Saturday, May 17, 2014

Will of Robert Blake, gentleman, Bedminster, Bristol, Gloucestershire - The National Archives PROB 11/2094/89, probated 5 Jun 1849

Robert Blake is the testator. He names his brothers as George Blake, John Blake and Richard Blake. His children are Charles Blake and Mary Anne Blake. His wife is Gwina Blake.

Marriage of Robert Blake to Gwenna/Gwinna Morgan 24 Mar 1799/14 Apr 1799 at Bristol (both dates are listed in Family Search). Baptism of Charles son of Robert and Gwina Blake 14 July 1811 at Bristol. Baptism of George Blake 19 Nov 1809 son of Robert and Gwina Blake. Baptism of James Blake 12 Apr 1807 son of Robert and Gwina Blake (All C01716-7 Family Search). Plus a son Robert

and Family Search has his birth as 5 Nov 1799 and his baptism 29 Sep 1805 at Bristol, Gloucestershire (C0171607, Item 4).

Robert mentions his property at Bicknoller and there was a will left by Joan Blake, widow, 1828 at Bicknoller listed in the Somerset Wills (B747, box/folio 73/750). This will likely destroyed in the bombing of the Exeter Record Office during WWII. Mentioning the Bicknoller area does bring one to think whether this is a collateral line to Admiral Robert Blake.

Going to the parish Records for Bicknoller found in the following blog and taken from Martin Southwood’s excellent site and blogged:

The marriage of Richard Blake of Stogumber and Joan Gardner 3 Feb 1777 and the baptism of their children Robert 26 May 1779, Richard 22 May 1782, John 18 Nov 1784, George 14 Jan 1788 (all mentioned in Robert’s will). There are several other children that are perhaps children of this couple mentioned on the webpage.

Richard Blake (father) was perhaps buried 27 Jun 1798 and Joan Blake, age 74, buried 19 Mar 1828 which would jive with the will mentioned above for a Joan Blake, widow.

On the 1851 census at 3 Fenland Cottage, Mary Ann Blake, head, single, 48, Proprietor, born at Brisol; Gwina Blake, mother, widow, 74, Annuitant, born at Glamorganshire, Wales; Edwina Maria Blake, niece, unmarried, 12, scholar, born at London; Robert Charles Blake, nephew, unmarried, 8 years, scholar, born at London. There is also a visitor perhaps Mary Williams, 59, widow, dress maker, born in Bristol.

On the 1861 census Mary Ann has married Thomas Hickling and she is 57 years of age. Her mother Gwinna Blake is still living and is 87 years of age, an annuitant, born at Glamorganshire Petynt; also living there Mary Ann Blake, niece, 23, unmarried, a milliner born at Bedminster; Mary Ann Blake, niece, 10 years, scholar, born at Bethnal Green, Middlesex; and Elizabeth Blake, niece, 8, scholar, born at Clifton, Gloucestershire. They are living at 7 Duke Street.

The marriage of Mary Ann Blake and Thomas Hickling 30 Jul 1859 at St Andrews Clifton, Gloucestershire. Thomas the son of John Hickling and Mary Ann the daughter of Robert Blake. Thomas was widowed.

I found the baptism of Mary Ann Blake, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Blake at St Matthias Bethnal Green, Tower Hamlets 6 Apr 1851. Baptized just one week later James Blake son of Charles and Elizabeth Blake but he was 4 years of age in 1851.

I found George Blake at Bicknoller on the 1851 census. He is actually living next door to John and Amelia Siderfin (3rd cousins several time removed of mine). At this time he is a widower, 64 years of age and living with him his daughter Mary 26 and Sarah J 24. George and his daughter Mary were born at Stogumber and the younger daughter Sarah born at Bicknoller.

Trying to take this family back, could they be descendants of Richard Blake and Ann Jessop who married 30 Nov 1643 at Kilve and had two sons John and Richard. These families have not been traced down in the Portbury records for the collateral lines of Admiral Robert Blake.

I did transcribe the will of Richard Blake married to Ann Jessop:

Perhaps later wills will clear up the mystery of the ancestry of this Robert Blake.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 9 May 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/2094/89
Testator:  Robert Blake, gentleman
Place: Bedminster, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 16 Sep 1848, probated 5 Jun 1849
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Robert
[Margin]: Blake
[Margin]: 22

