Wednesday, November 27, 2013

BritainsDNA Results - Blake yDNA and mtDNA

I received the results for my brother's Chromo2 test from BritainsDNA for both the yDNA and mtDNA.

First and foremost the results verify the testing already done at FT DNA (I-L161) and the Genographic 1.0 project. Still awaiting results from Gen 2.0 for our line.

The total number of snps listed in the raw data file number 14, 288 with 277 positive, 25 no call, 2 back mutations and 5 bracketed positive. Since there are no matches in any database for our line (other than the Blood of the Isles which has a limited number of markers), this result will help me to look at the deep ancestry of our Blake line which is found in the Andover, Hampshire, UK area on paper back into the late 1400s and with a couple of documents not yet transcribed/read probably back into the late 1300s with the surname. This yDNA line ends in this generation with my brothers (four in total) as they do not have any sons. However, there are known fourth and fifth cousins of my line still living in the Andover area. The debate has been in my mind these last six years as to whether or not I should call/write to them and introduce myself and ask them if they would be willing to test their yDNA line to verify the line at least back to Joseph Blake and further back if any descendants still exist from the larger family. In my line prior to Joseph there are two only children generations but the Blake family at Andover was larger prior to that time.

BritainsDNA does a marvelous job of displaying the results for their testers. The Fatherline is named as Deer Hunters and belonging to I haplogroup - S185. This is one of the founder lines of the prehistoric British Isles and in particular Britain and Ireland. The highest concentration of this particular haplogroup subclade is found in Ireland. This group will be further defined once there are enough data points to conclusively point to a more branched tree beyond S185. The genetic signature for this group has 285 SNPs which is an incredible number and will put geneticists/genetic  genealogists at work for a while coming up with the tree structure.

The world distribution of this group is equally interesting with the highest frequency in Ireland and then Great Britain and the Germanic states, followed by Wales, France and Sweden/Norway. This does tend to make me think that the original thought, that this particular haplogroup wintered through the last Ice Age in the Balkans, very plausible. Then as the ice retreated they would move naturally up towards the Germanic States and then move out from there into the Scandinavian Peninsula and France and across Doggerland to the now British Isles. The bulk of them moving right to the edge of this land form now known as Ireland.

Looking at the distribution of haplogroups within the study I haplogroup includes 18.1% of the participants which is actually very good representation for this haplogroup which occurs in around 10% of British peoples. I-S185 is just 0.9% of the entire I haplogroup in this study so can be seen to be quite infrequent (less than 0.2% of the participants at BritainsDNA).

The study also provides a world view, a regional view, a four nations maping and the phylogenetic tree of your study name.

Moving on to the Motherline information from the study (I did the Chromo2 and All my Ancestry or the complete package except the Red Head analysis and I may do that one time just out of interest) and it too exactly matched the haplogroup subclade which we tested at FT DNA. The title given to this haplogroup was Pioneers and the umbrella haplogroup is H with the subtype being H11a2a1. H is a huge haplogroup and 50% of Europeans belong to H and within the BritainsDNA study they show 25.9% of their members are H haplogroup and belong to the mother group R0 which is 46.8% of the participants. H1 has been separated out and it is 16.3% so a total value of H 42.2% which comes closer to the 50% anticipated in the British Isles.

Since I am the administrator for the H11 project at FT DNA, I have been able to do quite a bit of work looking at some branches of H11 and I am fairly convinced that my line wintered in Ukraina Refuge where the best matches to my H11a2a1 can be found outside of the British Isles. They would have come through Doggerland likely into Scotland where the Blood of the Isles database shows two members of this subclade in Argyllshire. Matches are also found in Northern Ireland.

My main interest in doing this testing was to look at the yDNA on a UK testing site and I am very pleased with the results. If they ever do a matching database it could prove interesting for my line.

The Blake yDNA study at FT DNA has successfully separated out two distinct Blake lines - Galway Blake and the Norfolk Blake which can be traced down to present day and back to the earliest records for these areas. More Blake yDNA carriers testing for the study can only increase the ancient ancestral knowledge of this incredible family. 

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