Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Will of John Blake, Penton Mewsey, Hampshire - Family Search, Film 186905, Catalogue J-667, Number 122, probated 8 May 1620

This will of John Blake, Penton Mewsey was acquired from Family Search using their Photoduplication form and it is Film 186905, catalogue designation J-667, year of event  8 May 1620 (proven) and number on film 122.

I am not of the opinion that the will of this John Blake is the son of the John Blake whose will was probated in 1611 and will be published shortly.

There is a John Blake will probated in 1593 (and blogged yesterday)

that I rather think is the father of this John.  The freehold that was held by John Blake in 1611 did not pass to this John and the children of the son John in the 1611 will did not have a son John mentioned only Christopher.

In this present will John names his children John Blake, Jone Blake and Hugh Blake (who is under twelve years of age).

Presumably John and Jone are both over twelve years of age since he did not put any restriction on their money. The testator names his wife as Agnes.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Feb 2014
Source: Family Search, Film186905, Catalogue designation J-667 and item 122 or Hampshire Record Office, 1620A-008
Testator: John Blake
Place: Penton Mewsey, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 6 Sep 1619, probated 8 May 1620
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

1    In the name of god Amen The sixth day of September
2    in the yeare of o[u]r Lord Christ 1619 I John Blake of
3    peniton mewsey in the countie of South[amp]t[on] diocese
4    of Winton sicke in bodie but of good memorie doe
5    make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament first
6    I commend my spirit into the handes of god and my bodie
7    to Christian burial touching my worldly goodes
8    I give and dispose them as here followeth It[e]m I
9    give and bequeath unto my sonne John Blake
10    twentie poundes of currant English monie
11    It[e]m I give and bequeath unto Jone Blake my
12    daughter twenty poundes of currant English
13    monie to be paid unto them so soone after my
14    decease as my Executor their mother can where
15    best and most convenient speede satisfie and pay the
16    same unto my sonne Hugh Blake I doe also
17    give and bequeath twenty poundes of currant
18    English monie to be paid unto him and emploied
19    to his sole use and benefit so soone as he shall ac-
20    complish the full age of twelve yeares It[e]m
21    I give unto my parish church of peniton xij d
22    All the rest of my goodes moveable and unmove-
23    able cattle chattels or whatsoever they be
24    I give and bequeath unto Agnes Blake my wife
25    whome I make and ordeyne sole and only Executor
26    of this my last will and Testament And I doe
27    also ordeyne Edward Hiller and William Tredgold
28    my welbeloved in Christ overseears of this
29    my last will and Testament
30    witnesses to this
31    will are John
32    Dobson Edward
33    Hiller and William
34    Tredgolde
35    Agneli Blake vid
36    8 Maij
37    obl ipa vid willmus Tredgolde
38    de ead husbandman
    [Page 2]
39    1620
40    T[estamentum] Joh[ann]es Blake
41    de Peniton mewsye
43    Arch:
    [Page 3]
44    A true Inventorie of all the goodes cattle and chattels of
45    John Blake of Peniton Mewsey in the county of South[ampton] deceased
46    taken and prised the first day of October in the yeare of our
47    Lord Christ 1619 by the parties hereunder named inhabitants
48    within peniton abovesaide
49    Imprimis his apparell    xl s       
50    It[e]m his beddinge     xl s       
51    It[e]m all inscuffe and other household implementes    xxvj s viij d       
52    It[e]m his corne of all sortes and kinds    l li       
53    It[e]m his sheepe    xx li       
54    It[e]m his horse    xij l       
55    It[e]m his ridder beastes    vij l viij s       
56    It[e]m j carte and plowe geare    xl s       
57    It[e]m his swine    xl s       
58    It[e]m j malt j nearne    vj s       
59    It[e]m boardes    ij s viij d       
60    It[e]m sea coale    xlv s       
61    It[e]m powltrie    xx d       
62    It[e]m old sackes    xviij d       
63    It[e]m j wynowe sheetes    xijd   
64    It[e]m j bar and iij wedges    ij s vj d   
65    It[e]m j lease of one house and tert and arables    xx l   
66    prisers of those goodes       
66    were William Tredgold       
67    and Edward Hiller inha-       
68    bants of penton       
69    Sum total is     cxxij l iiij d   

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