1    This is the Last Will and Testament
2    of me Robert Blake of Number 12 Barford Place in the parish of Bedminster
3    in the City and County of Bristol Gentleman I direct that my debts funeral and
4    also testamentary expences be fully paid and satisfied by my Executors herein
5    after named with all convenient speed after my decease I give and bequeath
6    unto my Brothers George Blake John Blake and Richard Blake the sum
7    of five pounds each to procure mourning I give and devise all that my
8    messuage or dwelling house situate and being Number 19 Wellington Street
9    in the parish of Bedminster in the said City and County of Bristol with the
10    right members and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto my Son Charles
11    Blake his heirs and assigns for ever I give devise and bequeath unto my
12    daughter Mary Ann Blake and my friend Charles Getchell of Bicknoller
13    near Taunton in the County of Somerset Farmer their heirs and assigns
14    all those my two messuages or dwellinghouses called of known by the
15    names of Freeland Villa and Freeland House situate at the Hotwells in
16    the parish of Clifton in the said City of Bristol Upon the trusts neverthe-
17    less and to and for the intents and purposes and with under and subject
18    to the powers provisoes declarations and directions hereinafter mentioned
19    expressed declared and contained of and concerning the same that is to
20    say Upon trust that they the said Mary Ann Blake and Charles Getchell
21    and the survivor of them and the heirs executors administrators and
22    assigns of such survivor do and shall from time to time by with and out of
23    the rents issues and profits of the said messuages or dwellinghouses pay unto
24    my Wife Gwina Blake one annuity or yearly sum of Fifteen pounds
25    of lawful money of Great Britain and Ireland by equal quarterly pay-
26    ments that is to say on the twenty fifth day of March the twenty fourth
27    day of June the twenty ninth day of September and the twenty fifth
28    day of December the first quarterly payment to begin and be made on such
29    of the said days as shall first happen after my decease And I
30    also unto my said son Charles Blake One Annuity or yearly sum
31    of fifteen pounds of like lawful money to be paid as aforesaid and I
32    direct the said annual sum hereinbefore given to my said Wife
33    be for her separate use and benefit And that the receipts of the said
34    Annuitants shall be good and effectual discharges for the same And
35    in case the said two messuages or dwellinghouses should through
36    being void or otherwise not produce a sufficient amount to pay the
37    said Annuities Then I direct my said daughter Mary Ann Blake
38    to pay the deficiency out of her own proper monies And I further
39    declare that any sale mortgage charge or disposition in the way of
40    authorization which either of the said Annuitants shall make or
41    attempt or agree to make of the said Annuities or if either of them
42    shall at time become Bankrupt or take the benefit of any Act of
43    Parliament for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors Then and in any of
44    the said cases the said annual sum shall cease determine and be
45    void and shall sink into and become part of the residue of my real
46    and personal estate And I hereby declare that if the said Mary Ann
47    Blake and Charles Getchell or the survivor of them or the heirs
48    executors or administrators of such survivor shall at any time
49    invest upon real or government securities a sufficient sum the
50    interest whereof shall be adequate to pay the said Annuities and
51    declare the trusts thereof accordingly Then and in that case the
52    said annual sum for which the same shall be respectively
53    expressed to be in satisfaction shall be no longer a charge on
54    my said two messuages or dwellinghouses called or known by
55    the names of Freeland Villa and Freeland House And I do
56    hereby expressly declare my mind and will to be that the provision
57    hereinbefore made to or for the receipt of my said Wife shall be accepted
58    and taken in lieu clear and full satisfaction of all such soever and whether
60    at the Common Law or by Custom or otherwise as she my said Wife
61    may have wherein claimed or demanded in upon or out of all or any of the
    [Page 2]
62    the said messuages lands tenaments and hereditaments whereof during the
63    coverture between us I have been now am or hereafter may be seized for any
64    estate or freehold or inheritance And I direct that my said Wife do and shall
65    accordingly within six calendar months after my decease at the expence of
66    my estate make an effectual release in the law to my said trustees or the
67    survivor of them or the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such
68    survivor as by them her or him or their her or his counsel in the law
69    shall be reasonably required of all such Dower or thirds and claim of
70    dower and Thirds And in case my said Wife shall demure or refuse to make
71    and execute such release of dower then I do hereby declare that the Annuity
72    hereinbefore given as a provision for my said Wife shall be absolutely
73    null and void That as to all the Rest Residue and Remainder of
74    my Real and Personal Estate of what nature sort kind or denomi-
75    nation soever and whether Freehold Leasehold or Copyhold and all
76    monies and securities for money by Mortgage or otherwise I give devise
77    and bequeath the same unto my dear daughter Mary Ann Blake her
78    heirs executors administrators and assigns And it is my Will and I direct
79    that my brother George Blake shall if he is so willing continue to
80    reside in my Estate at Bicknoller aforesaid at the present rental provided
81    the rent be paid half yearly and whenever the same is due and payable
82    and that he keeps the premises and land in good repair and condition
83    and does not commit any waste I give devise and bequeath all the
