Thursday, October 31, 2013

Will of Robert Blake, Esquire, Ash Prior, Somerset - The National Archives PROB 11/1097/437, probated 5 Dec 1782

Robert Blake the testator is known. He is the son of Robert and Elizabeth Blake. Robert’s will was probated yesterday:

I have written away to see if I can get more information on the Cridland family from the person who runs the Cridland one name study at the Guild. I will wait for that information if any before commenting further on this will. Noticing that this will brings together a lot of property that has been mentioned in earlier wills.

From another researcher who has sent me a copy of the will of  Sarah Chappell widow of James Chappell. Sarah Cridland married James Chappell in Milverton by licence 20 Dec 1767 (he was a widower) and Sarah was buried in Milverton 12 Jul 1809 aged 69 years with James having been buried in Milverton in 1794 aged 62 years. Elizabeth/Betty the daughter of Sarah and James Chappell, according to this researcher, married Thomas Tutton Kynfton of Westbury in 1797.

Thank you very much to the researcher for sharing this information with me.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 29 Oct 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1097/437
Testator: Robert Blake, Esquire
Place: Ash Prior, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 22 Aug 1782, probated 5 Dec 1782
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Robert
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: Esq[uie]r

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Robert Blake of Ashpriors in the County of Somerset
3    Esquire which I make and publish for the disposal of all my
4    Worldly Substance Estate and Effects whatsoever in manner and form
5    following (that is to say) First I give and devise unto my dear Wife
6    Frances Blake all my Messuages Lands Tenements and heredit[ament]s
7    situate and lying in the several Parishes of Stawley and Ashbrittle
8    in the said County of Somerset To hold the same with their several
9    and respective Rights Members and Appurtenances unto her my
10    said Wife Frances her heirs and Assigns for ever Also I give and
11    devise unto my said Wife Frances Blake all my Messuages Lands
12    Tenements and hereditaments situate and lying in the Parish of
13    Milverton in the said County of Somerset To hold the same with their
14    Rights
    [Page 2]
15    Rights Members and Appurtenances unto my said Wife Frances
16    her heirs and Assigns for ever Subject unto all and every incumbrance
17    or incumbrances affecting the same Also I give devise and bequeath
18    all and every my Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments
19    situate lying and being in the several Parishes of Ashpriors
20    aforesaid Halse Huish Langport either Stowey Stogursey and
21    elsewhere in the said County of Somerset not herein before devised
22    unto her my said Wife Frances and her Assigns for and during
23    the term of her natural life or with respect to such parts or
24    so much thereof as are held for any long term or terms of
25    years absolute for and during so many years of such term or
26    terms as shall run out and expire in the natural life time of
27    her my said Wife without impeachment of or for any manner
28    of waste and with full power to commit waste She and they
29    paying thereout unto my Brother John Blake of Halse aforesaid
30    Surgeon and his Assigns one Annuity clear yearly Rent or
31    Sum of thirty pounds of lawfull Money of Great Britain
32    clear of all deductions whatsoever during the term of his natural
33    life by half yearly payments the first payment to begin and
34    be made at the end of the first six Calendar Months next after
35    my death to whom I do hereby give devise and bequeath the
36    same with a power of distress in him my said Brother in case
37    of non payment as in cases of rack Rent And from and after
38    the death or decease of her my said Wife I give and devise the
39    same Messuages Lands Tenements hereditaments and Premises
40    unto him my said Brother John Blake and his Assigns for
41    and during the term of his natural life or with respect to such
42    parts thereof as are held for any long term or terms of years
43    absolute for and during so many years of such term or terms as
44    shall run out and expire in the natural life time of him my
45    said Brother he and they committing no wilful waste spoil or
46    destitution to or on the said Premises or any part thereof
47    and taking therefrom proper and sufficient Timber and other
48    materials for the necessary repairs only of the Premises and
49    from and after the death or decease of the Survivor of them
50    the said Frances Blake and John Blake I give devise and
51    bequeath all and every the same Messuages Lands Tenements
52    and hereditaments unto my kinsman John Cridland of
53    Milverton aforesaid Gentleman and James Chappell of the same
54    place Gentleman To hold the same with their several and respective
55    Rights Members and Appurtenances unto the said John Cridland
56    and James Chappell their heirs and Assigns with respect to such
57    parts and so much thereof as are Freehold or Fee Simple and unto
58    the said John Cridland and James Chappell their Executors
59    Administrators and Assigns with respect to such parts and so much
60    thereof as are held for any long term or terms of years absolute
61    for and during all such Estate or Estates term or terms and
62    Interest as shall be therein then to come and unexpired Upon
63    Trust that they the said John Cridland and James Chappell
64    and the Survivor of them and the heirs Executors Administrators
65    and Assigns of such Survivor do and shall as soon as conveniently
