Monday, March 31, 2014

Will of John Bradby Blake, Supra Cargo in the service of the honourable the united Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, Caton, China - The National Archives PROB 11/1001/313 and 11/1011/166, probated 13 Oct 1774

This is one of the wills that would not have appeared until much later as it is in my Miscellaneous Locations folder under East India. John Bradby Blake is the testator.

Looking back at John, the testator’s, mother and she was living in Speenhill Berkshire at the time of her will being written. Major houses in Speen include Speen Manor, Speen Hill Lodge and Goldwell House on the Bath road. The latter road was much favoured by wealthy Newburians of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Until commercial redevelopment in the second half of the twentieth century, it boasted several fine houses.

Interesting that Mary Blake should be living in Speen where there was a Blake family in the 1500s and 1800s. Will of James Blake, yeoman of Speen, probated 13 Mar 1807 and he mentions a daughter Jane Brown in London transcribed earlier:

and the will of William Speen, yeoman of Speen, probated 28 Jul 1552 and he mentions his son Anthony and brothers John and Richard:

Probably a coincidence but interesting nonetheless.

The spelling of the name is now confirmed to be John Bradby Blake and I will go back and correct that spelling in the earlier wills as it did rather look like Bradly. The transcription appears to be a bit disjointed towards the end. The probate has not been copied. The date of the probate given to this one was from another will. It would appear that John Blake first deposed and then at a later date John Blake and his daughter Sally Hitchin Blake deposed.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 30 March 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1001/313 and PROB 11/1011/166
Testator: John Bradby Blake, Supra Cargo in the Service of the hon[oura]ble the united Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies
Place: Caton, China
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 30 Nov 1772, probated 13 Oct 1774 and around the 12 Sep 1775
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Top] Canton in China November the 30th 1772
[Margin]: John Bradby
[Margin]: Blake Esq[uie]r

