a daughter Jane) and William Comely.

I found the name of her son Reynold to be most interesting as there is a will for a Reynold Blake probated 24 May 1529 and he lived in London. He was a weaver. But he and his wife did not leave any children living at the time of their death nor any descendants.

However this is 150 years later and perhaps there were times when the forename Reynold was popular.

Looking at the OPC Cornwall site for Padstow there was a William Blake baptized 1629 at Padstow and the son of Maximilian (and likely Margaret) so not this family likely. No baptisms recorded for a Reynold Blake in Cornwall on the site. The marriage of Maxezemillion Blake and Margret Knebon is recorded in 1615. No other Blake marriages in the time period of this Jane Blake. No burial fits for this Jane Blake at Padstow or any other of the listed burials for Jane Blake in Cornwall.

I also searched the LDS site but did not find any further information for Reynold Blake. I did not find marriages for either of her daughters.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 23 May 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/224/73
Testator:  Jane Blake, widow
Place: Padstow, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 9 Jan1645, probated 5 Jul 1652
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: The will of Jane
[Margin]: Blake

In the Name of God Amen I Jane
Blake of Padstow in the County of Cornwall widdow beinge sicke in body
but of perfect and sound memorie thankes be to God doe ordaine and make
this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge First
I doe give and bequeath my soule to Allmightie God my maker and
Redeemer beseechinge him for his mercies sake to receive the same and my
body top Christian buriall Then I doe give and bequeath unto every of Richard
Smith his Children beinge my Grandchildren Twenty shillings to be paid unto
them at the end of three yeares next after my death Item I doe give and
bequeath unto my Grandchild the daughter of William Comely Twenty

[Page 2]
shillings to be likewise paid unto her at the End of three yeares next after my death Item
I doe give and bequeath unto Reynold Blake my sonne three pounds lawfull money
of England The rest and residue of all my goods and Chattells not given nor bequeathed
I doe give and bequeath unto William Blake my sonne and Jane Smith my Grand-
child And they I doe ordaine to be full and sole Executors of this my last will and
Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale dated
the Nynth day of January in the one and Twentieth yeare of our Soveraigne Lord
King Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland kinge
defender of the faith etc Annoqz dom[ini] One Thousand six hundred Fortie Five the
Signe of Jane Blake Signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence of Peter
Pearse the Signe of Thomas Skinner the signe of Anne Lucas Ex[ecute]d
This will was proved at London before the right R[ight hon]or[ab]le Sir Nathaniel Brest
knight doctyor of lawes and Master Keeper of the prerogative Court lawfully
constituted the Fifty day of July in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand
Six hundred Fiftie Two by the Oath of Jane Smith and William Blake Joynt
executors named in the Said Will To whom Administration was committed of all and singuler the goods
chattells and debts of the said deceased they beinge first legally Sworn by Commission
well and truly to Administer the Same Ex[ecute]d

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