Sunday, December 15, 2013

Will of John Blake, Gentleman, Ford, Laverstock, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1607/279, probated 19 Aug 1818

The testator, John Blake, is also of Ford, Laverstock Wiltshire and the will of John Blake probated earlier is interesting in regard to this one. In that will John mentions his son John and his daughter Anne married to William Carter. The Portbury online tree ( has this John leaving the earlier will in probated in 1717 as the son of Nicholas Blake and Joan Question. There is a very large fond at the Wiltshire and Swindon Archives from Wilson’s Solicitors at Salisbury which includes the Blake family of Winterbourne Earls and Laverstock.

[no title]  1214/2  1843-1854

Papers relating to the estate of John Blake decd., Ford farm, Laverstock. Copy of his will proved 1849, valuation of his live and dead stock and household goods, accounts for the running of the farm, details of debts, vouchers and residuary accounts. Lease of land at Ford granted to him 1843

[no title]  1214/7  1828-1847

Farm account book of the Blake family of Ford, Laverstock and Winterbourne Earls; principally sales of grain and wool with household and general farm accounts; valuation of stock, 1828.

[no title]  1214/1  1841-1842, 1856

Papers relating to the estate of Benjamin Blake decd., Winterbourne Earls, yeo. copy of his will and inventory 1841, vouchers and accounts 1841-1842, release and residuary accounts 1856

[no title]  1214/3  1851-1868

Papers relating to the estate of Thomas Blake decd., Winterbourne Earls including residuary accounts; valuations of his property and live and dead stock 1851, accounts of debts, vouchers and releases.

[no title]  1214/4  1851

Thomas Blake decd., Winterbourne Earls, executors' accounts.

But how to relate this family at Laverstock back to Nicholas Blake at Dunster?

Protestation Returns for Laverstock and Ford 1641/42:

There are no Blake families listed in this parish at that time.

Protestation Returns for Winterbourne Earls 1641-42:

There are no Blake families listed in this parish at that time.

Helpful information as this implies that the Blake family at Ford arrived after 1641-42 which fits the wills and would also fit into Mary Mason’s thought that this family is descendant of Nicholas Blake (brother to Admiral Robert Blake) and Jone Question.

John Blake left his will at Ford, Laverstock in 1717. His brother was Zachary Blake of Newton Toney and his sister was Debora Sheppard. His children were John Blake and Anne Carter (husband William Carter). He was related to Charles Blake of Wallop. I wondered if he was related to the Andover line because they are so close to Andover. Why does the Portbury website (Mary Mason) have this John as a son of Nicholas Blake and Jone Question? I may write to Mary and ask her thoughts on why she made this connection.

If this is correct then this line is collateral to the line of Admiral Robert Blake since Nicholas was his brother. The Portbury website has John as Number 90. Stating that he died in 1716 at Ford, Laverstock. That he was married to Elizabeth and that they had the following children: John born in 1690, Anne married to Carter, Deborah married to Shepherd and Thomas who died in 1703. Looking back in the chart Number 90 is the son of Captain Nicholas Blake, who was born 31 Aug 1609 in Bridgwater and he died in 1696 when he was 86 years of age. Nicholas married Joan Question daughter of John Question and she was born in Dunster and died in 1696. They were said to have had the following children: John (-1717), William (1658-1743), Nicholas, Elizabeth married to Nicholas Rowe and Zachary.

Information on William has him born in 1658 in Dunster and dying in 1743. He was said to have married Margaret Sealey, daughter of William and Mary Sealey and was born in 1710. Margaret died in Minehead 25 Aug 1792 at 82 years of age. They had the following children: Thomas (- 1750), Samuel, Sarah married to Edward Dunne, Elizabeth, Suzanne and William (1697-1743).

Information on Nicholas has him as a merchant of London married to Elizabeth Prideaux. They had the following children Alexander, John and Nicholas (-1682).

Information on Zachary Blake is limited to one child Zachary (1692-1757).

It would be interesting to discover whether Mary Mason has linked the wills of this family back to the chart she has for the families collateral to Admiral Blake. None of these lines lead to the current Testator however in Mary’s chart. Is this John a grandson of John who died at Ford in 1716/1717?

The current Testator lists his children as: Thomas, Elizabeth, William, Benjamin, Mary, Richard Michael and Charles and a deceased son John. His wife is named Elizabeth. His grand daughter Susan Blake is a daughter of his deceased son John.

An interesting tree on World Connect looking at a Benjamin Blake who was a son of John Blake. This John was baptized 12 Feb 1724 at St Martin, Salisbury and was buried 7 Jun 1807 at Laverstock. His wife though was named Mary. This John was said to be the son of John Blake born 1690 buried 26 Aug 1766 at Laverstock (from Ford) and his wife Jane Sainsbury born 12 Mar 1692 at West Lavington Wiltshire. John and Jane were married 10 Nov 1712 in Market Lavington. The submitter does not take this family back to Nicholas Blake and Jone Question.

