Thursday, August 29, 2013

Will of Elizabeth Blake of Blandford, Dorset - The National Archives PROB 11/1215/197, probated 16 Mar 1792

This Blake line at Blandford Forum does not appear in the 1641-42 Protestation Returns. However they are at Blandford by the 1730s since William Tice and Mary Blake are married there in 1736. Is this Mary a sister to William mentioned in the will of Elizabeth Blake testatrix (sister to William)? Two children recorded with father William Tice in the appropriate time frame – Martha buried 9 Dec 1741 and James buried 15 Mar 1750. No baptisms on Family Search in this time period for this couple.

Names found in the will:

Sarah Fisher, sister
Susannah Fisher, niece
Mrs. Elizabeth Gellibrand, niece
Mrs. Sarah Field, niece
William Blake, brother
Mary James, niece
William Tice, nephew
Robert Fisher, nephew
John Tice, nephew
Billy James, nephew
William Fisher, nephew
Thomas Fisher, nephew
Hannah Gellibrand, niece
Sarah Field, daughter to niece Sarah Field
Susanna Field, daughter to niece Sarah Field
Thomas Tice, nephew
Samuel Tice, nephew
Malechi Tice, nephew

Blandford Forum parish registers on Ancestry

Robert Fisher and Sarah Blake, marriage by license, 6 Nov 1744 at Blandford
Sarah Fisher, wife of Robert Fisher Senior, buried 8 Aug 1799 at Blandford
William Tice and Mary Blake married 14 Nov 1736 at Blandford
Joseph James and Sarah Blake married 17 Jul 1776 at Blandford
William Blake and Hannah Clench married by license 25 Nov 1746 at Blandford
Hannah Blake wife of William Blake Esquire buried 28 Aug 1793 at Blandford
William Blake Esquire buried 17 Jan 1793 at Blandford

Family Search register

William Gellibrand baptized 13 Jun 1765 son of Joseph and Elizabeth Gellibrand, Blandford Independent

Protestant Dissenters Births and Baptisms at Blandford Forum 1785 to 1808

Malachi Blake Tice son of Malachi and Elizabeth Tice, Blandford, baptized 23 Mar 1777, born 27 Feb 1777.

Eliza Tice daughter of Malachi & Elizabeth Tice, Blandford, baptized 3 Jun 1785, born 27 Apr 1785.

William Gellibrand, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Gellibrand, Edmonton, baptized 13 Jun 1765, born 20 May 1765.

Sarah Field daughter of Henry and Sarah Field, Blandford, baptized 26 Jun 1768, born 9 Jun 1768.

Susanna Field daughter of Henry and Sarah Field, Blandford, baptized 29 Sep 1769, born 7 Sep 1769.

Hannah Field, daughter of Henry and Sarah Field, Blandford, baptized 19 Jul 1771, born 12 Jun 1771.

Sarah Field Fisher daughter of William and Susanna Fisher of Blandford baptized 7 Jul 1799 born 16 Jun 1799.

Mary Fisher daughter of William and Susanna Fisher, Blandford, baptized 20 Sep 1801, born 20 Aug 1801.

Henry Field Fisher son of William and Susanna Fisher, Blandford, baptized 8 Jun 1796, born 7 May 1796.

Henry Field Fisher son of William and Susanna Fisher, Blandford, baptized 27 May 1803, born 28 Apr 1803.

The Universal British Directory for 1791 for Blandford found on the OPC Dorset website:

Reverend Henry Field, Dissenting Minister
William Blake Esquire
Malachi Tice, Surgeon, etc.
Robert Fisher, Post Master and Glover
Tice and Fisher – Button manufacturers, Mercers and drapers
Joseph James, Button manufacturer, Mercer and draper

A blog on the Fisher Family provides some details on this Blake line at Blandford:

I quote in part from “Some Notes relating to The Fisher and Budden Families of Blandford"