84    estates which are vested in me as mortgagee unto my said daughter
85    Mary Ann Blake her heirs executors administrators and assigns accord-
86    ing to the nature and quality thereof respectively (but subject to the
87    equities of redemption affecting the same and on payment of the
88    principal monies interest and costs secured thereon to recovery reassign and
89    resecure the same estates to the persons entitled thereto Provided always
90    and I declare that if the trustees appointed by this my Will or to be appointed
91    as hereinafter is mentioned or any of them or their or any of their heirs
92    executors administrators and assigns shall happen to die or shall discontinue
93    or be desirous of being discharged from or fuse or seizure or be incapable
94    to accept or to act in the trusts hereby in them respectively reposed as afores-
95    aid before the said trusts shall be fully executed then and in such case
96    and when and so often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful
97    for the surviving or continuing trustee by Deed or Instrument in writing
98    executed in the presence of an attested by two witnesses from time to time
99    to appoint any fit and proper person or persons to occupy the place of
100    the trustee or trustees so dying disclaiming or desiring to be discharged
101    or refusing declining or becoming incapable to accept the said trusts or to
102    act as aforesaid And when and so often as any new trustee or trustees
103    shall be nominated and appointed as aforesaid all the trust estates monies
104    and premises the trustee or trustees whereof shall so die disclaim or desire
105    to be discharged  or refuse or decline or become incapable to accept the said
106    trusts or to act as aforesaid shall be thereupon with all convenient speed
107    conveyed assigned and transferred in such sort and manner and so as that
108    the same shall and may be legally and effectually vested in the person
109    or persons so to be appointed as aforesaid Either solely or jointly with
110    the surviving or continuing trustee or trustees as occasion shall require
111    to the uses upon the trusts and for the purposes hereinbefore expressed
112    and declared of and concerning the said trust estates monies and prem-
113    ises or such of them as shall be then subsisting undetermined and
114    capable of taking effect and the person or persons so to be appointed
115    as aforesaid shall have all the powers and authorities of the trustee
116    or trustees in whose room he or they shall be substituted or appointed
    [Page 3]
117    provided always And I do hereby declare that if the said two several messuages
118    called or known by the names of Freeland Villa and Freeland House therein
119    before devised or either of them shall become untenanted it shall be
120    lawful for the said Mary Ann Blake and Charles Getchell or the survivor
121    of them or the heirs or assigns of such survivor by Deed or Demise to lease
122    the premises which shall for the time being be untenanted to any person
123    or persons whomsoever for any term or number of years not exceeding seven
124    years to be computed from the making thereof so that there be contained in every such
125    Lease or Demise a condition for reentry on nonpayment of the rent or tents thereby
126    reserved for the space of twenty one days next after the same shall become
127    payable And so that the Lesee named therein do thereby covenant for payment
128    of the said rent and do execute a Counterpart thereof provided also and I do
129    hereby further Will and declare that neither of the Trustees hereby appointed
130    nor any Trustee or Trustees to be hereafter appointed by virtue of the
131    provision hereinbefore contained shall be charged or chargeable with
132    or for any sum or sums of money other than what they shall respectively
133    actually receive by virtue of the Trusts in them hereby reposed notwithstand-
134    ing they or any of them shall join in any receipt for the sake of conformity
135    And that one of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the
136    other of them of for the acts receipts neglects or defaults of the other of
137    them but each only for his her or their own acts receipts neglects and defaults
138    And also that it shall be lawful for them with and out of the monies
139    which shall come to their respective hands by virtue of the trusts afore-
140    said to retain to and reimburse himself herself and themselves respectively
141    and so allow to his her or their Co Trustee or Co Trustees all such costs
142    charges or expences as they or any of them shall of may respectively
143    sustain expend or be put unto in or about the execution of the trusts
144    them hereby reposed or in anywise relating thereto And hereby revoking
145    all wills by me at any time heretofore made I do hereby declare this to be
146    my last Will and Testament and appoint the said Mary Ann Blake and
147    Charles Getchell Executrix and Executor thereof In witness whereof
148    I the said Robert Blake the Testator have to this my last Will and
149    Testament contained in this and the four preceeding sheets of paper set
150    my hand this sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one
151    thousand eight hundred and forty eight Robert Blake Signed
152    and declared by the above named Robert Blake the Testator as and for
153    his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present as the same
154    time who have at his request and in his presence and in the presence
155    of each other subscribed our names as witnesses James Geo Hobbs
156    Solicitor Bristol Joseph Allchurch 10 Somerset Place ______ Banker
157    Proved at London 5th June 1849 before the Judge by the Oaths
158    Mary Ann Blake Spinster the daughter and Charles Gatchell in the Will
159    written Getchell the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been
160    first sworn by Common duly to administer

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