Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Will of Mary Blake, widow, Pynhills, Calne, Wiltshire - Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office P5-2REG_85_1-4

This is the will of Mary Blake of Pinhills, Calne, the widow of Roger Blake whose will was blogged earlier:

Also I blogged on the Blake family at Pynnell as mentioned on the Visitations:

Mary in her will below mentions her husband Roger Blake her son Thomas, her son Robert, her daughter Jone Goddarde and son in law Anthony Goddarde, and her daughter Sybil Bull and her son in law Henrie Bull. Mary mentions a number of her grandchildren Roger Blake son of Robert, Marie granddaughter of Robert (daughter of Roger), Roger Blake eldest son of Thomas, Edward Goddard and Elizabeth Goddard. Mary also mentions her nephews including John Willoughby of Piddletown, Dorset, Edward Baynard (and his daughter Marie), Robert Baynard (and his daughter Marie).

Perhaps the people she doesn’t mention end up being the most important as she does not mention her third son John who lived at Hilcot. John is mentioned in the Visitations. She also does not mention Mary who was married to Edward Langridge. We know Mary does exist because her father mentioned her in his will along with his eldest son Thomas.

As a result one can not conclusively say that William Blake married to Avis Ripley and living at Eastontown was or was not a son of Roger and Mary Blake. It is certainly an ageold mystery and one that may not see a solution in the near future. The manor books for this area might resolve the issue if they still exist.

Finding and downloading this will was a dream come true as it is just so easy to do that. That it doesn’t answer the question really doesn’t matter one way or the other to me. My goal is to find the best truth that I am able to.

Names mentioned in the will:

Mary Blake, testatrix, widow, Pinhills, Calne
Roger Blake, Esquire, deceased, husband of Mary Blake the testatrix
Thomas Blake, eldest son
Robert Blake, son
Roger Blake, grandson, son of Robert
Marie, great granddaughter, god daughter, daughter of Roger (son of Robert)
John Willoughby, nephew, Piddletown, Dorset
Anthony Goddard, son in law
Jone Goddard, daughter
Roger Blake, grandson, son of Thomas
Sybell Bull, daughter
Henrie Bull, grandson, son of Sybell Bull
Mary Goddard, granddaughter, daughter of Anthony and Jone
Emery Somers, goddaughter
Marie Baynard, great niece, daughter of Edward Baynard (nephew)
Marie Byanard, great niece, daughter of Robert Baynard (nephew)
Henrie Baynton, servant
William Pleyer, servant boy
Edward Goddard, grandson, (son of Anthony and Jone)
Elizabeth Goddard, granddaughter, (daughter of Anthony and Jone)
William Sneaddon, witness

There are other rather interesting wills in Wiltshire and finding the wills for the children of Roger and Mary might prove interesting namely Thomas Blake, Robert Blake, John Blake, Jone Goddard and Sybell Bull (or their husbands Anthony Goddard and Henry Bull). Finding Mary’s will somewhat closes the door on what I am going to find out about their children for the moment. William Blake and his wife Avis Ripley remain as stated on the chart. No evidence has been found to discount their being children of Mary and Roger. That William died in 1582 remains a question since the William who left his will in 1582 at Eastontown was not married at that time to Avis Ripley.

I do feel much more confident saying that the Andover Blake family that left wills beginning with Jone Blake, widow and continuing with Nicholas Blake, and his son William Blake and the children of William are not descendant of Robert Blake and Avis Wallop. Do they attach into the tree further back? That remains a mystery.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 Dec 2013
Source: Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office, P5-2REG_85_1-4
Testator: Mary Blake, widow
Place: Pynhills, Calne, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 28 Nov 1569, probated 10 Sep 1570
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Mary Blake
[Margin]: wid[ow]

