Sunday, August 25, 2013

Will of William Blake, Esquire, of Plymtree, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/1534/250, probated 16 Jun 1812

William Blake, the testator, is the brother of Thomas Blake who left his will in 1776 which I blogged several days ago.

William, the testator, is living at Green end and there is a write up on this particular property in British History online:

Clist William, formerly belonging to the Salters, is now the property of Sir John Kennaway, Bart. A large mansion to the south-west of the church, called Green End, was formerly the property and residence of the Pratts, ancestors of Earl Camden. It was given by one of that family to the uncle of Mr. Thomas Blake, who is the present proprietor and occupier.

Marriages at Plymtree

William Blake married Elizabeth Harward 21 Jun 1788
Betty Blake married John Ashford 22 Dec 1789
Richard Blake married Ann Augusta Harward 14 Jul 1791
Humphrey Blake married Joan Gould 10 Jun 1811
Robert Blake married Mary Stark 13 Mar 1816

Marriages at Bishops Hull

William Blake (of Crewkerne) married Hannah Downing at Bishops Hull 1 Sep 1768
John Buncombe (of Pitminster) married Deborah Downing 3 Mar 1774

Baptisms at Plymtree

Robert Blake son of Humphrey and Jane baptized 14 May 1815 (carpenter)
Sarah Blake daughter of Humphrey and Joan baptized 11 May 1817 (carpenter)

Is this William the testator buried 11 Jan 1811?

Burials at Plymtree

Louisa Blake (28 years) buried 15 Sep 1821
Thomas Blake (63 years) buried 18 Mar 1826 (from Green End)

Burials at Trull

Betty Blake buried at All Saints Trull 14 Jun 1785
Betty Blake buried at All Saints Trull 10 Jan 1798
Betty Ashford buried at All Saints Trull Apr 1805
William Blake buried at All Saints Trull 11 Jan 1811
William Blake (60 years) buried at All Saints Trull 12 Sep 1826
William Blake (2+ years) buried at All Saints Trull 13 Apr 1832
Betty Blake (70 years) buried at All Saints Trull 26 Nov 1840

An interesting document linking these Blake families at the Devon Record Office (3637 A/PFT 28, 29 1825):
1. Thomas Blake of Green End, Plymtree, gent., and William Blake of Cutshay in Trull, Somerset, gent., (surviving trustees)
2. Charles Harward of Hayne House, Plymtree, clerk, Charles Harward, esq., his son, William Blake the younger of Cutshay in Trull, Somerset, William Brice, gent., John Harris, gent., Henry Shiles, gent., John Shiles the younger, his son, John Squire, gent., William Trump, gent., and James Dowell, yeoman, all of Plymtree
Premises: as in PFT 3
Mary Crosse's Charity

1861 Census at Trull living in Dipford House: William Blake, 64 y, head, farmer retired, Mary Blake wife 54 y, Farmer’s wife, Elizabeth Blake daughter 26 y.

1861 Census at Trull living in Cutsey Farm Thomas Blake head, 29 y, farmer 300 a, wife Eleanor Blake 26 y, Mary Hole 30 y sister in law, Mary Blake 23 y sister, Ann Hole 14y sister in law, Samuel Hole 17 y brother in law.

Continuing with putting this family together. We know from the will of Thomas Blake probated in 1776 that he left all of his property to his brother William of Trull. This Thomas was related to the Marks family of Pitminster, the Pratt family of Willand, the Buncombe family of Pitminster. Thomas and William are known to be the sons of Richard Blake from the archival records held by the National Archives of the UK. Thomas appears to have died without issue and perhaps unmarried. Thomas lived at Cutsey which had been purchased by Richard Blake of Angersleigh from Robert Blake of Pitminster. I can not make any assumption about a relationship between Richard and Robert yet.