“In a genealogical tree of the Blake family we see that a Robert Blake of Quemberfordk, Wilts, acted as a juror in a case in 1336, and that there are names of ancestors in a direct line from him to the present day; but the first one of whom we know anything definite is the Reb. Malachi Blake, Presbyterian Minister at Blagdon, Somerset, who died at Wells, Somerset, in 1704. He was a distant cousin of Admiral Blake, and got into political trouble in the Rebellion of 1682. He was “wanted” by the authorities, but was warned by a friend that the soldiers were on his track, so his wife hid him in a barrel in an out-house. He was not found, and escaped to London. His son, the Rev. Malachi Blake (the 2nd), was minister of the Presbyterian Meeting House, more usually called The Tabernacle, in Blandford, Dorset, at the time of the disastrous fire in 1731, of which he wrote a vivid description and published it in 1735 …………………….

"Mr. Malachi Blake’s daughter Sarah married Mr. Robert Fisher, a draper of Blandford. Their son William married first Catherine Budden of Blandford, and second Susanna Field, the daughter of the Rev. Henry Field of Blandford. She was the great-grandaughter of the Rev. Malachi Blake, her grandmother being Mary Tice.

"Mr. Robert Fisher’s daughter, Susanna, married first Thomas Budden, her sister in law’s brother and second the Rev. Stephen Gurteen, assistant Minister to the Reverend Henry Field.


"There were two points of contact between the Tice and Fisher families. Dr. William Tice’s son John qualified as a doctor and practiced at Ware in Hertfordshire. He married a Miss Carter of Ringwood. Their son, William Tice of Sopley Park, Christchurch, married Mary Fisher. Dr. William Tice’s daughter Mary married the Rev. Henry Field of Bland ford and their daughter Susanna became the second wife of William Fisher. Owing to so many intermarriages the relationships became very much involved. The children of Mr. James James were the first cousins of the family of Mr. Henry Field Fisher, and both these families were the second cousins of the children of John and Elizabeth Budden.


"The Blake Family
Robert Blake of Quemberford, Wilts, 1330
Richard Blaque or Blake, m. Anne Cole
Henry Blake, m. Elizabeth Dorrant
William Blake, m. Elizabeth Power
Henry Blake, m. Margaret Bellett
Robert Blake, m. Avice Roger
Robert Bake of Calne, ob. 1490
John Blake or Blaque, ob. 1558
Humphrey Blake, ob. 1559 (great grandfather of Admiral Blake)
John Blake, ob. 1595
William Blake of Pitminster, ob. 1645
John Blake of Pitminster, ob. 1645
John Blake of Pitminster, ob. 1682, m. MaryWilkins
Rev. Malachi Blake of Blagdon, Somerset, m. Mary Mico, ob. 1705
Reb. Malachi Blake, of Blandford, Dorset, ob. 1760, Presbyterian Minister. His daughter Sarah m. Robert Fisher

"Reverend Malachi Blake
Sarah married Robert Fisher
Mary married Dr. William Tice"

The genealogy of the family does continue but at this point it is possible to see the family mentioned in the will below. William brother of Elizabeth the testatrix and the two sisters Sarah Fisher and Mary Tice (deceased likely as not mentioned by name but her children are mentioned as nephews).

Although I have quoted the early genealogy of the Blake family from this pamphlet, I  have already pointed out possible (and likely) errors in the chart but it is interesting to see the link between John who died in 1558 and his named son Humphrey who died in 1559. Would love to know more about this particular document and will leave a note on this blog from 2009 to see if I receive any further information.

Mourning Rings also mentioned on the blog of The Fisher Family:

Thomas Budden died 30th May 1797 age 70

William Tice died 31st May 1824 age 79

William Tice Junior died 1st December 1809 age 22

Sarah Fisher died 4th August 1799 age 77

Sarah Fisher died 26th November 1827 age 51

Hannah Blake died 20th August 1793 age 71

William Fisher died 27th September 1797 age 21

Reverend Malachi Blake died 15th February 1760 age 75

William Blake died 10th January 1793 age 75

Ann Field died 7th March 1802 age 24

Robert Fisher died 31st July 1802 age 22 (on same ring as Ann Field)