Certainly Mary Mason’s records more closely match the wills in terms of the names of wives and the children, siblings.

The wife of John is named Elizabeth and their marriage from Find My Past 15 Dec 1767, John junior Blake of Ford, bachelor, gent, 24 years of age married Elizabeth Fanstone, spinster, 21 years of age of Downton (Wick) and married at Downton with Bondsman John Blake, senior, Gentleman, Stratford sub Castle. 

I appear to be missing one John Will for Wiltshire and will have to go back through my downloads to see if I can find it. Although I am considering just buying it considering that it will take a long time to check through the downloads. It is John Blake 1775 at Salisbury. I did purchase this will and a transcription will appear shortly.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1607/279
Testator: John Blake, Gentleman
Place: Ford, Laverstock, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 22 Jun 1792, probated 19 Aug 1818
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 38

1    This is the Last Will and Testament of me John
2    Blake of Ford in the parish of Laverstock in the County of Wilts
3    Gentleman made the twenty second day of June in the year of our
4    Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two I give to my
5    dear Wife Elizabeth Blake one Moiety or half part of all my household
6    Goods and Furniture Linen Woollen China and plate for the term of
7    her Life and I also give my said Wife the joint use with my son Thomas
8    of my Dwelling house and Garden wherein I now live for and during
9    her life I further give to my said wife for and during the term of her
10    life One annuity or yearly Rent charge of Forty pounds of lawful
11    money of Great Britain clear of and above all rates and
12    taxes whatsoever charges upon and to be issuing and payable
13    to her by four quarterly payments in the year that is to say Lady
14    Day, Midsummer day, Michaelmas Day and Saint Thomas Day
15    out of my Freehold Messuage or tenement Farm Lands and
16    hereditaments at Ford aforesaid the first payment thereof to
17    begin on such of the quarter days aforesaid as shall first and
18    next happen after my death and I empower my said Wife to
19    distrain on the said Freehold messuage or tenement farm Lands
20    and heredi[tamen]ts so charged with the same in case of nonpayment
21    thereof for the space of twenty days after either of the said
22    quarterly days of payment and for want of sufficient distresses to
23    enter upon and enjoy the premises until payment thereof and
24    all arrears thereof and all charges occasioned by the nonpayment of
25    the same I give to my six Children Elizabeth Blake William Blake
26    Benjamin Blake Mary Blake Richard Michael Blake and
27    Charles Blake the sum of eight hundred pounds each to be payable
28    when and as they shall respectively attain the age of twenty
29    one years with interest at the rate of four pounds p cent p ann
30    in the maintenance for their support and education and in case
31    any or either of my said six Children Elizabeth Blake William
32    Blake Benjamin Blake Mary Blake Richard Michael Blake
33    and Charles Blake shall happen to die under the age of twenty one
34    years then and in that case I give the Legacy of him her or them
35    so dying unto the survivors or survivor of my said six children
36    to be equally divided amongst them and be payable when and as
37    their original Legacies become payable with interest in the
38    meantime as aforesaid provided always in case I shall at
39    any time hereafter in my lifetime advance to any or either of
40    my said six children any sum or sums of money by way of
41    marriage portion or for their apprenticeship or other advancement
42    in
    [Page 2]
43    in Life then I hereby will and direct that the same shall be considered to be
44    and shall be taken as part of his her or their Legacy or sum of Eight hundred
45    pounds hereinbefore given to them I give to my Grand daughter Susan
46    Blake the daughter of my late son John Blake the Sum of One hundred
47    pounds in case she shall live to attain the age of twenty one years but
48    in case of her death under that age then I give the said sum of one hundred
49    pounds unto my said Six Children Elizabeth Blake William Blake
50    Benjamin Blake Mary Blake Richard Michael Blake and Charles Blake
51    or such of them as shall live to attain the age of twenty one years equally
52    to be divided between them share and share alike I give and devise my
53    Freehold Mansion house and farm at Ford and my Freehold Farm and Lands at Stratford
54    under the Castle and all other my Freehold Lands tenements and hereditaments
55    in Ford Laverstock and Stratford or elsewhere and also all my Leasehold
56    messuages or tenements and heredit[ament]s in Ford Laverstock and Stratford
57    or elsewhere unto my Friends Thomas Cusse of Winterborne and Richard
58    Fanstone of Martin both in the said County of Wilts to hold the said Freehold
59    messuages Lands and hereditaments unto the said Thomas Cusse and Richard
60    Fanstone their Executors admors and assigns for and during the term of Five
61    hundred years to Commence immediately after my death and to hold my
62    said Leasehold messuages Lands and hereditaments unto the said Thomas
63    Cusse and Richard Fanstone their heirs Exors Admors and Assigns respectively
64    according to the different tenures and natures of the said Estates upon the
65    trusts and to and for the ends intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned
66    expressed and declared of and concerning the same and subject to the said
67    term of Five hundred years I give and devise my said Freehold messuages
68    Farms Lands and hereditaments unto my Son Thomas Blake and his
69    assigns for and during the term of his natural Life and from and immediately
70    after the determination of that estate I give and devise the same to my Friends
71    John Cusse and Samuel Cusse and their heirs during the life of my said Son
72    Thomas Blake in trust to preserve the Contingent Remainders hereinafter
73    limited from being defeated or destroyed and from and immediately after
74    the death of my said Son Thomas Blake I give and devise the same to the
75    first Son of the Body of my said Son Thomas Blake lawfully begotten
76    and the heirs male of the Body of such first son lawfully issuing and
77    in default of such issue to the second third fourth and all and every other
78    son and sons of the Body of my said Son Thomas Blake lawfully begotten
79    severally successively and in remainder one after the other as they shall
80    be in priority of Birth and to the several and respective heirs male
81    of the body and bodies of all and every such sons lawfully issuing every
82    Elder of such Sons and the heirs male of his body being always preferred
83    and to take before a younger of them and the heirs male of his body issuing
84    and in default of such issue to my Son William Blake and his assigns
85    for and during the term of his natural life and from and immediately
86    after the determination of that estate I give and devise the same to the
87    said John Cusse and Samuel Cusse and their heirs during the life of my
88    said Son William Blake in trust to preserve the contingent remainders
89    hereinafter limited from being defeated or destroyed and from and immediately
90    after the death of my said Son William Blake to the first son of the Body of my
91    said Son William Blake lawfully begotten and the heirs male of the body of
92    such first son lawfully issuing and in default of such issue to the second
93    third fourth and all and every other son and sons of the Body of my said Son
94    William Blake lawfully to be begotten Severally successively and in remainder
95    one after the other as they shall priority of Birth and to the several
96    and respective heirs male of the Body and Bodies of all and every
97    such Sons lawfully issuing every elder of such Sons and the heirs male
98    of his Body being always preferred and to take before a younger of them
99    and the heirs male of his body issuing and in default of such issue to my
100    son
    [Page 3]
101    Benjamin Blake and his assigns for and during the term of his natural
102    life and from and immediately after the determination of that Estate I give
103    and devise the same to the said John Cusse and Samuel Cusse and their heirs
104    during the Life of my said son Benjamin Blake In Trust to preserve
105    the contingent remainders hereinafter limited from being defeated
106    or destroyed and from and immediately after the death of my said Son
107    Benjamin Blake I give and devise the same to the first son of the
108    Body of my said Son Benjamin lawfully begotten and the heirs male
109    of the Body of Such first Son lawfully issuing and in default of such
110    issue to the second third fourth and all and every other son and Sons
111    of the Body of my said son Benjamin lawfully begotten severally
112    successively and in remainder one after the other as they shall be in
113    priority of Birth and to the several and respective heirs male of the
114    Body and Bodies of all and every such Sons lawfully issuing every
115    elder of such Sons and the heirs male of his body being always
116    preferred and to take before a younger of them and the heirs male of
117    his Body issuing and in default of Such issue to my Son Richard
118    Michael Blake and his assigns for and during the term of his natural
119    Life and from and immediately after the determination of that estate
120    I give and devise the same to the said John Cusse and Samuel Cusse
121    and their heirs during the life of my said son Richard Michael In
122    trust to preserve the Contingent Remainders hereinafter Limited
123    from being defeated or destroyed and from and immediately after
124    the death of my said son Richard Michael to the first Son of his Body
125    of my said Son Richard Michael lawfully begotten and the heirs male
126    of the body of such first son lawfully issuing and in default of such issue
127    to the second third fourth and all and every other son and sons of the Body
128    of my said Son Richard Michael lawfully begotten severally successively
129    and in remainder one after another as they shall be in priority of Birth
130    and the several and respective heirs male of the body and bodies of
131    all and every such Sons lawfully issuing every Elder of such sons
132    and the heirs male of his body being always preferred and to take before
133    a younger of them and the heirs male of his body issuing and in default
134    of such issue to my son Charles Blake and his assigns for and during
135    the term of his natural life and from and immediately after the determination
136    of that estate I give and devise the same to the said John Cusse and Samuel
137    Cusse and their heirs during the life of my said son Charles Blake In
138    trust to preserve the contingent remainders hereinafter limited from
139    being defeated or destroyed and from and immediately after the death
140    of my said son Charles to the first son of the Body of my said son Charles