66    may be after the several deaths or deceases of my said Wife and
    [Page 3]
67    Brother either at publick Auction or by private contract and in
68    such manner as they shall think best and most convenient sell and
69    dispose of all and singular the said Premises with their several and
70    respective Appurtenances to the best purchaser or purchasors that
71    can or may be had or gotten for the same and grant release
72    convey and assure the same Premises respectively unto the purchaser
73    or purchasors thereof his her or their heirs Executors Administrators
74    and Assigns accordingly And upon this further Trust and Confidence to
75    pay and divide the Monies arising by such Sale or Sales unto and
76    equally amongst them the said John Cridland my kinswomen Sarah
77    Wife of the said James Chappell Elizabeth Cridland Levinia Cridland
78    and Charlotte Cridland Children of my Uncle Richard Cridland of
79    Milverton aforesaid Gentleman the Children of my kinswoman Frances
80    the late Wife of Robert Pearce of Milverton aforesaid grocer and
81    my kinsman Robert Blake of Cooks Court Carey Street London
82    Gentleman and their respective Executors Administrators and Assigns
83    share and share alike the Children of the said Frances Pearce and
84    their Representatives to be entitled to one seventh part only the same
85    as I intended for their Mother had She been living provided always
86    and it is my express Will that the acquittances and Receipts of my
87    said Trustees and the Survivor of them and the heirs Executors
88    Administrators and Assigns of such Survivor for the Monies arising by
89    such Sale or Sales aforesaid of my several Estates Lands and Premises
90    aforesaid to the several persons who shall become the purchasors
91    thereof respectively by virtue of or under this my Will shall be good
92    and sufficient discharges in the Law for the same to the said several
93    purchasors their respective heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns
94    and that such purchasors shall not be liable to look to the
95    application of their purchase Money or be any ways answerable
96    or account[t]able for any loss of misapplication thereof provided
97    and it is my Will and meaning and I do hereby order and
98    direct that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Trustees
99    their respective heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns in the
100    first place to direct retain reimburse and satisfy themselves
101    respectively out of the said Trust Estate and Premises or any part
102    thereof not only for all Jouries and attendances but also all
103    such Costs Charges and Expences as they or any or either of them
104    shall or may bear pay sustain or be put into for or by reason
105    or means or on account of the several Trusts hereby in them
106    reposed or in the execution thereof and that they my said Trustees
107    their respective heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns shall
108    not be chargeable with or answerable for any more Monies than
109    they shall actually receive or shall come to their respective hands
110    by virtue of this my Will neither they shall be accountable for or
111    chargeable with the Acts of each other but each of them for and
112    with his own respective Acts only Also I give unto my Father in Law
113    Thomas Cridland my Uncle the said Richard Cridland my
114    Brother in Law Thomas Cridland the younger my Aunt Susanna
115    Spurway and my Aunts Sarah and Betty Cridland one Mourning
116    Ring each to be delivered to them as soon as may be after my death
117    by my Executrix hereinafter named Also I give unto all my Servants
118    that shall be living with me at the time of my death one years
    [Page 4]
119    Wages to be paid them within one year next after my Interment
120    by my said Executrix And lastly all the rest and residue of my
121    Goods Chattels Rights Credits personal and Testamentary Estate Substance
122    and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever after payment of my just
123    Debts Legacies and Funeral Expences I give will and bequeath unto
124    her my said Wife Frances Blake whom I make and constitute sole
125    Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all
126    former Wills by me at any time heretofore made In Witness whereof
127    I the said Robert Blake the Testator have to this my last Will
128    and Testament comprised in or written on three Sheets of paper set
129    my hand to the first two Sheets and my hand and Seal to this
130    third and last Sheet thereof the twenty second day of August in the
131    year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two
132    Rob[er]t Blake Signed Sealed published and declared by the
133    said Robert Blake the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament
134    in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and also
135    in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses
136    thereto John Southey Joseph Hill Edward Bryant
137    This Will was proved at London the fifty day of
138    December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
139    and eighty two before the Right Worshipful Peter Calvert Doctor
140    of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court
141    of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Frances Blake
142    Widow the Relict of the deceased and sole Executrix named in the
143    said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular
144    the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased She having
145    been first sworn by Commission duly to Administer.

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