Monday, March 24, 2014

Will of Richard Blake, husbandman, Christchurch, Hampshire - Family Search Film 186695, Catalogue C-1148, number 24, probated 20 Feb 1558/59

The testator is Richard Blake, husbandman, of Christchurch. There are a number of wills for Blake at Christchurch and I shall complete them all before really commenting on them.

Richard identifies his wife as Margery and his brothers as William and Thomas. His estate is being split between his wife and Thomas to have one half and William to have the other half. Richard is the eldest as he inherited all of his father’s property (although this isn’t stated anywhere other than that he did inherit it). He states that he has children but does not identify them.

I transcribed Blake wills for Christchurch in 2012. One of which was for Henry Blake and dated 10 Jul 1594. There is a will for a William Blake, husbandman, 1585 which will be interesting to transcribe when I acquire it and will perhaps assist in understanding the Blake family at Christchurch.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Mar 2014
Source: Family Search Film 186695, Catalogue C-1148, number 24
Testator: Richerd Blake, husbandman
Place: Christchurch, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 3 Feb 1558/59, probated 20 Feb 1558/59
Condition: 16h century English, legible copy

[Wrapper]: T[estament] Richerd Blake de Christchurch 1558

1    In the name of god amen the iij th day of February yn the yere of o[u]r lorde 1559 I Richerd Blake
2    of the p[ar]ishe of christchurche husbandman beyng sicke of bodie (but god be thancked) hole of mynde and
3    memorie do make this my last will conteynyng my testament In suche a[  ]re and forme as hereofe
4    doth folowe Fyrst I bequesse my soule to almightie god o[u]r lady saynt mary and unto all the
5    blessyd company yn heven and my bodie to be buridd withyn the church yearde of the p[ar]ishe
6    aforesaid It[em] I bequesse to my mother churche of wynt[on] vij d and unto my p[ar]she churche one pense
7    and I bequesse to my brother William blake my carte and all my horse bestes and lede And all
8    the howsholde stufe that was my fathers It[em] I geve and bequesse to my wyffe all suche howshold
9    stufe as she ___ hir to me It[e]m I bequesse to each of my children v shepe to willia[m] sanders
10    v shepe and to Richerd Curtes a shepe It[em] I geve and bequesse to __ele ballie a shepe and to
11    Gerry garwoke a shepe bullock of too yeres age
12    The Residewe of my goods bothe moveable and unmoveable I geve and bequesse to
13    Margery my wyffe and William and Thomas my brothers _____ _______ executori
14    that are to say my brother William to have the one half and my wyffe and my brother
15    Thomas the other halfe betwixt them And I make William sanders and alexander curtes
16    myn ov[er]seers gevyng to eche of them for there labors askyng yn that behalf a shepe apece
17    S[y]r William wylson Richard esquier and Thomas more recording the same
18    Probatum fuit humoi testamentum coram mro Robertus
19    Raynolds vichi generali apud winton xx
20    die februarie 1558 p ……….
23    The Invitorie of all the goods chatalles
24    late Richerd blake of the p[ar]ishe of Christ[church]
25    prysed by William sander alexander
26    curtes and William wyst
27    In primis the stufe yn the chamber    xiij s iiij d   
28    It[e]m iij pans iij kettellis and two crookears    xiij s iiij d   
29    It[e]m iij platers v potyngers one saucer and too candelstickes    ij s viij d   
30    It[e]m all the ledden vessellis    ij s
31    It[e]m the hay in the barne    v s
32    It[e]m vij horse bestes a carte a plowe with there farnisings    v l
33    It[e]m iiij eyew    iiij l   
34    It[e] v kyne    lv s   
35    It[e]m iiij bests of too yeres age    xxvj s viij d   
36    It[e]m iij calvs    vj s viij d   
37    It[e]m xl shepe    vj l
38    It[e]m viij hogie    xij s iiij d   
39    It[e]m the grayne yn the barne    iij l   
40    It[e]m ij acrs of whet and iij acres of corn    xl j s viij d   
41    It[e]m the wode    vj s viij d   
43    Sume tot[al]     xxlij l xij s   

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