Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Will of Isabell Blake, widow, Boldre, Hampshire - Family Search Film 186685, Catalogue A-759, number 200, probated 24 Sep 1539

Isabel Blake, the testatrix, is unknown and does not identify her husband in the will below. The only other Blake mentioned is George Blake and his will is to come having been probated in 1547.

The will of Thomas Blake also of Boldre:


blogged 22 March 2014 does not appear to fit with this will. There is one other Blake mentioned in the will of Thomas Blake and that was John Blake. Isabell does mentioned similar people namely Christian Draper. I will check the name William Perys to see if I should have had Wyllyam Peres in the earlier will. Indeed it could be Wyllyam Peres and I have made that change. The long r is readily confused with the s especially when there is a line above.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Mar 2014
Source: Family Search Film 186685, Catalogue A-759, number 200
Testator: Isabell Blake, widow
Place: Boldre, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 12 Jul 1539, probated 24 Sep 1539
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Wrapper]: 1539 Testamentum Isabelle Blake de Boldre 

1    In the name of god Amen the xij th daie of
2    July in the yere of o[u]r lord god mcccccxxxix ti I
3    Isabell blake of the p[ar]ishe of Boldre widow
4    sick in body but hole and p[er]fit of reme[m]brance
5    make my testament and laste will in maner
6    and forme folwyinge First I bequethe my soule
7    to god almyghtie and my Body to christen buryall
8    It[e]m I bequethe to saynet Swithunes churche ij d
9    It[e]m to the highe aultare of my my p[ar]ishe churche
10    iiij d It[e]m I give and bequethe to my p[ar]ishe
11    churche a bulloke of oone yere age It[e]m I give
12    and bequethe to Isabell Purbeck a featherbed a
13    tescer and my best girdell It[e]m to Christyn
14    draper a featherbed a pott and a pan rche of
15    theym holding a gallon It[e]m to euch one of
16    my godchildrene a plater or a potenger It[e]m
17    to Isabell harne the lynyng of a kirtell the
18    makyngs and a kercher for the worke done The
19    Residue of my goods not bequeathed I give and
20    bequethe to William perys whome I make
21    my sole executor he to see my detts paied
22    and my will p[er]formed And I make Sir
23    William Brasberge vicare of Bolder foresaid
24    and George Blake sup[er]visors of this my p[re]sent
25    testament And I give to either of theym for
26    their labors to shepe Theis witnesses
27    byng p[re]sent Sir Willm Brasbrige George
28    Blake Thomas Maket William Rickman
29    and Jordan Canne w[i]tph] other
30    Probatum apud winton xxiiij ti die septe[m]bris 1539
31    cora mro Edmundo Shepard legume doctore
32    ……..

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