Thomas mentions his brother William and his brother in law John Marks and his nephews John and Robert Marks in terms of close kinship. At the time of the death of Thomas his brother William and his wife had had three children all baptized at Trull (parents lived at Cutsey) namely: Thomas 28 Jun 1763, William baptized 11 Jun 1766 and Betty baptized 9 Aug 1769 Betty Blake married John Ashford 22 Dec 1789). The testator  William Blake is, I believe, the brother of Thomas whose will was probated in 1776 and father of Betty married to John Ashford. When this will is probated in probated in 1812 his sons Thomas and William are 49 years and 46 years respectively. He also names his grandsons William and Thomas sons of William. Betty (grand daughter of the testator but not mentioned in the will) Blake was baptized 3 Dec 1794, William was baptized 19 May 1797 and Thomas was baptized 2 Feb 1802. On the 1861 census at Trull living in Dipford House is William grandson of the testator and he is 64 years of age which fits with the baptism and date of birth (31 Jan 1797).

This William married Mary Thomas (marriage not yet found) and their children baptized at Trull were as follows:

Thomas Blake 11 Jul 1831
William Blake 11 Jul 1831
Elizabeth Blake 24 Sep 1834
Mary Blake 30 Dec 1835

Looking at the 1861 census once again living with William Blake at Dipford is Elizabeth Blake their daughter 26 years of age (and is likely Elizabeth listed above as the child of William and Mary). The Thomas listed at Cutsey Farm as head is named as 29 years of age which fits with Thomas’ date of baptism very well and he is living at Cutsey where his parents had lived with his family which I still need to work on to discover about the Hole family living there. Also living with Thomas is his sister Mary 23 which fits somewhat with Mary’s baptism.

Burials at Trull include

Thomas (of Cutsey) buried 16 Feb 1813 at the age of 12 years.
William Blake of Cutsey buried 12 Sep 1826 at the age of 60 years (son of the testator)
William Blake of Cutsey buried 13 Apr 1832 at the age of 2 years and 3 months

Thomas Blake baptized in 1831 thus became the only descendant still living at Cutsey he was buried 9 Nov 1880 at the age of 49 leaving no descendants hence his sisters Elizabeth and Mary inherited his property.

Names mentioned in the will of William Blake (the testator)

John Buncombe of Bishops Hull, trustee
Robert Buncombe of Trull, trustee
Eliza Ashford, grand daughter
William Ashford, grandson
Thomas Blake, son
William Blake, son
William Blake, grandson, son of William Blake
Thomas Blake, grandson, son of William Blake
Mary Ann Mark, relative
John Mark, relative
Betty Mark, relative
Robert Mark, father of Mark children above, relative
W Morse, witness
John Critchett, witness
Henry Brutton, witness
Melony Penham, witness
Harvey Brown, witness

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 20 Aug 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1534/250
Testator: William Blake, Esquire
Place: Plymtree, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 8 Dec 1808, probated 16 Jun 1812
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: William
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 52

