Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Will of John Blake, Gentleman, New Sarum, Wiltshire - The National Archives PROB 11/1004/155, probated 17 Jan 1775

It just seemed rather untidy not to do the will of John Blake, 1775, at Salisbury so acquired that one yesteday morning from the website instead of going back through my downloads. That was going to be a long process and it would be nice to finish Wiltshire by the end of December. The last will was not too bad for reading and this one looks pretty good thus far although it is five pages.

Again the Testator John Blake is known in that he was the father of John Blake whose will was blogged:

Is this the son of James Blake who left his will in 1733/34 which was blogged:

James does mention property on Castle Street in New Sarum. If James is the father of the present testator then the testator would be 74 years of age. Given that he already has a number of grand children that is entirely possible. Plus one of the marriage records for John’s children show him to be a grocer at Salisbury. In that case then this family is likely from Great Wishford (James baptism), which is only 5 miles northwest of Salisbury. How far back does this family go in this area of Great Wishford?

John, the Testator, has greatly increased his holdings during his lifetime compared to the will of his possible father James.

The marriage of John Blake, bachelor, grocer, 25 years of age, of Salisbury St Thomas and Margaret Westley, spinster, 20 years of age of Salisbury St Thomas was celebrated 15 Jun 1726 at Choulderton. Bondsman John Westley, clothier, St Thomas Salisbury. Cholderton is close to the Hampshire border about ten miles from Salisbury. Why Cholderton? A mystery but one that registers in the back of my mind since it is close to the areas in which my Blake line lived
The Blake family of Andover area was moving away from the Andover area in the mid 1600s. But equally this could also be a Blake family moving away from the Calne area which they certainly did as well in the 1600s.

The marriage of Mary Blake, spinster, 26 years of age, of Salisbury St Thomas married to James Rothwell, bachelor, grocer, 22 years of age of Salisbury St Thomas celebrated 13 Jul 1756 with John Blake, grocer, Salisbury St Thomas as bondsman. This gives Mary a year of birth circa 1730 which is a reasonable date to have a father born in 1701. Plus John was a grocer as James was.

The marriage of Susanna Blake, spinster, 23 years of age of Salisbury St Thomas to William Sterne, bachelor, gentleman, 34 years of age of Salisbury St Edmund celebrated 28 Sep 1761. Susannah would have been born circa 1738. Bondsman James Lewis, clerk, Salisbury St Martin.

Both of these marriages from the Bonds issued by the Bishop of Salisbury (record created by the Wiltshire Family History Society through Find My Past).

Names mentioned in the will:

John Blake, Gentleman, testator, New Sarum
Margaret Blake, wife, executrix, New Sarum
Mr John Blake, son, trustee, New Sarum
Mr William Stern, son in law, trustee, New Sarum
Mary Rothwell, daughter
Margaret Ann Rothwell, grand daughter
Mary Rothwell, grand daughter
John Cartwright Blake, grandson, son of John
Mary Blake, grand daughter, daughter of John
Robert Blake, grandson, son of John
Margaret Blake, grand daughter, daughter of John
William Stern, grandson
Beatrice Stern, grand daughter
Susanna Stern, grand daughter
Susanna Stern, daughter
Peggy Blake, daughter
Mr John Cooper, partner
Letitia Hayter, witness
Robert Lilly, witness
William Slater, witness