141    lawfully begotten and the heirs male of the Body of such first son
142    lawfully issuing and in default of such issue to the second third fourth
143    and all and every other Son and sons of the Body of my said Son Charles
144    lawfully begotten severally successively and in remainder one after
145    the other as they shall be in priority of Birth and to the several and
146    respective heirs male of the Body and Bodies of all and every such
147    Sons lawfully issuing every elder of such Sons and the heirs male
148    of his Body being always preferred and to take before a younger
149    of them and the heirs male of his Body issuing and in default of such
150    issue I give and devise the same to the Daughters Elizabeth Blake
151    and Mary Blake and the respective heirs and assigns for ever to
152    take as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and I hereby
153    will order and direct that my several Leasehold messuages Farm
154    Lands and hereditaments (Subject to the trusts hereafter mentioned)
155    shall from time to time go pass to and be enjoyed from time to time
156    by the person who for the time being shall be entitled to my said
157    Freeholds messuages Farms Lands and hereditaments by virtue of and
158    under
    [Page 4]
159    under this my Will or as near thereto as the rules of Law will admit and
160    I give devise and bequeath the same accordingly I give and bequeath
161    unto my son Thomas Blake all my ready money and securities for
162    money Stock in husbandry and also all my household goods and Furniture
163    (Subject to the bequest hereinbefore made to my wife) and all other my goods
164    Chattels and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever not hereinbefore given
165    and bequeath upon Special trust and Confidence that he shall and do
166    by and out of the same in the first place pay and discharge all my just
167    debts and Funeral Expences and also pay and discharge from time to time the
168    Interest of the several Legacies hereby given until the som[m]es respectively
169    shall become paiable and likewise pay and discharge the said Legacies or as
170    much thereof as the same Will extend to pay and in case the same shall become
171    then sufficient to pay the whole thereof then I give the overplus unto my
172    said said Son Thomas Blake to and for his own use and I make and appoint
173    him Sole Executor of this my Will And as to the said term of five hundred years
174    hereinbefore limited in my said Freehold Estates and as to the bequest of
175    my said Leasehold Estates to them the said Thomas Cusse and Richard Fanstone
176    their heirs Exors Admors and assigns respectively I hereby will and declare
177    the same to be upon trust that they the said Thomas Cusse and Richard Fanstone
178    or the survivor of them or the Executors or Admors of the Survivor of them
179    shall and do by devise or Mortgage of all or any part of my said Freehold
180    and Leasehold Estate respectively raise to make money as shall be
181    sufficient to pay and discharge the Legacies given in and by this my Will
182    and the interest thereof or as much thereof respectively as shall not be
183    paid by and out of the produce of my personal Estate hereinbefore given
184    In trust to my said Son Thomas and that from and after payment of the
185    said Legacies repayment of the money to be raised by mortgage as
186    aforesaid and the Costs and charges attending the raising and repayment
187    thereof then the said Thomas Cusse and Richard Fanstone their heirs Exors
188    or Admors shall stand interested and possessed of and in the same premises
189    respectively for the person or persons who shall for the time being be
190    entitled to my said Freehold and Leasehold Estate respectively by virtue
191    of this my Will and I hereby will order and direct that payment of the
192    mortgage money by the person or persons who shall by the Mortgage or
193    Mortgages of my said Estates or any part thereof to the said Thomas Cusse
194    and Richard Fanstone or the Survivor of them or the Executors or Admors of
195    the survivor of them shall be good and effectual payment and their receipts
196    be good and effectual discharges and that no mortgage or mortgagees shall
197    be obliged to see to the application of such mortgage money or be answerable
198    or accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof and I hereby
199    will and direct that my said trustees shall not be answerable or accountable
200    for any more monies than they shall actually respectively receive and
201    shall not be answerable the one for the other of them or for the acts receipts
202    or neglects of the other of them but each of them for his own acts receipts
203    and neglects only In witness whereof I have to this my last will and Testament
204    written and contained in four sheets of paper set my hand and seal to
205    wit to the three first sheets my hand only and to this sheet my hand and
206    seal the day and year first above written Jno Blake Signed sealed
207    published and declared by the said John Blake the testator as and for his last
208    Will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence
209    of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses John Hodding
210    Ann Hodding Martha Hodding
211    Proved at London 19th August 1818 before the Judge by the oath of Thomas Blake
212    the sole Ex[ecut]or to whom adm[inistrati]on was granted having been first sworn (by Com[missi]on duly to adm[inister]r

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