1    I John Bradby Blake
2    Supra Cargo in the Service of the Hon[oura]ble the united
3    Company of Merchants of England trading to the East
4    Indies do make this my last Will and Testament hereby
5    revoking a former Will made by me on the 13th day of
6    January 1767 or that that time and also the Codicil
7    thereunto annexed on or about the twenty first day of
8    December 1768 and left in the hands of my Father Also
9    hereby revoking and rendering null and void all and each
10    Will and Testament prior to the date of this present Writing
11    which I again declare to be my last Will and Testament
12    First I will and direct that all my just debts and Funeral
13    Expences be fully paid To my dear Sister Sally Hitchin Blake
14    I leave and bequeath One thousand pounds Sterling (£1000)
15    To my dear Sister Arabella Blake I leave and bequeath
16    one thousand pounds Sterling (£1000) To my dear Sister
17    Mary Tymewell Blake I leave and bequeath One thousand
18    pounds Sterling (£1000) the two first mentioned Legacies
19    to my dear Sisters Sally Hitchin Blake and Arabella Blake
20    I desire may be unto themselves respectively out of
21    the first monies that are or may be in the hands of my
22    Executor and Executrix after all just debts and discharges the
23    latter Legacy unto my dear Sister Mary Tymewell Blake to
24    be also paid in like manner unto my dear Father In Trust
25    for my said Sister until she attains the age of twenty one
26    years and in case of her death without Children before that
27    period I leave the said Legacy to be equally divided between
28    my abovementioned Sisters Sally Hitchin Blake and Arabella
29    Blake I give and bequeath to my honoured Father all my
30    Books Mathematical Instruments China paintings ChinaWare
31    Lacquer Ware and all Chinese Curiosities that I may have
32    actually purchased or sent to Europe Unless I have ordered
33    particular articles for particular persons and have specified
34    the same in Writing or otherways Except all Legacies that
35    may be annexed either to this Will or Codicils signed by me
    [Page 2]
36    of a later date than this my present Will and Testament
37    all which I direct may be first discharged the rest residue
38    and remainder of all my Estate and Effects whatsoever and
39    wheresoever both real and personal which I shall or may
40    be any ways seized possessed of interested in or intitled unto
41    at the time of my death I hereby order and direct may
42    be placed in Trust of any five persons whom my Father
43    John Blake my Mother Mary Blake my three Sisters viz
44    Sally Hitchin Blake Arabella Blake and Mary Tymewell
45    Blake may chuse to appoint each of them to appoint One
46    Trustee at their own pleasure and again respectively to
47    chuse another Trustee upon the death of the people q
48    appointed or upon their declining such Trust so that all may
49    have at all times a Trustee who is appointed
50    at the will and pleasure of each person respectively interested
51    in this Legacy This the Residue of my Estate to be either
52    placed in the public Funds Landed Estates Mortgages or in
53    any manner the majority of Trustees so appointed may think
54    proper and at their pleasure again changed renewed and
55    placed to Interest in what ever manner they may deem more
56    secure and for the General Interest of all parties concerned the
57    whole Interest or profits arising therefrom to be paid to my
58    honoured Father John Blake annually for his own use and
60    benefit during his Lifetime and in case of his death before
61    the death of my dear Mother the whole Interest or Profits
62    arising from this Trust to be paid in like manner to my said
63    dear Mother Mary Blake from the time of my Father’s death
64    during her own Life and at the death of both my Father
65    and Mother the aforementioned Capital vested in the hands
66    of the Trustees aforesaid being the Nett Residue and
67    Remainder of my Estate at the time of my death I will order
68    and direct may be by the aforesaid Trustees divided equally
69    share and share alike between my three Sisters before named
70    in this Will viz Sally Hitchin Blake Arabella Blake Mary
71    Tymewell Blake for their own use benefit and behoof
72    respectively and Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint
73    my honoured Father John Blake and my dear Sister Sally
74    Hitchin Blake Executor and Executrix of this my last Will
75    and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set
76    my hand and seal this thirtieth day of November in the year
77    of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy two at
78    Canton in China John Bradby Blake Signed sealed
79    published and declared by the Testator John Bradby Blake
80    as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of
81    us who in his presence and in the presence of each other
82    at his request have hereunto subscribed our Names as
83    Witnesses Will[ia]m Rous W[ilia]m Harrison Matt[he]w Raper Jun[io]r
84    Canton in China
85    The following particulars I mean as Codicils to a
86    Will
    [Page 3]
87    Will and Testament made by me at Canton in China dated
88    the        day of      Signed sealed and Witnessed the
89    original sent to Europe by hand the copy remaining among
90    my papers
91    1Imprimis To my Friend William Rous Esq[uie]r I leave
92    and bequeath one hundred pounds sterling (£100 Sterling)
93    Signed John Bradby Blake
94    2To my Friend William Harrison Esq[uie]r I leave and bequeath
95    one hundred pounds sterling (£100 Sterling) Signed John
96    Bradby Blake
97    3To my Friend Mr John Hogarth Surgeon and Apothecary
98    London I give and bequeath my Gold Watch made by Elliott
99    Signed John Bradby Blake
100    4To my Friend Thomas Bevan Esquire I leave and
101    bequeath my diamond Ring Signed John Bradby Blake
102    5To my Servant at the time of my death I leave and
103    bequeath all my Linnen and Wearing apparel subject however
104    to the Will and pleasure of William Harrison Esquire if he
105    does not think his behavior intitles him to them I leave
106    them to his option to give to such Servants in the Factory
107    or other persons whom he may think proper and moreover
108    should the said Mr Harrison think his behavior does entitle
109    him to a further remembrance I leave him Twenty pounds
110    Sterling if not this last Legacy to be null and void Signed
111    John Bradby Blake
112    This is a true and faithful Copy taken by me W[ilia]m
113    Harrison Canton Nov: 19th 1773
114    Oct[obe]r 12th 1774
115    Appeared personally John Blake of the parish of
116    Saint Margaret Westminster in the County of Middlesex
117    Esquire and made Oath that he is the natural and lawful
118    Father and one of the Executors named in the last Will and
119    Testament of John Bradby Blake Esquire late a Supra
120    Cargo in the Service of the Honorable the united Company
121    of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies at the
122    City of Canton in China a Batchelor deceased the said
123    original Will being now hereunto annexed and bearing date
124    the thirtieth day of November in the year of our Lord
    [Page 4]
125    Appeared personally John Blake of
126    the parish of St Margaret Westminster in the County of
127    Middlesex Esquire and Sally Hitchin Blake of the same parish
128    Spinster and being sworn upon the holy Evangelists to depose
129    the truth made Oath as follows to wit that they are the natural
130    and lawfull Father and Sister of John Bradby Blake late
131    Supercargo in the Service of the honourable the united
132    Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies
133    at the City of Canton in China Esquire deceased and that they
134    knew and were well acquainted with the manner and
135    character of handwriting and Subscription of the said deceased
136    having often seen him write and subscribe his Name and
137    having now viewed and carefully perused the paper Writing
138    hereunto annexed purporting to be and contain five Codicils or
139    Additions to the last Will and Testament of the said deceased
140    severally numbred 1 2 3 4 5 and respectively Subscribed John
141    Bradby Blake they these deponents say that they verily in
142    their Consciences believe the whole Series and Contents of this
143    said Paper Writing and the Names John Bradby Blake
144    appearing to be set and subscribed to each of the said Codicils
145    to be all of the proper handwriting and Subscription of the
146    said deceased Jno Blake Sally Hitchin Blake 8th September 1775
147    The said John Blake Esquire and Sally Hitchin Blake Spinster
148    were duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit before me
149    Geo: Harris Surrogate B[  ]t Jenner Not Publ

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