Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Will of Robert Blake, Enham, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office 1522B-04, no probate attached

 The testator Robert Blake has sons Thomas and Richard and his will is probated in 1522 according to the indexing of this particular file. However no probate is recorded on the document. He lived at Enham. He mentioned Andrew Blake, William Blake and Robert Blake not noting any relationship. The will of Richard Blayke was written 12 Apr 1522 but as I continue to examine the will I am finding that the possibility is there that this is 1521. I shall have to see if I can find another record to support the idea that this is actually 1521 (although the labelling date is the year of probate so it is possible that documentation placed this into 1522). The hook on the j is a very tiny one and usually in the writing it was more pronounced in the rest of the will if ij was intended. He appears to be giving a ring to his sister (unnamed) although this particular line is difficult to transcribe.

His likely son Thomas’ will is the next to blog and the reason for thinking this is his son is that Robert assigns Rawkins in Knights Enham to Thomas and later Thomas mentions the same property in his will of 1541 passing it to his son John.

I still have a thousand other images of documents to look at for the Blake family which are not wills so can not really draw any conclusions but just continue to put forward what is being found. There is so much information available on the Blake family that I sometimes wonder about my project actually yielding useful results but I must think in small steps in that regard and indeed there has been some progress in my mind on various lines that I could not have separated out before.

This reminds me of an interesting online tree that used to be available but has disappeared in the past couple of years. It referred to a marriage of Robert Blake and Maude Snell in 1486 at Benham, Hampshire and their three sons William, Richard and Thomas – that I have actually found a will mentioning Richard and Thomas as sons of a Robert Blake and including a William (and Andrew) mentioned is perhaps amazing in itself. I did not capture a copy of that webpage to see who had put that information online as it is sometime since I have seen it. Richard is also listed as dying in 1522 in this online chart although his children are not correct if this is the same Richard as blogged earlier (if indeed I am correct that the will actually does read 16 Dec 1521 then this Robert is the father of Richard whose will is blogged below and who does have a brother Thomas):

where his children were named Robert, Nichi and an unnamed daughter. But the most interesting part of all this would be that if Richard and Thomas were brothers then their children would be first cousins and the daughter Margaret mentioned by Thomas though did die before Thomas' will was probated. Finding two possible generations back before Nicholas and Robert is somewhat mind boggling especially when I am concentrating on the Olympics! Finding this William is very very interesting since he could be an uncle to Nicholas and timewise would be more likely to be the William Blake married to Avis Ripley.

All in all these two latin wills which were an incredible challenge for this non-Latin reader may be providing some interesting details into the Blake family at Knights Enham/Andover back into the mid 1400s. There are 34 documents in the time period 1300 – 1550 listed in the Catalogue of the Archives of the Hampshire Record Office. One in particular must have been before 1582 when William Blake (son of Nicholas) died:

   85037 - Andover Borough
        2 - Courts
            10 - Town suits at Westminster

Alt Ref No    37M85/2/TS/8
Title    Answers of Nicholas Venables, esq, etc about ancient demense lands of Corporation; whereabouts of certain Borough documents
Date    nd [16th century]
Description    Answers of Nicholas Venables, esq, Peter Noyes, sen, gent, Robert Noyes, gent, William Blake, sen, gent, Andrew Twichin, gent, Robert West, gent, William Jervis, gent, William Blake, jun, gent; Joseph Hinxman, gent; Bartholomew Wayte, gent; John West, gent; Joan Blake, widow
'And that the said deeds, charters, evidences & peces of evidences Court Rolles, Court Bookes, Rentals, Escripts, Muniments, terriors, boundaries, & other writings have bin anciently kept and used to be kept in Certaine Coffers & Chests Lockt with great Locks & Keyes in the Common Hall called The Towne hall of Andover aforsaid....' Keys normally kept by bailiff or chamber lain; to be lent out on occasion but with 'such caucion & warnies....'
Venables admits to having in his possession an ancient rental in parchment concerning Manor and notes in paper about legacy of £100 by Richard Venables of London, merchant.

Can we relate that to the Calendar of Patent Rolls since they go back into that time period? All of the records in the 1400s are in London but there is interestingly enough a Richard Blake, citizen and draper of London mentioned 8 Feb 1421. Will tuck that into the back of my mind just as a memory. The early records of Hampshire may yield more information on the catalogue.