1    In the name of god so be it the xxviij th day of novembre in the
2    yere (after the Jncarnations of Christe) 1569 and in the xij th
3    yere of the Raigne of o[u]r most gracious sovergine Lady Elizabeth
4    by the grace of god Quene of Englande France and Ireland
5    defender of the faith etc I Mary Blake of Pynhills in the
6    countie of Wiltes widowe Late the wife of Roger Blake Esquyre
7    decessed beinge of p[er]fit mynde and good remembrance thanks
8    be therefore geven to almightie god knowinge nothinge to be more
9    certen in this wordle then deathe the time whereof ys most
10    uncerten myndinge therefore to p[re]vente the same w[i]th delyverations
11    and good advise do ordeyne and make my last will and testa[men]t
12    in manner and forme as folowith And first calling to my
13    remembrance my duetie to almightie god the father unto
14    whose mercy I comitt my swole in full trust and confidence
15    that I have therein by and through the merites of the death
16    and passion of his deare sonne Jesus Christ my only
17    and sole savior and redeemer for w[hi]ch w[i]th the holie gost I
18    to acknowledge and confesse to be one very trewe eternall
19    and ev[er]lyvinge god and my body when it shall please god to caule
20    me out of this frale and trancsytorie worlde (in remembrance
21    that yt shall ryse againe) I will itt decentlie to be buried
22    w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe churche of Calne, and towchinge my goods and
23    cattalls I will them to be distributed as shalbe hereafter
24    in this my last wille mentioned and expressed And firste
25    renounsyinge all other wills before this tyme by me made
26    I will that the last will and testament of my late husbande
27    Roger Blake Esquyer decessed be in all points fully p[er]formed
28    according to the trewe intent and meanynge of the same
29    by the order of the oversears of this my last will whom I
30    will hereafter appointe And that all my due detts be paide
31    according to equytie and right It[e]m I will that ther be geven
32    amongest the poore people w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe of Calne xl s
33    and to the poore people in perell xx s It[e]m I geve to my eldest
34    sonne Thomas Blake a standinge bedstead that I bowght of
35    Late w[hi]che standith in the newe chamber ande the parlor
36    w[i]th the curtens and fringe of blewe sage and yelowe
37    I geve him also twentie powndes in money It[e]m I geve to
38    my sonne Robert Blake twentie pownds in money It[e]m I
39    geve to my nephew his sonne Roger Blake fowrtie pownds
    [Page 2]
40    in money It[e]m I geve to his daughter Marie beinge my goddawghter
41    vj pounds xiij s iiij d in money It[e]m I geve to my nephew John
42    Willoughbie of Piddle towne in the countie of Dorset xiij s iiij d
43    It[e]m I geve to my sonne in Lawe Anthonie Goddarde and to my
44    dawghter Jone his wife a Flanders cheste w[i]th two locks
45    w[hi]che standith in the two bed chamber and all sutche lynnen
46    as ys therin conteyned And alsoe one standing bedstead w[i]th
47    curtens of Pell Sage and grene standing in the chamber
48    where I lye and one fetherbedd one boulster of fethers twoe
49    pillows of downe one flockbed one peyre of blankets a cov[er]lett
50    a carpet clothe for a cobarde a longe cysshen of crimson
51    velvet a rowde borde and a cheste standings next the
52    maydens chamber dore It[e]m I geve to my said dawghter Jone
53    Goddarde all my pewter vessels and brasen vessels over and
54    beside sutche pewter and brasse as ys due to my nephewe
55    Roger Blake the eldest sonne of my saide sonne Thomas Blake
56    w[hi]ch ys mensioned and expressed in an Jnvetore sygned w[i]th
57    my saide husbands hande It[e]m I geve to my dawghter Sybell
58    Bull my seconde best cassocke and kertell and fyve poundes in
59    money It[em] I geve to Henrie Bull the sonne of my saide dawghter
60    Sybell Bull fyve pownds in money It[e]m I geve to Marye
61    Goddarde one of the dawghters of my sonne in lawe Anthony Goddarde
62    and of my dawghter Jone a little coffer standing in the closett
63    and all sutche thinges as are therin and halffe a dosen of silver
64    spones It[e]m I geve to my goddawghter Emery Somers vij pounds xiij s
65    iiij d in money a fetherbedd w[i]th a canvas tye a peyre of blanketts
66    a coverlett a peyre of sheates two pillows of flocke and two
67    pillowbers of canvas It[e]m I geve to my goddawghter Marie
68    Baynarde the dawghter of my nephewe Edwarde Baynarde xx s
69    in money It[e]m I geve to my goddawghter Marie Baynarde the
70    dawghter of my nephewe Robert Baynarde furtie shillinges
71    in money It[e]m I geve to my servant Henrie Baynton fourtie
72    shillinges in money It[e]m I geve to my boye Will[ia]m Pleyer a
73    flocke bed a flocke bolster a peyre of sheates a peyre of
74    blanketts a coverlett and fourtie shillinges in money The Rest
75    of all my goods and cattalls moveable and unmoveable by this
76    my last will not geven nor bequeathed my due detts and funerall
77    chardgs paide I do wholly geve and bequeathe to Edwarde Goddarde
78    and Elizabethe Goddarde two of the childrene of my sayd sonne
79    Antonye Goddarde and my dawghter Jone w[hi]ch Edwarde and Elizabethe
80    I do appoynte constitute and make my onlye and whole executors And
81    for the better p[er]formance of this my laste will and testament
82    I do appoynte and even so do specyally requeste my sonne Thomas
83    Blaake my sayd nephew John Willoughby and my sonne in lawe
84    Antony Goddarde to be overseers of this my laste will trusting
    [Page 3]
85    that they and e[ve]ry of them will bestowe their endevour and
86    good helpe towardes the p[er]formance of this my last will and
87    testament according to the special trust I put in them
88    And for a more certen poffe that this my verie last will
89    w[hi]ch ys conteyned in two sheates of paper and a halffe
90    I have caused my name to be wryten beneathe the wrytinge
91    of ev[er]y of the saide leaves and to the last leaffe of my saide
92    will I have w[i]t[h] my owne hande sett my seale in the presens
93    of thos whose names ar underwryten Mary Blake
94    John Willoughbye Anthony Goddarde Robert Blake Roger Pstrs
95    Will[ia]m Sneaddon

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