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 17 Dec 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1004/155
Testator: John Blake, Gentleman
Place: New Sarum (Salisbury), Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 1 Feb 1771, probated 17 Jan 1775
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: John
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I John Blake of the City of New Sarum in the County of
3    Wilts Gentleman considering the uncertainty of this Life do make
4    publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament for
5    the disposing of my Worldly Estate and Effects with which it hath
6    pleased Almighty God to bless me in manner following that is
7    to say First I will and direct that all my debts and Funeral
8    Expences be paid and discharged and also all that my Freehold
9    Messuage or Tenement Lands hereditaments and Premises with
10    their Appurtenances situate in West Grimsteed in the said County
    [Page 2]
11    of Wilts and also all that my Freehold Messuage or Tenement
12    Garden and Premises with their appurtenances situate in Brown
13    Street in New Sarum aforesaid And also all that my Freehold
14    Messuage or Tenement and Inn called the White horse with the
15    Garden hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances
16    situate in Castle Street in New Sarum aforesaid and also all those
17    my two Freehold Messuages or Tenements Gardens and Premises
18    with their Appurtenances situate in Scots Lane in New Sarum
19    aforesaid and adjoining to the said Inn I do give devise and
20    bequeath unto my beloved Wife Margaret for and during her
21    natural life only also all those my Leasehold Messuages or
22    Tenements Lands hereditaments and Premises with their Appurt[enance]s
23    situate in West Grimsteed aforesaid and called or known by the
24    name of Dennis’s I do give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife
25    Margaret for and during her natural life only Also I do give
26    devise and bequeath unto my Son Mr John Blake and my Son
27    in Law Mr William Stern the Sum of Eight hundred pounds to
28    be paid unto them in one year after my death Upon Trust that
29    my said Son John Blake and the said William Stern and the
30    Survivor of them his Executors or Administrators shall immediately
31    vest the same in some of the Publick Funds and from time to
32    time pay the dividend and the Interest thereof unto my
33    daughter Mary Rothwell for and during her natural life by
34    half yearly payments and equal portions to and for her own
35    sole and separate use and her receipt along notwithstanding her
36    Coverture from time to time to be a sufficient discharge for the
37    same and from and after the death of my said daughter Mary
38    Rothwell Upon Trust that the Stock to be purchased with the
39    said Sum of Eight hundred pounds and the Dividend or Interest
40    as shall be then due for the same and not paid to my said
41    Daughter Rothwell shall be to and for the use and behoof of
42    all the Children of my said Daughter Rothwell as she shall
43    leave at her death in such manner and by such proportions
44    as my said Daughter Mary Rothwell shall by any deed or deeds
45    or by her last Will and Testament to be by her duly Executed
46    in the presence of two or more Credible Witnesses notwithstanding
47    her Coverture give devise direct or appoint the same and for want
48    of such Gift devise direction or appointment then to the use
49    and behoof of all the Children of my said Daughter Rothwell as
50    shall Survive her equally between them and in case she shall
51    leave but one Child then to such Child Also I do give and bequeath
52    unto my beloved Grandchildren Margaret Ann and Mary
53    Rothwell the Sum of Fifty pounds each to be paid unto them at
54    their several attainments to the age of one and twenty years
55    And I do will and direct that Interest after the rate of three
56    Per Cent shall be paid to my said Daughter Mary Rothwell
57    for the use of my said Grandaughters Margaret Ann and
58    Mary Rothwell to be computed from the end of three months
59    after my death until they severally attain their ages of one
60    and twenty years Also I do give and bequeath unto my beloved
61    Grandchildren John Cartwright Blake Mary Blake Robert
62    Blake and Margaret Blake the Sum of fifty pounds each to
    [Page 3]
63    be paid unto them at their several attainments to the Age of
64    one and twenty years and I do will and direct that Interest
65    after the rate of three Per Cent shall be paid to my said
66    Son John Blake for the use of my said Grandchildren John
67    Cartwright Blake Mary Blake Robert Blake and Margaret
68    Blake to be computed also from the end of three months
69    after my death until they severally attain their ages of one
70    and twenty years Also I do give and bequeath unto my
71    beloved Grandchildren William Stern Beatrice Stern and
72    Susanna Stern the Sum of fifty pounds each to be paid unto
73    them at their several attainments to the age of one and
74    twenty years and I do will and direct that Interest after
75    the rate of three Per Cent shall be paid to my said Son in
76    Law William Stern or my Daughter Susanna Stern for the
77    use of my said Grandchildren William Beatrice and Susanna
78    Stern to be computed also from the end of three months next
79    after my death until they severally attain their ages of one and
80    twenty years Also I do give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter
81    Peggy Blake the Sum of fifteen hundred pounds to be paid
82    unto her in six months next after she shall marry with
83    her Mothers Consent if her Mother shall be then living And
84    I do will and direct that Interest shall be paid unto my said
85    daughter Peggy Blake for the said Legacy of fifteen hundred
86    pounds to be computed from the end of three months next after
87    my death by my Executrix hereinafter named until the same
88    shall be paid her at and after such rates of Interest as my
89    moneys in general shall bring in and in case my said
90    daughter Peggy shall die unmarried then I will and direct that
91    she shall have the disposal of the said Sum of fifteen hundred
92    pounds Also I give and bequeath unto my said daughter
93    Peggy Blake All that my said Freehold Messuage or Tenement
94    Garden and Premises with their Appurtenances situate in