1    This is the last Will and Testament of
2    me William Blake of Green end in the parish of Plymtree in the
3    County of devon Esquire which I make to the disposal of all my Estate
4    and Effects in manner and form following that is to say First I give devise
5    and bequeath unto John Buncombe of Bishops Hull in the County
6    of Somerset Esquire and Robert Buncombe of Trull in the same County
7    Esquire all those my messuages tenements lands and premises the one
8    called Stimers Clarks and and the other called Clarkes or by whatever
9    other name or names the same are known and distinguished situate
10    and lying in the parish of Plymtree aforesaid with their every of
11    their rights members heredits and appurts to hold unto the said John
12    Buncombe and Robert Buncombe upon such Trusts and to and for such
13    uses ends intents and purposes as are hereinafter mentioned of and
14    concerning the same that is to say upon trust that they the said
15    John Buncombe and Robert Buncombe or the survivor of them or
16    the heirs and assigns of such survivor do and shall as soon as
17    conveniently may be after my death by sale or mortgage of the
18    aforesaid premises or some part of parcel thereof raise and levy the sum
19    of two thousand pounds of Good and lawful money of the united
20    Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and pay and apply the sum of
21    one thousand pounds one half part thereof unto my Grand dau[ghte]r
22    Eliza Ashford at the attainment of her age of twenty one years or day
23    of marriage which shall first happen provided such marriage
24    shall be with the consent and approbation of my said Trustees and
25    the sum of one thousand pounds the other half part thereof
26    to my Grandson William Ashford at the attainment of his age
27    of Twenty one years and in the mean time and until my
28    said Grand daughter Eliza Ashford and Grandson William Ashford
29    shall have attained their respective ages of twenty one years or
30    marriage of my said Grand daughter as aforesaid I will and
31    direct my said Trustees to put and place out their respective legacies
32    at Interest on Government or some other Good security or
33    securities for their respective use and benefit also I give devise and
34    bequeath unto the said John Buncombe and Robert Buncombe
35    all and every my royalties and all other my messuages Farms Lands
36    Tenements and heredits whatever or whereof and wherein I am
37    seized or possessed of any Estate of Freehold or inheritance or therein possessed
38    reversion remainder or expectancy or for any term or terms of years
39    situate and lying in Plymtree aforesaid or elsewhere in the County
40    of Devon except the Lands and premises in Plymtree by me
41    before devised to them in trust for sale or mortgage as aforesaid
42    to hold the same premises with their every of their and
43    every of their and every of their rights members and heredits and appurts unto
44    and to the use of them the said John Buncombe and Robert
45    Buncombe their heirs and assigns to for and upon such uses and
46    ends intents and purposes and subject to the
47    provisos hereinafter limited expressed and declared of and concerning
48    the same that is to say to the use and behoof of my son Thomas
49    Blake for and during the term of his natural life subject and
    [Page 2]
50    liable to empeachment of or for any manner of waste and
51    from and after the determination of that Estate then to the use
52    of the said John Burcombe and Robert Burcombe and their heirs
53    during the natural life of my said son Thomas Blake In trust to
54    preserve the contingent remainders hereinafter limited from
55    being defeated or destroyed and for that purpose to make entries or
56    bring actions as the case shall require but nevertheless to permit
57    suffer my said Son Thomas Blake and his assigns to have receive and
58    take during his natural life the rents and profits thereof and of every part
59    thereof to and for his and their own use and benefit and from and
60    immediately after the death of my said Son Thomas Blake to the use
61    and behoof of the first Son of the body of my said Son Thomas Blake
62    lawfully to be begotten and the heirs male of the body of such
63    first son lawfully issuing and for default of such issue then to the
64    use and behoof of the second third fourth and all and every other
65    son and sons of my said Son Thomas Blake severally successively
66    and in remainder one after another as they and every of them shall
67    be in seniority of age and priority of birth and of the heirs male
68    of the body and bodies of all and every such son and sons lawfully
69    issuing the elder of such son and sons and the heirs male of his body
70    being always to be preferred and take Before the younger of such
71    son and sons and the heirs male of his and their body and bodies
72    respectively and in default of such then to the use of my Grand
73    son William William Blake the eldest son of my son William
74    Blake for and during the term of his natural life and from and
75    immediately after the determination of that Estate then to the
76    use and behoof of my said Trustees and their heirs during the life
77    of my said Grandson William Blake in trust to preserve and support
78    the contingent remainders hereinafter limited from being defeated or
