Saturday, June 1, 2013

Will of Oliver Blake of Padstow, Cornwall - The National Archives PROB 11/111/455, probated 26 May 1608

Oliver Blake is the testator and he lives at Padstow Cornwall. There was another Padstow Cornwall will but I couldn’t link that one back and the two wills do not appear to have any linking material although there are a couple of Blake males who could have been married to Jane Blake who left her will which was probated 5 Jul 1652. She is not the widow of Oliver this testator.

Maximilian Blake married Margret Knebon 2 Nov 1615 at Padstow and their children follow:

Sarah baptized 10 Jan 1618
Jane baptized 4 Mar 1620
Olyver baptized 10 Aug 1623
Agnis baptized 5 Feb 1626
Emanuell baptized 11 Nov 1627
William baptized 23 Oct 1629 (buried 17 Apr 1631)
Jane baptized 21 Sep 1632

The Children of Oliver mentioned in the will and otherwise are also listed on the OPC Cornwall site ( ).

Susane baptized 14 Oct 1599
Waren baptized 12 Oct 1601
Elizabeth baptized 2 Oct 1603
A___s baptized 12 Sep 1605 (daughter)

Oliver names his children as Maximilian (eldest son), Thomas, Warne and six daughters not named but would include likely Susane, Elizabeth and A___s.

Unfortunately the baptisms move from 1632 to 1744 and I do not know if there were none at Padstow or if the parish register was not transcribed in this time period.

Marriages at Pastow in this time period:

Maxsemillion Blake and Margret Knebon (listed above)
Homphrye Worthen and Kathren Blake 12 Feb 1615

Burials at Padstow in this time period:

Grace buried 20 Mar 1624
Thomas buried 7 Mar 1629
William buried 17Apr 1631
Jane buried 5 Aug 1639 (widow)
Maximillian buried 30 May 1640
Margret buried 1 Apr 1660 (wife of Maximilian)

No Blake males listed at Padstow on the Protestation Returns 1641-42.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 1 Jun 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/111/455
Testator: Oliver Blake
Place: Padstow, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 19 Feb 1607 probated 26 May 1608
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[stamen]t Oliveri
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the name of God Amen The nyneteenthe daie of February
2    in Yeare of oure Lorde god one thousand sixe hundred and seaven I Olliver Blake
3    of Padstowe beinge sicke in bodye but perfect in memorie doe make my last will and testam[en]t
4    as followeth Firste I bequeathe my sowle to the all mightye god my maker and Redeemer
5    and my Bodye to be buried in the Churche yarde of Padstowe etc Item I geve and bequeve
6    unto my sonne Maximilian Blake all my Lands and to his heires male lawfullie begotten
7    of his Bodye forever And for wante of suche yssue unto Thomas Blake my second sonne
8    and his heires male lawfullie begotten forev[er] And for wante of suche yssue unto my thirde
9    sonne Warne Blake and to the heire mals lawfullie begotten of his bodye forev[er] And for
10    wante of suche yssue of heire male as aforesaid the sayde Land to come unto the heire gen[er]all
11    allwayes provided that Jane Blake my Wife shall houlde the saide Landes duringe hir
12    widdowe state excepte one howse w[i]th thapp[ur]tenancies nowe in the tenure of Christofer Nems Item
13    I geve and bequeave unto my sonne Thomas Blake Sixe pounds thirteen shillings fowre
14    pence to be payde himn by my Executor when the said Thomas shall come unto the age of
15    twentye yeares or in the discre[t]ion of the Overseers Item I geve and bequeve unto my Sonne
16    Maximilian Blake Sixe poundes thirteen shillings fower pence yf he goo or departe from
17    his Mother Item I give and bequeave unto my sonne Warne Blake Sixe poundes thirteen
18    shillings fower pence to be payde him by my Executor when he cometh to the age of Twenty
19    Yeares or in the discre[t]ion of the Overseers Furthermore I give unto my sixe daughters law-
20    fullie begotten of my bodye Six poundes thirteen shillings fower pence each one of them
21    to be payde at the age of Twentye yeares or in the discre[t]ion of the Overseers Item I give
22    unto my Sister Katherine Blake fourtie shillings Item I geve unto my Sister Anne
23    Mathewes children eache one of them a yeare Lambe Item I geve and bequeave unto
24    my Servaunte Kinge George a Yeare Lambe Item I geve unto my Sister Johan Tomb chil
25    dren Twelve pence eache of them Item I geve unto my Cozen Annys Swyamer one busshell
26    of Barley after harvest next Item I geve unto George Rosemoore the use of my Lambes and
27    the Table belonging thereunto duringe the tyme of one quartier of a yeare w[i]thoute payenge any
28    money for the use thereof And all the rest of my goodes and chattels moveable and unmoveable
29    not given nor bequeathed I doe absolute give and bequeave unto my Wife Jane Blake and
31    shee I make my whole Executrix as longe as shee remaynes widdowe But yf shee happen to
32    marrie that then Maximilian Blake my sonne shalbe my sole Executrix and shee or hee to
33    paye suche Legacies and debts as alsoe to see my Funerall ended and hereunto I putt to my
34    hande in the presence of those I doe ordaine and sett my Overseers of this my will and Testament
35    Thomas Daye gent Thomas Blake and John Speheore yeomans John Torn Thomas
36    Mathewe Thomas Blake John Speheere

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