Friday, July 25, 2014

Will of George Blake of Jackbarrows, Duntisbourne Abbots, Gloucestershire -

This will for George Blake of Jackbarrows in the parish of Duntisbourne Abbots helps tie together the last will with this one. Elizabeth Blake was listed as the mother of William Blake of Duntisbourne Abbots. There is a William Blake at Jackbarrow Farm, Duntisborne Abbots, farmer, born circa 1784 on the 1851 census and at Shipton Moyne. I had to correct my previous post as I appear to have pulled up a different census then I recorded. George Blake mentions his children the eldest possibly William who is also his executor, his son George, his son John and his daughter Eleanor Howell wife of Harry Howell.

Is George the husband of Elizabeth Blake whose will was administered by William Blake? It would appear so but will leave it at that for the moment. There are more wills to come for this family.

Jackbarrow Farmhouse still exists as a Grade II listed building:

I did find a Harry and Elenor Howell on the 1851 census at Ashton Keynes. She was 60 years of age so born circa 1791. Living with them an unmarried daughter Ellen 21 years and two granddaughters Elizabeth Howell 6 (born at Cirencester) and Elenor Day 8 years (born at Avening). This Elinor though is born in Wiltshire at Shipton Main. The same family on the 1841 census at Coates with son Henry 12 and daughter Helen 10. Interestingly Duntisbourne Abbots is only 10 miles from Ashton Keynes. Shipton Moyne only 11 miles from Ashton Keynes. Duntisbourne Abbots is 13 miles from Shipton Moyne.

A little sleuthing brought up the marriage of Eleanor Blake and Harry Howell at Duntisbourne Abbots Ml from Boyd’s Marriage Index in 1813. I will check the Society of Genealogists site as I am a member to see if there is any more information for this marriage. No further details but the information from the census does point to this being the correct family. Plus William was also born at Shipton Moyne.

On the 1851 Census William is listed as a farmer with 550 acres. His wife was Ann 65 years of age. Their niece Hannah Hale is with them (16 years of age born same place as Ann, Berkley) and a cousin William Moss (widower, 28 years of age) born at Shipton. It is the 1841 census that has William Blake living at Duntisbourne Abbots 55 years of age and an Eliza Blake 35 years of age. His marriage to Ann was perhaps after the census was taken in 1841. There was an Elizabeth Blake who died in Cirencester RD sep quarter 1841. There was a marriage at Cirencester mar quarter 1843 of a William Blake and Ann Perkins is one of the names listed.

Looking at family search I did find a baptism for a George Blake 7 Jan 1788 at Shipton Moyne son of George and Sarah Blake. Was Elizabeth his second wife? There was a marriage of George Blake to Sarah Hillier in 1781 at Shipton Moyne from the Society of Genealogists website.

Pages 2, 3, and 4 were downloaded from Ancestry and two of them have been transcribed below. They do not add to the description of this will except that William Blake, son of George, was infirm. I did not transcribe the 4th page because it is just a form for establishing the rector of the parish of Duntisborne Abbots as Commissioner and permitted to swear in William Blake to fulfil the will as written.

This replaces the blog of the earlier will:

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 29 Jun 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  George Blake
Place: Jackbarrows, Duntisbourne Abbots, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document:23 Apr 1832, probated: 17 Jan 1834
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

1    This is the last Will and Testament of me
2    George Blake of Jackbarrows in the Parish of
3    Dunsborne Abbotts in the County of Gloucester Yeoman
4    I give and bequeath to my Son George Blake the
5    sum of Three hundred Pounds to my Son John Blake the
6    sum of Two hundred Pounds and to my daughter Eleanor
7    Howell Wife of Harry Howell the sum of One hundred
8    Pounds. All the Residue and Remainder of my Property
9    Estate and Effects of what nature and kind soever I
10    give and bequeath unto my Son William Blake for
11    his own absolute Use and Benefit And I appoint the
12    said William Blake sole Executor of this my Will and
13    I hereby revoke all former Wills by me made In Witness
14    whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
15    Twenty third day of April One thousand eight hundred
16    and thirty two
17    Signed Sealed Published and Declared
18    by the said Testator George Blake as
19    and for his last Will and Testament
20    in the presence of us who in his
21    presence at his request and in the
22    presence of each other have hereunto
23    set our Names as Witnesses
24    James Sturns (?)
25    Will[ia]m Viner
26    Tho[ma]s White
27    George Blake
    [Page 2]
28    Know all Men by these Presents that I William
29    Blake of Jackbarrows in the Parish of Dunsborne
30    Abbotts in the County and Ciocese of Gloucester Yeoman do
31    hereby nominate Constitute and Appoint John Burrup of the
32    City of Gloucester Gentleman one of the Proctors exercent in
33    the Consistory Court of the Dioceses of Gloucester, my Proctor
34    for me and in my name to appear before Edward Thomas
35    March Phillipps, Clerk, Master of Arts Vicar General in
36    Spirituals of the Right Reverend Father in God James Henry
37    by Divine Permission Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester
38    and of his Episcopal Consistory Official principal lawfully
39    constituted, his Surrogate or other Competent Judge in that
40    behalf to pray that a Commission may issue under the Seal
41    of the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Gloucester to sweare me
42    as Executor of George Blake late of Jackbarrows in the
43    Parish of Dunsborne Abbotts in the County and Diocese of
44    Gloucester Yeoman who departed this life on or about the
45    Seventh day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand
46    eight hundred and thirty three, the, Estate and Effects of the said
47    deceased being under the value of Two thousand Pounds.
48    Given under my Hand and Seal this thirteenth day of
49    January in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred
50    and thirty four
51    William Blake
52    Signed Sealed and Delivered
53    in the presence of
54    Jams Stevens
55    Gel: White
56    17 January 1834
57    Exhibited before me
58    Edw Maddy
60    Principal Surrogate
    Page 3
61    Friday the 17th day of January in the year
62    of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty four
63    Before Edwin Maddy Master of Arts principal
64    Surrogate and Judge of the Episcopal Consistory Court
65    of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Gloucester present
66    the Notary public under written
67    In a Business of granting
68    or refusing Commission to swear
69    William Blake of Jackbarrows in
70    the parish of Dunsborne Abbotts
71    in the County and Diocese of
72    Gloucester Yeoman as Executor
73    of the last Will and Testament
74    of George Blake late of Jackbarrows
75    aforesaid Yeoman deceased
76    On which day Burrup as the
77    lawful proctor of the said William
78    Blake exhibited his proxy and
79    alleged that the said George Blake
80    made and published his last Will
81    and Testament in writing and
82    thereof appointed his Son the
83    said William Blake Executor
84    and departed this life on or
85    about the seventy day of April in the
86    year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred
87    and thirty three without having revoked the same
88    and leaving Goods Chattels, rights and Credits within the
89    Diocese of Gloucester but not elsewhere within the province of
90    Canterbury And the proctor aforesaid further alleged that the said
91    William Blake was too infirm to attend to be sworn to the validity
92    of the said Will and the amount of Effects And therefore the proctor
93    aforesaid prayed that a Commission be decreed to issue directes
94    in the usual way to swear the said William Blake as such
95    Executor as aforesaid
96    Burrup _____
97    ______ _____
98    Edw Maddy
99    Principal Surrogate

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