Monday, January 27, 2014

Will of William Blake of Andover, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office 1831A-11, probated 25 Jul 1831

This particular will has been a desired acquisition by me for some time so was happy to receive it as a Christmas present. However, the will does not provide any details other than the name of his wife Sarah.

Possibly this is Sarah Frooks (widow) who married William Blake 8 Feb 1804 at Andover (Hampshire Genealogical Society). I did find a burial for Sarah Blake 20 Sep 1839 at Andover and 77 years of age so born circa 1762. If this was the wife of William and he was the William Blake of Andover mentioned in his Uncle John Blake, malster Abbots Ann, will of 1792 blogged:

(probated 1796) William would have been born/baptized 2 Sep 1764. John in his will simply said William Blake of Andover. There are two deaths for William Blake at Andover, the first is that of an infant William Blake buried 18 Dec 1814 no parents stated. The second is that of William Blake 5 Nov 1824 at Andover and 81 years of age which would put his birth in 1743.

I do have the parish records for Andover which I have transcribed up to 1759 but obviously must do further! Unfortunately, this marriage was not celebrated at the Church at least I do not find it in the Church Records. The William Blake infant was 10 days of age when he was buried December 18 and on the same day Mary Blake was buried 22 years of age. The burial 5 Nov 1824 was for a William Blake from Little London, Andover and he was 81 years of age. Although none of this information would appear to belong to this William Blake (the testator), it does give me interesting information with regard to Blake families at Andover.

The mystery remains somewhat with regard to the brother of Thomas Blake (my 3x great grandparent).

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 Jan 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1831A-11
Testator: William Blake
Place: Andover, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 20 May 1808, probated 25 Jul 1831
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1831A-11

1    This is the last Will and Testament of me William
2    Blake of Andover in the County of Southampton made in sound Mind Memory
3    and Understanding as follows First I desire that all my just debts and
4    Funeral and Testamentary Expences be paid and satisfied out of my
5    personal Estate by my Executrix hereinafter named I give and
6    bequeath to my Wife Sarah Blake the Sum of two Hundred and twenty
7    Pounds which I now have in the Hands of Mr Wakeford of Andover
8    Banker to and for her own Use and Benefit I also give and bequeath
9    all my Household Furniture Goods Chattels Monies and Securities for
10    Money and all other my personal Estate whatsoever and
11    wheresoever situate and being and of what Nature or kind soever
12    unto my said wife Sarah Blake to and for her own use Benefit
13    and Disposal And I do hereby nominate constitute and
14    appoint my said wife Sarah Blake the Executrix of this my
15    will hereby revoking all former Wills by me made and declaring
16    this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness
17    whereof I the said William Blake have to this my last Will
18    and Testament set my Hand and Seal this twentieth
19    day of May in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight
20    hundred and Eight
21    The Mark of William Blake X
22    Signed sealed published and declared
23    by the above named William Blake as
24    and for his last Will and Testament in
25    the presence of us who at his request in
26    his Presence and in the Presence of each
27    other have hereunto subscribed our Names
28    as Witnesses  Anthony Antony
29    R Footner
30    20th May 1808
31    The will of Mr
32    Wm Blake
33    The 25th day of July 1831
34    On which day the within named Sarah Blake the sole
35    Executrix of the last Will and Testament of her late Husband
36    the within named William Blake deceased appeared before
37    me and made oath that the within Paper writing contained
38    the true last Will and Testament of the said William
39    Blake deceased and that the Goods and Chattels of the
40    said deceased are under the value of One Hundred Pounds

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