95    Brown Street in New Sarum aforesaid To hold from and after
96    my said loving Wifes death unto my said Daughter Peggy
97    Blake her heirs and Assigns for ever But if my said Daughter
98    Peggy shall not live in Sarum or in the said last mentioned
99    house in which case I do will and direct that my said
100    Daughter Peggy shall sell my said last mentioned Messuage
101    Garden and Premises unto my said Son John Blake or either
102    of my said Daughters for the Sum of three hundred pounds in
103    case either of them shall choose to buy the same my said
104    Son John Blake to have the first joyce whereas I did on the
105    Marriage of my Daughter Susanna Stern give her the Sum
106    of five hundred pounds and did by Articles bind my heirs
107    Executors or Administrators to pay within Six months next
108    after my death unto her husband the said William Stern or to
109    Trustees named in the same Articles the further Sum of
110    one thousand pounds in full of her Marriage fortune I
111    do therefore by this my Will ratify and confirm the said
112    Articles and do will and direct that the said Sum of one
113    thousand pounds shall be paid in pursuance of and in full
114    discharge of the same Articles and of my said Daughter
115    Susanna
    [Page 4]
116    Susanna Marriage Fortune Also all that the Moiety or half
117    part of all that Leasehold Messuage or Tenement Farm Lands
118    hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances situate in
119    West Grimsteed aforesaid commonly called Matons and which I
120    purchased jointly with Mr John Cooper I do give and bequeath
121    unto my said Son John Blake his Executors Administrators
122    and Assigns for and during all my Term Estate and Interest
123    therein Also all those my said Leasehold Messuages or tenements
124    Lands hereditaments and Premises with their appurtenances
125    situate in West Grimsteed aforesaid and commonly called or known
126    by the name of Dennis I do give devise and bequeath unto my
127    said Son John Blake To hold from and after my said loving Wifes
128    death unto my said Son John Blake his Executors Administrators
129    and Assigns for and during all my Term Estate and Interest
130    therein Also all that my said Freehold Messuage or Tenement
131    Lands hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances
132    situate in West Grimsteed aforesaid And also all that my said
133    Freehold Messuage or Tenement and Inn called the White horse
134    and the Garden hereditaments and Premises with their Appurt[enance]s
135    situate in Castle Street in New Sarum aforesaid and also all
136    those my said two Freehold Messuages or Tenements Gardens and
137    Premises with their Appurtenances situate in Scots Lane in
138    New Sarum aforesaid and adjoining to the said Inn I do give
139    devise and bequeath unto my said Son John Blake To hold from
140    and after the decease of my said loving Wife unto my said
141    Son John Blake his heirs and Assigns for ever Also I do beg
142    and request my said Son John Blake that he will be good
143    and Serviceable to his Mother and Sisters and I do also beg
144    and request all my said Children that if any or either of them
145    shall die without leaving any Child or Children that in such
146    case they will give the Legacys and Lane I have here given
147    them unto their Brother or Sisters or their Child or Children
148    and in case my Personal Effects at the time of my decease
149    after payment of my debts and Funeral Expences shall not be
150    sufficient fully to answer and pay all my Legacies herein
151    before given by this my Will Then and in such case I do
152    hereby will and direct that all and every of the Legatees
153    named in this my Will shall abate a proportionable part
154    of his her or their Legacy or Legacies according to the value
155    thereof And that they or any or either of them By no
156    means enter into any Suit at Law or in Equity touching
157    the same and in case any differences or disputes shall happen
158    to arise between my said Children any or either of them
159    then I do earnestly recommend and request them to refer such
160    differences and disputes to two honest Men and if such two
161    Men cannot determine the same then such two persons
162    to nominate and choose a third person whose determination I
163    request and desire may be final and prevent any Suit either
164    in Law or Equity between my said Children touching the
165    Contents of this my Will or anything relating thereunto
166    Also all the rest and residue of my Goods and Chattels Rights
167    and Credits of what nature kind or quality soever or wheresoever
    [Page 5]
168    after my just debts Legacies and Funeral Expences are paid and
169    discharged I do give devise and bequeath unto my said beloved
170    Wife Margaret Blake whom I do hereby nominate and appoint
171    full and sole Executrix of this my Will hereby revoking all
172    former Wills by me made In Witness whereof I have to this
173    my last Will and Testament contained in four Sheets of paper
174    set my hand to the first three sheets and my hand and Seal
175    to this last Sheet the first day of February in the year of our
176    Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy one Jno Blake
177    Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said John Blake the
178    Testator to be his last Will and Testament in presence of us who
179    have Subscribed our names as Witnesses hereunto in presence
180    of the said Testator and of each other the words Wife
181    notwithstanding her Coverture in the first side the word said in
182    the second side the words therein said Freehold Son in the third
183    side being first interlined Letitia Hayter Rob[er]t Lilly Will[iam] Slater
184    This Will was proved at London the seventeenth day
185    of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred
186    and seventy five before the Right Worshipful Sir George Hay
187    Knight doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the
188    Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath
189    of Margaret Blake Widow the Relict of the deceased and Sole
190    Executrix named in the said Will to whom Administration
191    was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits
192    of the said deceased having been first Sworn by Commission
193    duly to Administer.

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