79    destroyed and for that purpose to make entries and bring actions as the
80    case shall require But nevertheless to permit and suffer my said Grand
81    son William Blake and his assigns to receive and take the rents issues
82    and profits thereof and every part thereof during the term of his
83    natural life to and for his and their own use and benefit and from and
84    immediately after the determination of that Estate to the use and
85    behoof of the first son of the body of my said Grandson William
86    Blake and the heirs males of the body of such first son lawfully
87    issuing and for default of such Son then to the use and behoof of the
88    second third fourth and all every other son and sons of my said
89    Grandson William Blake severally successively and in remainder
90    one after another as they and every of them shall be in Seniority of
91    age and priority of Birth and of the heirs male of the body and bodies
92    of all and every such Son and Sons lawfully issuing the elder of such
93    sons and the heirs male of his body being always preferred and to
94    take before the younger of such Son and Sons and the heirs male
95    of his and their body and bodies respectively and in default of all
96    such issue then to the proper use and behoof of my own right
97    heirs forever also I give devise and bequeath unto the said John
98    Buncombe and Robert Buncombe all and every my messuages
99    Farms lands tenements and heredits whatsoever situate lying
100    and being in the said parish of Trull or elsewhere in the said
101    County of Somerset whereof or wherein I am seized or possessed
102    of any Estate of Freehold or lease of wherein and either in possession
103    or reversion or according to the Custom of the manor of Taunton Dean
104    in the said County of Somerset whereof or wherein I am now
105    possessed or interested for any term or terms of years or any other
106    Estate tenure or interest to sell the same premises with their and
    [Page 3]
107    and every of their rights members heredits and appurts unto and to the use
108    of them the said John Buncombe and Robert Buncombe and
109    their heirs Exors admors and assigns to for and upon such uses and
110    intents and purposes and under and subject to such provisoes as
111    are herein after limited expressed and declared of concerning the
112    same that is to say to the use and behoof of my son William
113    Blake for and during the term of his natural life Subject and
114    liable to impeachment of or for any manner of waste and
115    from and after the determination of that Estate then to the use of
116    the said John Buncombe and Robert Buncombe their heirs Exors
117    and admors during the natural life of my said Son William
118    Blake In trust to preserve the contingent remainders hereinafter
119    limited from being defeated or destroyed and for that purpose to make
120    entries or bring actions as the case shall require but nevertheless
121    to permit and suffer my said Son William Blake and his assignes
122    to have receive and take during his natural life the rents issues and
123    profits thereof and of every part thereof to and for his and their own use
124    and profit of it and from and immediately after the death of my said
125    son William Blake to the use and behoof of my Grandson
126    Thomas Blake the second son of my said son William Blake
127    and the heirs male of his body lawfully issuing and for default of
128    such issue then and not before to the use and behoof of William Blake
129    the eldest son of my said son William Blake and to the third fourth
130    and all and every other son and sons of my said son William
131    Blake severally and successively and in remainder one after
132    another as they and every of them shall be in seniority of age
133    priority of birth and of the heirs male of the body and bodies of
134    all and every such son and sons lawfully issuing the elder of such
135    son and sons and the heirs male of his body being always to be
136    preferred and take before the younger of such son and sons and the
137    heirs male of his and their body and bodies respectively and in
138    default of all such issue then to the proper use and behoof of my own
139    right heirs forever I do hereby give and bequeath all my Gold
140    rings and silver plate of every sort and description as well in my
141    mansion or dwelling house in Devon as in my mansion or dwelling
142    house in Somerset unto my said Two sons Thomas Blake and William
143    Blake upon trust that they or the survivor of them do and shall
144    as soon as conveniently may be after my death cause the same
145    to be weighed and valued by a silver smith or some other
146    proper person and then to distribute and divide the same to
147    and amongst my four Grand Children William Ashford Eliza
148    Ashford William Blake and Thomas Blake in equal parts
149    share and proportions regard being had and proper attention paid
150    to such valuation as near as it can possibly be done and as
151    for and concerning all and singular my Goods Chattels
152    Furniture except plate stock Cattle both quick and dead
153    every description and utensils and implements in husbandry which
154    shall or may be found in upon and belonging to any of my
155    messuages Farms Lands and premises and premises in Plymtree