Sarah Fisher died 11th February 1804 age 22

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 29 Aug 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1215/197
Testator: Elizabeth Blake
Place: Blandford, Dorset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 14 Jan 1780, probated 16 Mar 1792
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Elizabeth
[Margin]: Blake

1    The following is the last Will
2    and Testament of me Elizabeth Blake of Blandford in the
3    County of Dorset via[ a vi]t after all my debts and Funeral
4    Expences are paid and discharged I then give and bequeath
5    to my Sister Sarah Fisher all the Interest that remains out
6    of the Money I now have in the public Funds viz[ a vi]t in
7    the Four per cent Consols and after ye decease of my
8    Sister Fisher I give and bequeath to my niece Susannah
9    Fisher her daughter one half of the principal Money of
10    the aforesaid Money which is now s[ai]d 4 p c consols to her
11    and her heirs for ever viz[ a vi]t I give and bequeath the
12    remaining part and principal Money of the above said Sum
13    to my two nieces Mrs Elizabeth Gellibrand and Mrs. Sarah
14    Field Share and Share alike to them and their heirs
15    for ever To my brother Wm Blake I give all my
16    Silver plate which he has in his Custody and to my
17    Sister Blake his wife my best Ring To my niece Mary
18    James I give my second best Ring together with my
19    best Silk Night Gown and best work Ruffles my next best
20    Ring I give to my Nephew Will[ia]m Tice the next to my
21    Nephew Robert Fisher the next to my Nephew John Tice
22    the next to Billy James and one of my Silver Table-
23    Spoons I give to my Nephew Will[ia]m Fisher the other To
24    my Newphew Tho: Fisher my Silver Tea Spoons I give
25    to Hannah Gellibrand and my Tea Tongs and Strainer my
26    best Silver Snuff Box and a little Locket to Sarah Field
27    daughter of my Niece Sarah Field the next little Box to
28    Susanna Field the other to Sarah Field Also I give to
29    my Nephew Tho: Tice my largest Bible and all the rest
30    of my Books I give to my Nephew Samuel Tice
31    Except some particular Books I have given away in a
32    Paper Mem[or]ium To my Nephew Malechi Tice I give my
33    Bed Curtains Bolster and Pillows and three Blankets and
34    Bedstead and Brass Fire pan and Tongs and a Night Stool
35    To the Rev[eren]d Henry Field I give the things which are
36    now at his house also my Chest of Drawers two Stools
37    and Four Chairs To my Niece Sarah Field my Shot Silk
38    Gown and petticoat and Striped apron and Ruffles To my
39    Niece Elizabeth Gellibrand I give my grey Silk Night Gown
40    And my black Silk Night Gown my plain Muslin Apron also
    [Page 2]
41    my best Bed Quilt and Table Linen and Sheets and Pillow
42    To my Niece Susanna Fisher I give my best Satin Gown
43    my white Silk petticoat my Flowered Muslin apron
44    Single handkerchiefs and 1 p[ai]r clear Muslin Ruffles also
45    China and Earthern Ware and Tea Table To my Sister
46    Sarah Fisher I give the Looking Glass which is at my
47    house and the Table which belongs to it also the
48    remaining part of all my cloaths excepting a few
49    inferior things given away in a Paper Mem[or]ium I
50    appoint my Brother Wm Blake the sole Executor of
51    this my last Will and Testament In Witness which
52    I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this
53    Fourteenth day of January in the year of our Lord
54    One thousand seven hundred and Eighty Elizabeth Blake
55    Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm
56    Mirville Sampson Mirville
57    This Will was proved at London the
58    Sixteenth day of March in the year of our Lord One
59    thousand seven hundred and Ninety two before the
60    Right honorable Sir Willian Wynne knight also doctor
61    of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative
62    Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of
63    William Blake Esquire the Brother of the deceased
64    the Sole Executor named in the said Will to whom
65    administration was granted of all and singular the
66    Goods Chattles and Credits of the said deceased having been
67    first Sworn by Commission duly to administer

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