Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Will of Elizabeth Blake, widow, Dorchester, Dorset - The National Archives 11/452/203, probated 11 Sep 1699

It is always pleasant to read a will and know how this person fits into the Blake families. In this case Elizabeth Blake, widow, the testatrix, is the second wife of Peter Blake of Andover late High Sheriff of the County of Southampton. His will was probated in 1692 and can be seen in my blog:


By the time Elizabeth is writing her will the only child of Peter Blake still living is Sarah Lambert (married to Edward Lambert as mentioned in this will) and she has inherited her brother’s property. Peter asks his brother in law James Gould to assist with the Joynture for his wife Elizabeth.

This family is listed in the Visitation of Hampshire 1686 and I am constantly left to wonder if someone could record his great grandfather incorrectly. Certainly that happened with the Siderfin family where my line was placed in the wrong section by the author of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset. The Visitation suggests looking at the Visitation of London 1634 and going to that particular document you find that there is only the simple entry or Richard Blake of Andover marrying Jone Blake daughter of William Blake and their son Richard Blake of Tower Ward (2 sons, gent). This is signed but it is in the Visitation of London 1663-4  on my disk. This particular Richard Blake of Tower Ward left his will in 1643. This Richard Blake is the son of Richard Blake and Jone Blake and he helps by listing his siblings to place himself into the correct family. I am fairly convinced that this Richard Blake married to Jone is the son of William Blake and Elizabeth (unknown) with William leaving his will in 1582 naming all of his children. Both of these wills have been blogged along with the will of Richard father of Richard Blake of Tower Ward:


As I searched back through my blog I realize that I have never published the will of Richard Blake 1622 Grandfather of Peter Blake (husband of the testator and this Elizabeth his second wife). Hence it is appearing just before this will of Elizabeth Blake of Dorchester, Dorset.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 Aug 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/452/203
Testator: Elizabeth Blake, widow
Place: Dorchester, Dorset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 10 Mar 1696, probated 11 Sep 1699
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: T[esta]m[ent]
[Margin]: Elizabetha Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen:
2    I Elizabeth Blake of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widdow revokeing
3    all former Wills for me made doe hereby make and ordaine this my last Will and
4    Testament Imprimis I bequeath my Soul into the hands of God my gracious Father
5    and Jesus Christ my blessed Redeemer And as for my temporall Estate I dispose
6    thereof as followeth viz[ a vi]t I give to Elizabeth Bennett the daughter of Thomas
7    Bennett of Sarum Grocer the summe of Twenty pounds Item I give unto my Servant
8    Ann Wilkins the summe of ten pounds to be paid her within one Month after my
9    decease and alsoe all my weareing Apparrell Item I give unto the poor of the Towne
10    of Dorchester aforesaid the summe of ten pounds to be distributed amongst them
11    by my Executor as hee shall think fit Item I give unto Barrick Rowell of Dorchester
12    aforesaid Clerke the summe of Five pounds Item I give unto Timothy Sprint now or
13    late of Clatford in the County of South[amp]ton Clerke and unto George Hamond of
14    London Clerke unto each of them a Mourning Ring of twentie Shillings value at the least
15    each Item I give unto my Brother James Gould Esq[uie]r and his daughter and to
16    my Brother George Gould gent and his Wife and to my Bro Samuel Gould
17    and his Wife and to my sonne in Law Edmund Lambert Esq[uie]r and
18    his Wife unto each of them a mourning Ring of twenty shillings value each at
19    the least And my will is that the severall summes before given except that given
    [Page 2]
20    to my servant be paid within three Monethes after my decease And I do
21    hereby make my said Brother George Gould of Dorchester gent full and sole
22    Executor of this my last Will and Testament Witness my hand and Seale this tenth
23    day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred Ninety Six Elizabeth
24    Blake Sealed and published by the Testatrix to be her last Will in the presence of Abra:
25    Templeman Pet: Templeman
26    I the within named Elizabeth Blake doe hereby give unto the within named
27    Barrick Rowell Clerke over and above the summe of Five pounds within men[t]ioned
28    the further Legacy of Five pounds more to be payd when the other is made payment
29    alsoe I doe hereby give unto my Servant Ann Wilkins over and above her
30    legacies within men[t]ioned one fine pair of Sheets and a paire of pillowpies Willing
31    that this Indorsement be taken as part of my last Will Witness my hand this three
32    and twentieth day of October Anno domini one thousand six hundred Ninety
33    seven Elizabeth Blake Witness hereto Abra: Templeman Pet: Templeman

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