156    aforesaid or elsewhere in the said County of Devon subject and
157    chargeable nevertheless to and with the payment of all my just
158    debts which shall or may be due and owing by me to any person
159    or persons in the said County of Devon either on mortgage bond simple
160    contract or otherwise I give and bequeath unto my said Son Thomas
161    Blake and as to for concerning all and singular my Goods Chattels
162    Furniture except plate stock cattle quick and dead of every
163    description and utensils and implements in husbandry which shall or
164    may be found on any of my Farms Lands and premises in Trull
    [Page 5]
165    or elsewhere in the said County of Somerset I give and bequeath unto my
166    said Son William Blake subject and chargeable use or thereof to and with
167    the payment of all my just debts which shall or may be due and owing by me to any person or persons in the said County of Somerset either on Mortgage Bond simple contract or otherwise and also subject and chargeable by my Son William to and with the payment of the following legacies to my relations hereafter
168    mentioned that is to say to John Mark second son of Robert Mark of
169    the parish of Angersleigh in the said County of Somerset (the sum of one
170    hundred pounds to Mary Ann Mark the eldest daughter of the said
171    Robert Mark the sum of Fifty pounds and the like sum of Fifty pounds to Betty Mark the second daughter
172    of the said Robert Mark the same to be paid to them respectively at their several and
173    respective age or ages of twenty one years and whereas my said son Thomas Blake
174    stands indebted unto me by virtue of a lease by me granted to him of my
175    Estate at Green end and other Lands in Plymtree aforesaid in a Considerable Sum
176    of money for rent also some other debts and demands now 300 by the sum
177    will give devise and bequeath unto my said Grandson William Blake all
178    and every such Sum and Sums of money as shall be due and owing to me from
179    my said Son Thomas Blake at the time of my death for rent or any
181    other promise Contract security or Engagement whatsoever to be unto
182    my said Grandson William Blake his Exors or Admors for his and their own
183    proper use and benefit and whereas I have herein before given and bequeathed to my said
184    son William Blake all and every singular my Goods Chattels Furniture (except
185    plate) stock cattle of every description and utensils and implements in husbandry
186    which shall or may be found on any of my Farms Lands and premises
187    in Trull or elsewhere in the County of Somerset which I am satisfied
188    is more than sufficient to answer all the Charges payable thereout
189    being desirous of giving a Legacy to my said Grandson William Blake
190    of Five hundred pounds I do therefore hereby give and bequeath unto my said
191    Grandson William Blake the sum of Five hundred pounds to be
192    paid him at his attainment of his age of twenty one years by his
193    father my son the said William Blake out of the monies and profits
194    of the Goods and Chattels which I have given to him by this my
195    will as aforesaid provided always and I do hereby expressly declare
196    that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said John Buncombe and
197    Robert Buncombe or the survivor of them to fell cut down and sell
198    dispose of as much oak or other Timber Trees or an equal number of
199    each and no more which shall be standing or growing on any of
200    my Lands in Plymtree aforesaid or elsewhere in the said County of Devon
201    aforesaid for raising the sum of Five hundred pounds to and for the
202    use and benefit of my said Son Thomas Blake to whom I give the
203    same and also to fell cut down sell and dispose of as much Oak or elm Trees
204    Timber Trees or an equal number of each and no more which shall be
205    standing or growing on any of my Lands in Trull or elsewhere in the
206    county of Somerset aforesaid for raising the sum of two hundred pounds
207    to and for the use and benefit of my said Son William Blake to whom
208    I give the same whatever other Lands Tenements and heredits and
209    whatever monies securities for money and other goods Chattels and Effects
210    not hereinbefore given and devised I am possessed of or any wise intitled
211    unto I give devise and bequeath unto my said Son Thomas Blake and my
212    said Son William Blake their heirs Exors and Admors and so hereby
213    appoint them joint devisees residuary legatees and Exors of this my last
214    Will and Testament subject and chargeable to and with the payment
215    of my Funeral Expences and also to and with the payment of the
216    sum of three pounds to the poor of the said parish of Plymtree and
217    Five pounds to the poor of the said parish of Trull to be distributed
218    by the Churchwardens and overseers to such poor persons of each parish
219    as they in their prudent discretion shall think proper within one month
220    after my death and my will further is and I do hereby expressly declare
221    that the purchaser or purchasers of all or any part of these premises by them
222    devised in trust for sale as aforesaid paying his or their purchase
223    money to my said Trustees their heirs or assigns or to the survivor of
    [Page 5]
224    them shall on payment thereof be absolutely acquitted and
