Tuesday, November 5, 2013

H11 haplogroup

Still taking a break from transcription although wills should start to appear again a week tomorrow.

I did work on the H11 haplogroup project that is at FT DNA and with 82 participants the project has grown considerably in the past two years (doubling in size). Many of the new testers are from Europe adding a good mixture to the earlier group that was primarily American.

The phylotree most used to look at the maternal dna was produced by  Kayser M. Van Oven in 2009 with a number of updates with the latest build being Number 15 released 30 September 2012. *A new build has been released as of 20 Feb 2014 and it is Number 16. I will post another item of H11 haplogroup shortly (21 Feb 2014).


H11 is distinguished by T8448C, G13759A, T16311C

H11a is distinguished by T961G A16293G (A16293G reverts to original in H11a2a1 in some samples)

H11a1 is distinguished by C8898T C16278T

H111a2 is distinguished by A14587G

H11a2a is distinguished by T16092C T16140C

H11a2a1 is distinguished by A3145G

H11a2a2 is distinguished by G5585A T15670C A16265G

H11a2a3 is distinguished by C9521T

H11a3 is distinguished by T16243C

H11a4 is distinguished by 5899.XC C16111T

H11a5 is distinguished by C15040T

H11b is distinguished by T13572C

H11b1 is distinguished by T7645C

Percentages in the study:

H11             13 samples     16%

H11a           20 samples     24%

H11a1         21 samples     26%

H11a2          4 samples       5%

H11a2a        2 samples       2%

H11a2a1    7 samples        9%

H11a2a2     1 sample         1%

H11a2a3     1 sample         1%

H11a3         2 samples       2%

H11a4         2 samples       2%

H11b           1 sample         1%

H11b1         8 samples      11%

Between H11a and H11b there are a total of 70 samples and 61 belong to H11a and 9 to H11b.

Unfortunately people belonging to H11 did not known the resting spot for their furtherest back ancestor prior to emigration to the Western Hemisphere although all three that did know recorded North West Europe (Finland, France, and England being named).

H11a had more information with all members who gave a resting spot being in Europe and that was a total of 10 members; breaking this down as recorded there were eight from North West Europe (Ireland, Germany, Finland England, Scotland and Norway) and two from Eastern Europe (Russia and Poland).

H11a1 had fourteen members reporting and there were nine from northwest Europe (Finland, Scotland, Ireland, with a high number from Finland) and there were 5 from Eastern Europe (Slovakia, Russia, Hungary) and one from southern Europe (Croatia).

The other groups are too small to do such a breakdown.

In total 35 reported NW Europe, 11 from E Europe and 4 from S Europe. Paying attention to immigration numbers at this point might explain the large portion from NW Europe although with more European testers this would have less impact.

Fifty two members of the group had personal mutations and there was some overlap which would appear that within this group some people have perfect matches. There weren't any mutations that particularly stood out as being commoner than others. Many of the mutations were unique to the individual making it easier to find the common ancestor if matches are found.

I do not comment very often on H11 and probably will not again for six months.

1 comment:

  1. I am h11a2 and my line goes back to Poland as long as I can find.