One of William seniors daughters Margaret was married to a Jarvis so this is perhaps her husband William Jervis. Joseph Hinxman was the father of one of William senior’s son Richard’s son in law.  Who is Joan Blake widow? Always new doors are opened as each new will is read! Who is Andrew Blake? There is a will for Andrew Blake at Kings Somborne in 1551 with Kings Somborne being 9 miles or 14.5 kilometres from Andover. That may prove to be an interesting will with regard to the Blake family in this area.

An interesting document on latin terms that I wanted to make note of for future reference and this seems like the right place as this will is a real challenge.

Names mentioned in the will:

Robert Blake, testator
John Howton, debtor
Thomas Blake, son
Andrew Blake
Thomas Longe
Richard Goldyng
Robert Tary
Robert Galavay
William Gelzeyr
William Blake
William Fuynere
Robert Blake
Richard Blake, son, executor
Johannis Battey, vicar, witness
Thomas Blake, witness
Robert Tary, witness

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 Jan 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1522B-04
Testator: Robert Blake
Place: Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 16 Dec 1521(? or 2)
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1522B-04

1    In die no[m]i[n]e Ame[n] xvj die dece[m]b[r]is An[n]o d[omi]ni M ccccc xx[not sure if this is ij or just j]j Ego Robertij blayke co[m]pos me[n]t[i]s et sane memorye
2    astituo testame[n]tu[m] [i]n hunc mod[u]m In primis do et lego a[n]i[m]am mea[m] deo o[mn]ipote[n]ti q[u]e meu[m] sepeliendu[m] [i]n cimit[t]erio
3    p[ar]ochialj eccl[es]i[a]e s[an]cti michaelj de Emh[a]m It[e]m do et lego matr[ic]e ecclesie xii d It[e]m do et lego ecclesie de enh[a]m
4    xl s et una[m] vaccam It[e]m do et lego ecclesis de andever xl oues vet p[or]cus eap quod e iij lj quas yearly kyne
5    habet i[n] custodia Item do et lego uxori mee x lj q[uod] joh[han]es howton debet It[e]m do et lego uxori mee x quarte
6    ruas frume[n]ti et xx orderij It[e]m do et lego tame filio meo cc omn[ia] It[e]m do et lego andrew blayke una tenem[entum]
7    gra[tia] tenens It[e]m do et lego tamas longe unu[s] diplade et una came[ra]cio It[e]m do et lego tame filio meo una biga[e] and una maplade[?]
8    cu[m] pts et un[u]m par[s] rotap nonap[?] It[e]m do et lego thome filio una ara[bilis] terra que vocato beyety cross sennitatum
9    cu[m] lupamt[?] It[e]m do et lego Wyllia gelzeyr una[m] toga[m] It[e]m do et lego rycardo goldyng alia[m] toga[m] It[e]m do et lego
10    Robarto tary una tunica[m] It[e]m do et lego unicum suor[or] meor[um] videlicet viro[rum] ac mulier[is] una[m] ane[llus] It[e]m do et
11    lego tome filio mee duas diplades ___ ab It[e]m do et lego robarto Galavay una[m] toga[m] It[e]m do et lego tome
12    filio mee duas diplodes It[e]m do et lego Wyllmo blayke una[m] vacca[m] It[e]m do et lego tome filio mee duos pullos
13    et duo verv[ex] It[e]m wyllmo Fuynere debet m[eo] ppt viij modios furme[n]tie et __oliket modio[s] xvi s It[e]m Assigno
14    tome filio mee una t[enement]a que vocat[o] Rawkynys It[e]m do et lego sccpe[?] volo q[uod] una[m] p[re]sbite[r] celebr[at] et in ecclie par[is]h de Enhym
15    p[ro] salute a[n]i[m]e meo et p[ro] ecclie _______ p[ro] spac[iu]m un[ius] anni It[e]m do et lego robarto blayke una[m] vacca[m] et residuum om[n]i[um] bonor[um]
16    meor[um] tam mobilium q[uam] immobilium It[em] do et lego ricardo filio meo quo[s] ordino meos veros executores ut
17    ip[s]e disponat p[ro] salute a[n]i[m]e mee hijs testib[u]s d[omi]no johane battey thoma blayke robarto tary
18    et aliis
19    Also I reserve to my sonne Richarde my farme and my tenemente that I do dwell ine

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