225    discharged of and from such purchase money and shall not be obliged
226    to see or look to the application or be accountable for the misapplication
227    or nonapplication thereof or any part thereof and my will is further
228    is and I do hereby declare that my said Trustees their heirs Exors or
229    Admors shall not be charged or chargeable for more monies than they
230    shall actually receive and shall come to their respective hands by
231    virtue of this my will nor for any loss or losses which shall or may
232    happen to the trust monies so as such loss happen without their
233    wilful default nor the one for the other of them or for the acts deeds
234    receipts defaults or disbursements of the other of them and also that
235    it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Trustees and each of them
236    their and each of their Exors admors and assigns in the first place by and
237    out of the said trust monies to set out and reimburse themselves and
238    himself all such losses costs charges and Expences as they or either
239    of them shall sustain expend or be put unto for or by reason of
240    the performance of this my will the Trusts hereby in them reposed
241    or the management or execution thereof or any thing relating
242    thereunto In witness whereof I the said William Blake have
243    to this my last will and Testament set my hand and seal the eighth
244    day of December one thousand eight hundred and eight William
245    Blake Signed sealed published and declared by the said William
246    Blake the Testor as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence
247    of us who have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto in the
248    presence of and at the request of the said Test[at]or and in the presence
249    of each other the interlineation of the words liable to inpeachment
250    of or for any manner of being first made W Morse John Critchett
251    Henry Brutton
252    I William Blake of Green end in the parish of Plymtree in
253    the County of Devon Esquire do make and publish this my writing to be
254    a Codicil to be annexed and took as part of my last will and
255    Testament whereas I have in and by my said will the Eighth
256    of December one thousand eight hundred and eight given devised and
257    bequeathed unto John Buncombe of Bishops Hull in the County
258    of Somerset Esquire and Robert Buncombe of Trull in the same
259    County Esquire all those my messuages Lands and premises the one
260    called Stimers Clarkes and the other called Clarkes or by whatever
261    other name or names the same are known and distinguished
262    situate and lying in the parish of Plymtree aforesaid and with their
263    and every of their rights members and appurts to hold unto the said
264    John Buncombe and Robert Buncombe and the survivor of
265    them his heirs and assigns upon trust by sale or mortgage of the
266    aforesaid premises or some part or parcel thereof raise and levy
267    the sum of Two thousand pounds of Good and lawful money
268    of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland and pay and apply
269    the sum of one thousand pounds part thereof unto my
270    Grand daughter Eliza Ashford at the attainment of her age of twenty
271    one years or day of marriage as is therein mentioned and the
272    sum of one thousand pounds the other half part thereof to my
273    Grandson William Ashford at the attainment of his age of twenty
274    one years as therein is also mentioned to which will I refer to the
275    particulars thereof as is therein expressed now I the said William
276    Blake do hereby revoke and make void that part of my said will
277    respectively the raising and levying the said Sum of two thousand
278    pounds in manner aforesaid and instead revised I hereby direct
    [Page 6]
279    order that the said John Buncombe and Robert Buncombe or
280    the survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of such survivor
281    shall only raise and levy by the ways and means expressed in my
282    said will the sum of one thousand pounds and to pay and apply the
283    sum of Five hundred pounds one half part thereof to my said
284    Grand daughter Eliza Ashford and the other half part thereof the
285    sum of Five hundred pounds to my said Grandson William
286    Ashford to be paid to them respectively at such times and in such
287    manner and form as I have ordered and directed by my said will
288    and in all other respects I do hereby ratify and confirm my said will
289    in witness whereof I the said William Blake have to this my
290    Codicil set my hand and seal the twenty seventh day of December
291    in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine Wm
292    Blake Signed sealed published and declared by the said William
293    Blake as a Codicil to be annexed to and taken as part of his last
294    will and Testament in the presence of us who have at the request
295    of the said Testor subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto in his
296    presence and in the presence of each other Melony Penham
297    Harvey Brown Henry Brutton
298    Proved at London with a Codicil 16th June 1812 before the
299    Judge by the oath of Thomas Blake and William Blake the
300    sons and Exors to whom admon was granted being sworn by Comm
301    to admor

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